Shootings in Oued Ellil and Kebili kill one civilian, one police officer

Tunisia Live
Publication date: 
Oct 23 2014


Gunfire was exchanged this morning between militants and security forces resulting in the death of one security officer, Achraf ben Aziz, and the injury of another in the town of Oued Ellil in the Manouba Governorate, roughly 5 km west of Tunis.

Ministry of the Interior spokesperson Mohammed Aroui announced in a press conference today that following the firefight, security forces have besieged the home of the shooters, where a stalemate is ongoing. Aroui reported that security forces are negotiating with the suspected terrorists to surrender as there are women and children in the house, but they have so far refused. According to the Ministry’s statement, there are more than two men in the house, along with their wives and children.

The Oued Ellil shooting followed an operation earlier in the day in the southern city of Kebili, west of Gabes and near Douz, during which a civilian was killed, 55-year old Salah Nsairi. Security forces arrested the two men involved, Gbeli Hechmi Medeni and Mabrouk Ben Salem, and later apprehended a third (name undisclosed), all of which have been active in terrorist operations. The shooters were found with two Kalashnikov rifles and 180 bullets in their car, all of which were confiscated by the police. The men were then questioned by police and confessed to the existence of another terrorist cell in Oued Ellil, the site of today’s second shooting.

Oued Ellil is a popular suburb just outside of Tunis with a population of roughly 50,000 people. To date, the area is not heavily associated with militant activity or organized crime.

Despite security concerns, Islamist party Ennahdha will be holding a planned campaign rally in Oued Ellil today at 6:30 pm. The rally will be led by Ali Laarayedh, former minister of the interior and current Secretary General of Ennahdha. Laarayedh outlawed militant Islamist group Ansar al Sharia in 2013, and is a particularly hated figure by the group, who is suspected to be involved in recent violent activity targeting security forces and political figures in the lead-up to Tunisia’s 2014 elections.

During today’s press conference, Aroui reiterated the national security forces’ readiness for the upcoming elections, saying, “No one can threaten the elections.”

“We have escalated the preemptive operations to secure the elections. We want to send a reassuring message to Tunisians: our security forces are ready,” Aroui asserted.

The government has mobilized 80,000 security forces, including the army, national guard, police officers, and civil defense apparatus.

Natasha Turak




Gunfire was exchanged this morning between militants and security forces resulting in the death of one security officer, Achraf ben Aziz, and the injury of another in the town of Oued Ellil in the Manouba Governorate, roughly 5 km west of Tunis.

Ministry of the Interior spokesperson Mohammed Aroui announced in a press conference today that following the firefight, security forces have besieged the home of the shooters, where a stalemate is ongoing. Aroui reported that security forces are negotiating with the suspected terrorists to surrender as there are women and children in the house, but they have so far refused. According to the Ministry’s statement, there are more than two men in the house, along with their wives and children.

The Oued Ellil shooting followed an operation earlier in the day in the southern city of Kebili, west of Gabes and near Douz, during which a civilian was killed, 55-year old Salah Nsairi. Security forces arrested the two men involved, Gbeli Hechmi Medeni and Mabrouk Ben Salem, and later apprehended a third (name undisclosed), all of which have been active in terrorist operations. The shooters were found with two Kalashnikov rifles and 180 bullets in their car, all of which were confiscated by the police. The men were then questioned by police and confessed to the existence of another terrorist cell in Oued Ellil, the site of today’s second shooting.

Oued Ellil is a popular suburb just outside of Tunis with a population of roughly 50,000 people. To date, the area is not heavily associated with militant activity or organized crime.

Despite security concerns, Islamist party Ennahdha will be holding a planned campaign rally in Oued Ellil today at 6:30 pm. The rally will be led by Ali Laarayedh, former minister of the interior and current Secretary General of Ennahdha. Laarayedh outlawed militant Islamist group Ansar al Sharia in 2013, and is a particularly hated figure by the group, who is suspected to be involved in recent violent activity targeting security forces and political figures in the lead-up to Tunisia’s 2014 elections.

During today’s press conference, Aroui reiterated the national security forces’ readiness for the upcoming elections, saying, “No one can threaten the elections.”

“We have escalated the preemptive operations to secure the elections. We want to send a reassuring message to Tunisians: our security forces are ready,” Aroui asserted.

The government has mobilized 80,000 security forces, including the army, national guard, police officers, and civil defense apparatus.

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Gunfire was exchanged this morning between militants and security forces resulting in the death of one security officer, Achraf ben Aziz, and the injury of another in the town of Oued Ellil in the Manouba Governorate, roughly 5 km west of Tunis.

Ministry of the Interior spokesperson Mohammed Aroui announced in a press conference today that following the firefight, security forces have besieged the home of the shooters, where a stalemate is ongoing. Aroui reported that security forces are negotiating with the suspected terrorists to surrender as there are women and children in the house, but they have so far refused. According to the Ministry’s statement, there are more than two men in the house, along with their wives and children.

The Oued Ellil shooting followed an operation earlier in the day in the southern city of Kebili, west of Gabes and near Douz, during which a civilian was killed, 55-year old Salah Nsairi. Security forces arrested the two men involved, Gbeli Hechmi Medeni and Mabrouk Ben Salem, and later apprehended a third (name undisclosed), all of which have been active in terrorist operations. The shooters were found with two Kalashnikov rifles and 180 bullets in their car, all of which were confiscated by the police. The men were then questioned by police and confessed to the existence of another terrorist cell in Oued Ellil, the site of today’s second shooting.

Oued Ellil is a popular suburb just outside of Tunis with a population of roughly 50,000 people. To date, the area is not heavily associated with militant activity or organized crime.

Despite security concerns, Islamist party Ennahdha will be holding a planned campaign rally in Oued Ellil today at 6:30 pm. The rally will be led by Ali Laarayedh, former minister of the interior and current Secretary General of Ennahdha. Laarayedh outlawed militant Islamist group Ansar al Sharia in 2013, and is a particularly hated figure by the group, who is suspected to be involved in recent violent activity targeting security forces and political figures in the lead-up to Tunisia’s 2014 elections.

During today’s press conference, Aroui reiterated the national security forces’ readiness for the upcoming elections, saying, “No one can threaten the elections.”

“We have escalated the preemptive operations to secure the elections. We want to send a reassuring message to Tunisians: our security forces are ready,” Aroui asserted.

The government has mobilized 80,000 security forces, including the army, national guard, police officers, and civil defense apparatus.

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