
Afghan vote audit delayed over disagreement

Aug 02 2014
Al Jazeera

Attempts to resume the audit of Afghanistan's presidential election have stalled as candidate Abdullah Abdullah disagreed over the criteria to address alleged fraud in the June run-off election.

Abdullah and rival Ashraf Ghani agreed to the inspection of all 8.1 million ballots cast in the June 14 poll in a deal brokered by US Secretary of State John Kerry. However, the recount has since faced several suspensions as the candidates sparred over how to disqualify ballots.

Mistrust galore as Afghans eye unity rule

Jul 28 2014
Al Jazeera

Kabul, Afghanistan - The military airport in the Afghan capital is busy, as shipments of ballot boxes from across the country arrive to be audited after top presidential candidates agreed for recount of votes amid allegations of fraud. 

The Independent Election Commissions of Afghanistan (IEC), along with international and domestic observers and party representatives have begun the tedious task of filtering through all the 8.1 million ballots, searching for any irregularities that could be counted as fraudulent votes.

UN Says Candidates Support Proposal

Jul 27 2014
Tolo News

The United Nations (UN) reported that both presidential candidates signaled their support on Saturday for the UN's proposed invalidation criteria for the vote auditing process.

The UN office in Kabul said that the organization was notified by both candidates and now expects the audit process to move forward without further delay. The UN had previously submitted the proposal to the Independent Election Commission (IEC) without approval from the candidates and the commission said the auditing process would need to be put on hold until they could reach agreement.

Prabowo Files Challenge to Election Result at Constitutional Court

Jul 25 2014
The Jakarta Globe

The ex-general who lost Indonesia’s presidential election to Jakarta governor Joko Widodo mounted a legal challenge to the result on Friday, alleging widespread electoral fraud and irregularities in vote counting.

Prabowo Subianto claims that massive fraud tipped the scales in Joko’s favor, but his challenge is directed at the elections commission, in part for failing to investigate all allegations of cheating, according to a spokesman.

Vote audit resumed after 48 hours suspension

Jul 24 2014
Pajhwok Afghan News

KABUL (Pajhwok): The vote audit process was resumed again on Thursday after 48 hours of suspension for training representatives of the presidential candidates and election observers, a source in the Independent Election Commission (IEC) confided to Pajhwok Afghan News.

Audit process was suspended last Tuesday due to some irregularities and mismanagement in the IEC office.

PML-N’s thumbs up: Govt may accept PTI’s full vote audit demand

Jul 19 2014
The Express Tribune

LAHORE: The top leadership of the ruling Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz (PML-N) is said to have given the government the go-ahead to acquiesce to Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) chairman Imran Khan’s demand for a full audit of votes cast during the May 2013 election and has resolved to give the PTI a ‘free hand’ for the long march scheduled for August 14, The Express Tribune has learned.

Revolution not reform: Qadri rejects idea of mid-term polls

Jul 18 2014
The Express Tribune

Pakistan Awami Tehreeek chief Tahirul Qadri said on Thursday that revolution and reform are parallel to each other and though they move together, they do not have a meeting point.

Speaking to Express News at his residence, Qadri  said Imran Khan’s demand for mid-term elections will not change the exploitative system PAT is fighting against.

Imran wants complete audit of general election results

Jul 16 2014
Dawn News

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan has called for a complete “audit” of results of the general elections held in May last year.

Speaking at a press conference on Tuesday, he said: “Time for recounting of votes of four constituencies is over. Now the PTI demands a complete audit of the poll results as is being done in Afghanistan.”

In that country, the election commission has decided to go for recounting after the two leading candidates of recent presidential election contested poll results.

All Eyes on KPU as Vote Count Gets Under Way

Jul 12 2014
The Jakarta Globe

With both presidential candidates claiming victory in Wednesday’s election based on quick counts, and the deciding official results only expected on July 22, both camps have assigned officials and volunteers to keep a close eye on the vote-counting process from the ward level up.

Muhaimin Iskandar, the chairman of the National Awakening Party, or PKB, one of those that endorsed Joko Widodo, reminded party members on Thursday that the fact that eight of 12 pollsters conducting a quick count had called the election for Joko should not lull them into a sense of contentment.
