
ANC: Accord sur un projet de loi traitant les affaires des martyrs de la révolution

May 30 2014
Radio Mosaique

Yamina Zoghlami, présidente de la commission des martyrs et des blessés de la révolution, a expliqué dans une déclaration à Mosaïque FM, que la commission des consensus à l’ANC est parvenue à un accord concernant le projet de loi traitant les affaires des martyrs et des blessés de la révolution.

Ce projet est constitué de huit articles qui seront examinés demain 31 mai 2014 durant une séance plénière.


Iran says Syria vote will boost Assad legitimacy

May 30 2014
The Daily Star Lebanon

Iran said Friday that next week's presidential election in Syria, branded a farce by Western governments, will boost the legitimacy of its ally Bashar al-Assad.

"God willing, the elections in Syria will be carried out without a hitch," said Ali Akbar Velayati, the senior foreign policy adviser to Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

Front national-Union pour la Tunisie : alliance ou désalliance ?

May 30 2014
Radio Mosaique

Le Front national est un projet politique en cours d’élaboration. Ce projet réunit le parti du travail  national démocratique et le parti du mouvement national. Le secrétaire général du parti du travail  national démocratique Abderazek Hammami  a précisé dans le reportage effectué par Sayda Hammami une nouvelle entité politique   formée par ces deux partis et qui  ouverte à tous ceux qui veulent y adhérer . 

Sisi: there is no ‘going back’ for Egypt

May 30 2014
Al Arabiya News

Egypt’s former military chief, Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, vowed on Thursday that the country would not go backwards but move forward after the initial results of the presidential election see him winning by a landslide.

“We know that some people fear a return to the past, but this will not happen, there is no going back and we will move forward,” Sisi said responding to a question about the fears of a return to the situation before the Jan. 25 revolution, according to the Kuwaiti newspaper Aljarida.

Alliés politiques d’IBK : Réunion de crise cet après-midi au siège de l’APR

May 30 2014

Pour examiner les éventuelles conséquences politiques de la démission du ministre Soumeylou Boubèye Maïga, président du parti ASMA-CFP, une  » réunion de clarification «  se tiendra cet après-midi au siège de l’APR (Yirimadio en commune VI) entre les chefs des partis de l’Alliance pour le Mali (APM) et les 27 députés de ce groupe parlementaire allié au RPM.



L'opposition veut mobiliser la rue contre la présidentielle de juin

May 30 2014

Après avoir décidé de boycotter l'élection présidentielle prévue le 21 juin prochain en Mauritanie, la quinzaine de partis d'opposition composant le Forum national pour la Démocratie et l'Unité (FNDU), paraissent déterminés à "peser" sur ce scrutin majeur.

Depuis deux semaines, l'opposition multiplie les meetings, les rassemblements et les réunions politiques dans presque tous les quartiers de Nouakchott, de Nouadhibou (capitale économique) et de bien d'autres villes du pays pour dénoncer la tenue du scrutin présidentiel.

Egyptian militant group poses challenge to Sisi’s rule

May 30 2014
Al Arabiya News

Former army chief Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi, who won a landslide victory this week in the Egyptian presidential election, is likely to face severe threats from militant groups during his upcoming rule.

On Thursday, Egyptian jihadist group Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis issued a threat to Sisi, Al Arabiya News Channel’s Arabic website reported.

“Will Sisi last till he takes over power? And if he does, will he remain?” the group asked in a tweet following the announcement of the initial results of the presidential elections.

Ghani On First Campaign Trip To Herat

May 30 2014
Tolo News

Speaking to his supporters in Herat, presidential candidate Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai kicked-off an event on Friday during one of his first campaign trips to the western province by discussing national unity, equality and growth.

Ashraf Ghani, the former Finance Minister and World Bank economist, said that upon his victory in the June 14 runoff against Abdullah Abdullah, all Afghans would be treated equally in eyes of the law.

Youth Party Endorses Ashraf Ghani

May 30 2014
Tolo News

Afghan youth party, Etelaf-e-Meli Nahj Naween of Afghanistan, on Friday at an event in Kabul announced their endorsement of presidential candidate Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai for the June 14 runoff.

With only a couple weeks left before the historic vote that will determine President Hamid Karzai’s successor, candidates who lost in the first round, political figures, political parties and MPs have begun throwing their weight being Ashraf Ghani or his runoff rival, Abdullah Abdullah.

Observers Worried About New Voting Centers, Ballot Additions

May 30 2014
Tolo News

Election observers have suggested their will be a heightened chance of fraud during the presidential runoff now that the Independent Election Commission (IEC) has announced that it will add some 3,000 new voting sites and five percent more ballots per province for the second round in June.

Although officials maintain more available polling places on Election Day will necessarily mean more Afghans can participate, the head of Afghanistan Democracy Watch, Zekria Barekzai, said there would be no observers at many of the new sites planned by the IEC.

Gerindra's criticism of Jokowi 'vague': Poempida

May 30 2014
The Jakarta Post

It was inappropriate for Gerindra Party politicians to criticize Joko "Jokowi" Widodo over his performance as the governor of Jakarta as Gerindra was among the parties that endorsed Jokowi's candidacy during the gubernatorial election in 2012, according to a Golkar Party politician.

Poempida Hidayatullah, a Golkar lawmaker in the House of Representatives who refused to obey Golkar’s instruction to support presidential candidate Prabowo Subianto, slammed Gerindra's deputy chairman, Fadli Zon, for making statements about the "failures" of Jokowi's administration in the capital.

UN calls for Lebanese election as soon as possible

May 30 2014
Your Middle East

The UN Security Council expressed "disappointment and concern" Thursday that an election of a new Lebanese president has not occurred and demanded that polls be held without delay.

In a unanimous declaration, the Council's 15 member states urged the country's parliament "to uphold Lebanon's long standing democratic tradition and to work to ensure that presidential elections take place as soon as possible and without external interference."

Presidential candidates promise better infrastructure

May 30 2014
The Jakarta Post

Both presidential and vice-presidential pairs, Joko "Jokowi" Widodo-Jusuf Kalla and Prabowo Subianto-Hatta Rajasa, have promised to improve the country's infrastructure if elected.

According to their mission statement, available on the General Elections Commission (KPU) website, Jokowi and Kalla have promised to build a 2,000 kilometers of roads across the country, in addition to building new ports, airports and industrial estates to support the country's economy, as reported by

Abdullah Wants Jaghori District Of Ghazni To Become Province

May 29 2014
Tolo News

While speaking to 300,000 supporters in Jaghori district of Ghazni province on Thursday, presidential candidate Dr. Abdullah Abdullah promised to turn Jaghori into its own province if elected in June.  
As the June 14 runoff vote approaches, Abdullah and his rival Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai have stepped-up their campaign activities, looking to grab any additional support they can before Afghans head to the polls. This year’s election will mark Afghanistan’s first democratic transition in modern history.

HRW says Egyptian elections come amidst political repression

May 29 2014
Middle East Monitor

Human Rights Watch (HRW) said on Wednesday that an "intense crackdown" on the opposition in Egypt is creating a "repressive environment that severely undermines the fairness of the elections."

In a news brief, HRW's Middle East and North Africa Director Sarah Leah Whitson said: "The mass arrests of thousands of political dissidents, whether Islamist or secular, has all but shut down the political arena and stripped these elections of real meaning."

Whitson added: "The presidential election cannot mask the ongoing brutal crackdown on peaceful opposition."

Ghani Flexible On Peace Talks, Open To Power Sharing

May 29 2014
Tolo News

Dr. Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai’s presidential campaign team has indicated a desire to see reconciliation with insurgent groups move forward and a openness to a possible power-sharing arrangement down the line.

President Karzai’s government has failed to achieve peace with the Taliban militancy, which has waged war against the central, western-backed Kabul government since the fall of the Taliban regime in 2001. Not for a lack of trying, though, the Karzai government has unsuccessfully sought out peace talks with Taliban leaders for years.
