
Presidential run-off: Gen Raheel assures help in Afghan poll security

May 20 2014
The Express Tribune
ISLAMABAD: Army Chief General Raheel Sharif promised to extend Pakistan’s full support to Afghan authorities for ensuring a trouble-free second phase of its presidential elections, said officials.

The assurance from Gen Raheel came during his talks with Afghan Army Chief Sher Muhammad Karimi and International Security Assistance Force (Isaf) Commander General Joseph Dunford in Kabul on Monday.

N. Bafoun : la tenue simultanée des élections sera plus confortable pour l’ISIE

May 20 2014
Radio Mosaique

Nabil Bafoun, membre de l’Instance Supérieure Indépendante pour les Elections a déclaré sur les ondes de Mosaïque FM dans l’émission « A La Page » que la tenue simultanée des présidentielles et législatives sera plus confortable tant sur le plan sécuritaire que logistique. 

Il a estimé la tenue simultanée des présidentielles et législatives sera également moins couteuse que la tenue séparée des deux élections sans pour autant donner des chiffre exacts à ce sujet. Il a ajouté également que l’ISIE est en mesure d’appliquer les deux options. 

Chance still open for Dems to join new government

May 20 2014
The Jakarta Post

People’s Synergy for Democracy in Indonesia (Sigma) director Said Salahudin says the absence of the Democratic Party from the presidential race does not mean that it will automatically take a place among the opposition.

“It is still possible that the winning presidential ticket will invite the Democratic Party to join the new government because it has 61 seats in the House of Representatives,” said Said in Jakarta on Tuesday as quoted by Antara news agency.

Chafik Sarsar dénonce les accusations de Hamma Hammami

May 20 2014
Radio Mosaique

Chafik Sarsar, président de l’Instance Supérieure Indépendante pour les Elections a dénoncé lors d’une déclaration accordée à Mosaïque FM les accusations proférées par le Front Populaire Hamma Hammami à son encontre. Hamma Hammami avait accusé, sur les ondes de Mosaïque FM Chafik Sarsar d’œuvrer pour l’intérêt du mouvement Ennahdha en soutenant la tenue simultanée des élections présidentielles et législatives. 

Le projet de révision de la Constitution, une démarche en trompe-l’œil

May 20 2014
Tout sur l'Algérie

Treize petits partis politiques qui avaient soutenu le candidat Ali Benflis ont annoncé, lundi 19 mai,leur décision de ne pas participer au projet révision de la Constitution inité par le pouvoir.  Dans le même temps, Mouloud Hamrouche tient, de son coté, à des tables rondes avec des associations de la société civile pour prendre le pouls du pays, mais lui non plus ne semble pas désireux de donner son onction au projet de nouveau texte fondamental.

Golkar warns internal Jokowi-Kalla supporters to toe line

May 20 2014
The Jakarta Post

A Golkar Party official said the party intended to discipline members who broke ranks to support the Joko "Jokowi" Widodo-Jusuf Kalla ticket as Golkar had formally announced its support for Prabowo Subianto-Hatta Rajasa.

At the last minute, Golkar joined a coalition with the Gerindra Party, the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS), United Development Party (PPP) and National Mandate Party (PAN). The coalition accounts for 45.3 percent of seats in the next House of Representatives and 47.54 percent of votes cast in the legislative election.

Guerre de tranchées au sein du Mouvement populaire

May 20 2014
Aujourd'hui le Maroc

Pour Lahcen Haddad, ce sont des personnes téléguidées par d’autres, plus influentes au sein du parti, qui veulent lui mettre les bâtons dans les roues suite à l’annonce de sa candidature au secrétariat général du MP.

Que se passe-t-il au sein du Mouvement populaire (MP)? Lahcen Haddad, membre du bureau politique du Mouvement, s’est retiré, dimanche 18 mai 2014, des travaux du Conseil national du parti, en protestation contre des «attaques personnelles» dont il affirme avoir fait l’objet «en raison de sa candidature au secrétariat général du MP».

Indonesia’s Presidential Race Set to Move Into Overdrive

May 20 2014
Jakarta Globe

Jakarta. Monday’s declaration of two tickets running in July’s presidential election evokes at least two questions: Do hopefuls Joko Widodo and Prabowo Subianto have anything different to offer the Indonesian voters? Secondly, will their respective running mates boost their chances of clinching the country’s top position, or will they be the cause of the candidates’ downfall?

Election en Mauritanie : des jeunes journalistes invitent les candidats à un débat présidentiel

May 20 2014

La Mauritanie se dirige vers des prochaines échéances présidentielles prévues le 21 juin. Pour l’occasion, des journalistes d’organes de presse mauritaniens publics et privés, membres du Club des Jeunes Journalistes (CJJ), ont décidé de marquer de leur empreinte l’histoire électorale du pays.   Leur objectif est d’organiser, à l’instar de certaines grandes démocraties, un face à face  entre candidats à la magistrature suprême et citoyens.

Protesters gather outside PKR HQ

May 20 2014
The Star Online

PETALING JAYA: PKR members have congregated outside the party's headquarters here on Tuesday night, protesting the manner in which party polls have been conducted.

The protesters appear to be part of the pro-Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim faction, and are holding placards with anti-Azmin Ali sentiment.

Signs put up also call for disciplinary action to be taken against the deputy president Azmin, Secretary General Datuk Saifuddin Nasution, and Datuk Dr Tan Kee Keong.

PKR leaders were believed to be conducted a high-level political bureau meeting within the HQ. 

Aoun's bloc will not attend this week's presidential election session

May 20 2014
The Daily Star Lebanon

Lawmakers from Michel Aoun’s Change and Reform parliamentary bloc will not attend Thursday’s Parliament session to elect a president in the absence of an agreement over a conscenus candidate.

“If circumstances remain the same by Thursday, then MPs from our bloc will not show up [at the election session],” said former Minister Salim Jreissati after attending the weekly meeting of Aoun’s bloc at the latters Rabieh residence, north of Beirut.

Lawmakers oppose no-confidence motion against Somali president

May 20 2014

A group of more than 100 members of the Somali parliament called for the withdrawal of a no-confidence motion against President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud on Monday (May 19th), Somalia's RBC Radio reported

The lawmakers held a press conference in Mogadishu to announce the end of their support for the motion.

"We have seen that such an impeachment motion would not serve the interests of the country during this hard time," said lawmaker Mohamed Omar Dalha. "I would call my fellow MPs who want the president to step down to bring their findings to the parliament not the media."

Sistani keeps distance from Iraqi election politics

May 20 2014
Al Monitor

Is Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani adopting a dual stance in dealing with Iraqi political issues? Does he have announced as well as unannounced views? What stand did he take vis-à-vis last month's Iraqi elections? Was he as neutral as the civil democracy (which he is still calling for) requires or has he taken the side of one party, contradicting his announced democratic principles?

Sudan’s PCP to meet with the SRF rebels

May 20 2014
Sudan Tribune

Sudan’s opposition Popular Congress Party (PCP) has revealed ongoing contacts with the rebel alliance of the Sudan Revolutionary Front (SRF) saying a meeting between the two sides will be held soon.

The PCP political secretary, Kamal Omer Abdel-Salam, said at a press conference on Tuesday that his party is qualified to clear the air following detention of the leader of the National Umma Party (NUP), Al-Sadiq Al-Mahdi, saying the latter’s case has become more complicated.

No quick release in sight for Sudan’s detained opposition leader

May 20 2014
Sudan Tribune

The former prime Mminister of Sudan and the head of the National Umma Party (NUP), al-Sadiq al-Mahdi, is still being investigated while in detention, a government prosecutor said on Tuesday.

Head of the state security prosecution Yasser Ahmed Mohamed said in a statement released today that al-Mahdi is in legal custody at the Kober federal prison and that they are following procedures to renew his detention periodically in accordance with the law.
