
First day of Tunisian vote mired in irregularities

Oct 25 2014
Tunisia Live

Civil society groups observing Tunisia’s legislative elections abroad have heavily criticized the Independent High Authority for Elections (French: ISIE) for voting irregularities. Just one day after the polling stations opened there were widespread complaints regarding access to polling stations and voters’ presence on voting lists. Tunisians living overseas started voting for the the country’s legislative elections on October 24 and will be voting until Sunday 26.

Bilan de l’assaut de la maison de Oued Ellil : 6 morts dont 5 femmes, un enfant blessé

Oct 24 2014
Business News Tunis

L’assaut sur la maison des terroristes à Oued Ellil a été donné le 24 octobre 2014 aux environs de 10 heures du matin.

Les forces de l’ordre ont surpris les terroristes alors qu’ils étaient en négociation avec eux en utilisant des gazs lacrymogènes et des grenades assourdissantes. Un premier bilan fait état d’un mort et de la blessure grave d’un enfant. Un des terroristes retranchés à été tué lors de l’assaut alors qu’un autre a été capturé. Quant aux femmes présentes sur place, elles se seraient rendues aux forces de l’ordre sans résistance.

Législatives 2014 : Le feuilleton des défaillances à l’étranger se poursuit

Oct 24 2014
Business News Tunis

Les témoignages d’électeurs tunisiens résidant à l’étranger quant aux défaillances relevées au premier jour de vote pour les législatives se multiplient, en ce vendredi 24 octobre 2014. Les contestations fusent de toutes les régions du monde où la diaspora tunisienne a rencontré des difficultés, allant jusqu’à l’impossibilité de voter.

Tunisians Can’t be Bought: Video Raises Awareness about Vote Buying

Oct 23 2014
Tunisia Live

Independent election watchdog ATIDE, addressed voters through a video to raise awareness of the consequences of vote buying and its impact on the integrity of the electoral process.

“Who buys your vote and pays you a dinar, tomorrow will take your livelihood with two million dinars. Who buys your vote is a thief, a cheater, a traitor. He doesn’t care about you, about Tunisia, about the children’s dreams. He doesn’t care about the blood of martyrs. He will take your vote and leave you behind.”

Serbian Party Outlines Bosnian Coalition Plan

Oct 22 2014
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Balkan Insight

The main party representing Serbs in Bosnia, the Alliance of Independent Social Democrats, SNSD, has called on the country's largest Bosniak party, the Party of Democratic Action, SDA, and the Croatian Democratic Union, HDZ, to start talks on forming a government.

Igor Radojicic of the SNSD said on Tuesday that the SDA and HDZ should be talking with his party about the formation of a new Council of Ministers, as the executive is called in Bosnia and Herzegovina - and there was no time to waste.

Electoral reforms: Panel to dig through over 1,000 proposals

Oct 21 2014
The Express Tribune

Parliamentary panel on electoral reforms has finally done a substantial work and compiled a total of 1,283 recommendations, presented by different stakeholders to revamp the electoral system of the country.

During a meeting on Monday, the panel – a 33-member bipartisan Parliamentary Committee on Electoral Reforms – also constituted an eleven-member sub-committee to vet these proposals – received from close to a dozen organisations.

Tunisiens en France. Les élections législatives compromises

Oct 21 2014
La Presse

Des associations tunisiennes dénoncent des «anomalies» dans l’organisation des élections à l’étranger
Des organisations et des associations activistes en France ont dénoncé, hier, les «anomalies» qui compromettent, selon elles, l’organisation du processus électoral à l’étranger, exprimant des  appréhensions quant à la mauvaise répartition des membres de bureau de vote et à l’impartialité de certains.

Rock Star or Politician as Jokowi Takes Presidency

Oct 21 2014
The Jakarta Globe

He could have easily forgotten for a moment that he is a newly inaugurated president, not a rock star. Or probably he was just enthusiastic and euphoric, like the huge crowd around him, when he ran back and forth along the rectangular stage as a rock star would in a concert, during one of many celebrations of his presidential inauguration in Jakarta on Monday.

Joko Widodo, a self-proclaimed fan of heavy metal, is officially Indonesia’s seventh president after his inauguration during a plenary session of the People’s Consultative Assembly, or MPR, on Monday morning.

Provincial election results still not announced

Oct 20 2014
Tolo News

The results of the provincial council elections have still not been announced despite a four-month delay in the announcement.

Candidates, who have continuously criticized the dragging delay, are starting to lose hope about the likelihood of an announcement any time soon.

"We ask the election commissions to announce the final results as soon as possible so that people's concerns come to end," one of the candidates Rahimullah Mujahid said.

Tunisie : Le Quartet se réunit avec Chafik Sarsar

Oct 20 2014
Tunisie Numerique

Le Dialogue national reprendra aujourrd’hui ses séances. Une réunion est prévue ce lundi entre  le Quartet représenté par l’UGTT, l’UTICA, la LTDH  ainsi que  l’Ordre des avocats et le président de l’ISIE, Chafik Sarsar.

Cette réunion sera consacrée à l’examen des préparatifs aux élections en Tunisie et à l’étranger ainsi qu’aux dépassements enregistrés depuis le début de la campagne électorale, a affirmé ce matin sur les ondes d’Express Fm le porte-parole du Dialogue, Mohamed Fadhel Mahfoudh.

Provincial election results still not announced

Oct 19 2014
Tolo News

The results of the provincial council elections have still not been announced despite a four-month delay in the announcement.

Candidates, who have continuously criticized the dragging delay, are starting to lose hope about the likelihood of an announcement any time soon.

"We ask the election commissions to announce the final results as soon as possible so that people's concerns come to end," one of the candidates Rahimullah Mujahid said.
