
Maliki stands with Sunni leaders, appealing for Iraqi unity

Jun 18 2014

Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki broadcast a joint appeal for national unity on Tuesday with bitter Sunni critics of his Shi'ite-led government - a move that may help him win U.S. help against rampant Islamists threatening Baghdad.

Just hours after Maliki's Shi'ite allies had angrily vowed to boycott any cooperation with the biggest Sunni party and his government had accused Sunni neighbor Saudi Arabia of backing "genocide", the premier's visibly uncomfortable televised appearance may reflect U.S. impatience with its Baghdad protege.

FEFA Releases First Election Observation Report

Jun 17 2014
Tolo News

The Free and Fair Election Forum of Afghanistan (FEFA) on Tuesday released its first report regarding the presidential elections.

”FEFA has noted more than 6,651 cases of violations on the Election Day," FEFA Head Nadir Naderi said.

According to the report, 396 polling centers faced a delayed opening, 368 witnessed shortage of ballot papers, 344 were closed later than scheduled, and 269 had problems with the quality of the ink. Moreover, there were campaign posters within 100 meters of 246 centers, despite the restrictions placed by the election law.

Lawyers Union Reviews Election In Accordance To Law

Jun 17 2014
Tolo News

The Lawyers Union of Afghanistan called on the presidential candidates to avoid making their way to the presidential palace through fraudulent votes on Tuesday at press conference.

Lawyers of the union said that the Independent Election Commission (IEC) violated not only the election law, but the constitution of Afghanistan in many areas of the election process in both rounds of elections.

Result Sheets From 11 Provinces Arrive In Kabul: IEC

Jun 17 2014
Tolo News

Speaking at a press conference in Kabul on Tuesday, Independent Election Commission (IEC) spokesman Noor Mohammad Noor said results sheets from 11 provinces have safely arrived at the commission's central office in the capital and the voting counting process is expected to start next Monday.

Results from Kabul, Panjshir, Parwan, Kapisa, Logar, Baghlan, Paktia, Kunar, Nangarhar, Laghman and Wardak provinces have been logged at the IEC's headquarters.

Voter registration starts for more municipalities, extended elsewhere

Jun 17 2014
Libya Herald

The election of new municipal councils in Darj (near Ghadames), Ejhraa (near Kufra), Harawa (50 kilometres east of Sirte), Kabaw, Sidra, Tocra and Yefren and has kicked off with the Central Committee for Municipal Councils Elections (CCMCE) starting voter and candidate registration in the towns. However, no date has as yet been set for polling in the seven municipalities.

Prime Minister of the KR and former president of Serbia discussed Kyrgyzstan's transition to DTV

Jun 17 2014

Bishkek, June 17 / Kabar /. Kyrgyz Prime Minister Dzhomart Otorbaev received the delegation Club de Madrid headed by former Serbian President Boris Tadic.

During the meeting, dedicated to the country's transition to digital broadcasting, Dzh.Otorbaev noted that access to information is an important task of the state, the Government’s press service reports.

Erdoğan tight-lipped on İhsanoğlu’s candidacy, AKP nominee to be announced at end of June

Jun 17 2014
Hürriyet Daily News

Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has refused to comment on the nomination of Ekmelettin İhsanoğlu as the joint opposition presidential candidate, simply stating that the “most valuable evaluation” will be made by the people in the election.

CHP-MHP to set joint election center for İhsanoğlu’s presidency bid

Jun 17 2014
Hürriyet Daily News

The two main opposition parties are planning to establish a joint election campaign center for an efficient bid by their joint candidate, Ekmeleddin İhsanoğlu, in a rare instance of cooperation between Turkish political parties. 

“We will finalize our road map in four or five days. Our initial decision is that each party will carry out its own work for İhsanoğlu’s bid,” Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, leader of the main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP), told daily Hürriyet on June 17. 

Majority of Turks believe press restricted: Poll

Jun 17 2014
Press TV

A recent survey shows that nearly 60 percent of people in Turkey believe there is no freedom of press in their country.

According to a recent poll conducted by Ankara-based MetroPOLL Strategic and Social Research Center, which was based on interviews with 2,576 adults, 59.4 percent of Turks believe that the press does not have freedom of expression in the country.

The result also showed that only 35.6 percent of the respondents consider the Turkish press as unrestricted, while five percent declined to comment.

Free and fair?: PML-N lawmaker expresses partiality concerns over G-B polls

Jun 17 2014
The Express Tribune
GILGIT: A lawmaker representing the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) in the Gilgit-Baltistan (G-B) Assembly on Monday voiced reservations over the partiality of polls if conducted under the supervision of Chief Minister Mehdi Shah, asking his party’s chief to review the decision.

The suggestion that elections in G-B be conducted under the supervision of Shah’s government was floated by PML-N’s regional chief Hafeezur Rahman a day earlier in a bid to turn up pressure to hold the polls sooner.

Sisi swears in new Egyptian government

Jun 17 2014
The Daily Star Lebanon

Egypt's new Cabinet was sworn in Tuesday by the country's newly elected President Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi.

The swearing-in ceremony took place in the capital, and state television aired live footage from the swearing-in inside the presidential palace.

The government of about 30 ministers - including four women and several technocrats - is led by Prime Minister Ibrahim Mehlib, who also served as the interim premier for the past five months.
