
El-Sisi campaigns in Upper Egypt by video conference

May 12 2014
Ahram Online Egypt

Egyptian presidential candidate Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi used video conference to communicate with residents of the Upper Egyptian city of Assuit, an unprecedented move from a candidate who claims he has survived two assassination attempts.

El-Sisi, who resigned from his post as army chief to run for Egypt's presidency, has been accused by political opponents of orchestrating a coup last summer against the Muslim Brotherhood's Mohamed Morsi, who was removed from office by the military in July after mass protests against his rule.

Vie des partis politiques : L’Adéma Pasj dans le traquenard

May 12 2014

Relégué au second plan à la suite des événements de 2012, le parti du président Alpha Oumar Konaré se cherche. Il est entre le marteau et l’enclume. Par le fait de ses nouveaux leaders qui, pour la plupart, n’entendent plus se sacrifier pour un lendemain meilleur. Mais, ils jouent à la politique du ventre et cherchent à s’assurer les arrières contre d’éventuelles poursuites judiciaires.

Convention d’amitié interpartisane : Entre les partis politiques ci-après nommés et soussignés

May 12 2014

Parti pour la Renaissance Nationale (PARENA) et

Convention de Réflexion et d’Action pour le Mali (COREAM)



Article 1er 

Les deux (2) partis s’engagent à entretenir, à compter de la signature de la présente convention, des relations amicales empreintes de courtoisie et de respect mutuels.

Article 2

Syria's presidential poll stifles hopes for change

May 12 2014
BBC News

In Syria, campaigning for next month's presidential election is under way. It is the first multi-candidate contest for the post, but critics have derided the process as a sham - and for President Bashar al-Assad's opponents it reinforces the sense that hope is lost.

"This is how the lions look," says one of the many signs around Damascus. It displays a picture of President Assad, in a military outfit, sporting Rayban sunglasses.

As the presidential polls approach, streets are filled with hoardings promoting the election.

Un groupe de cadres et d'acteurs politiques adhèrent au parti "El Karama"

May 12 2014
AMI (Agence Mauritanienne d'Information)

 Un groupe de cadres et d'acteurs politiques originaires de la moughataa de M'Bout, dans la wilaya du Gorgol, a annoncé, lundi soir à Nouakchott, son adhésion au parti "El karama".

Dans un mot prononcé au cours de la cérémonie organisée pour la circonstance, le président du parti, M. Cheikhna Ould Hijbou a affirmé que sa formation politique est ouverte à tous les citoyens mauritaniens.

Il a ajouté que son parti est un projet politique pour les générations montantes et qu'il a pour objectif de construire un Etat moderne.


Polémique. Amazighs et islamistes ?

May 12 2014

A peine créée, la Ligue marocaine de l’amazighité provoque déjà des remous au sein du mouvement amazigh. Et pour cause, la jeune association ne cache pas sa proximité avec le PJD et le MUR. Son premier meeting a d’ailleurs accueilli Abdellah Baha et Lahbib Choubani, ministres PJD. Ces derniers n’ont pas hésité à critiquer le mouvement amazigh, dont de larges pans revendiquent une orientation laïque.

Delay in ECC Report Cause of Concern

May 12 2014
Tolo News

The Electoral Complaints Commission (ECC) was expected to report the findings of its complaint investigations to the Independent Election Commission (IEC) on May 8. However, four days later, the announcement of final results from the April 5 election remains delayed as the public awaits action from the ECC.

The IEC cannot announce the final results of the presidential election until the conclusion of this year's lengthy fraud assessment process. ECC officials have said the review process has been completed, yet the delivery of its findings remains stalled.

Sudan’s national dialogue due to start later this month, says NCP

May 12 2014
Sudan Tribune

Sudan’s ruling National Congress Party (NCP) has announced that national dialogue will convene before the end of the month, warning opposition parties which refused to join against attempting to sabotage the process.

NCP’s political secretary, Mustafa Osman Ismail, said in press statements on Monday that his party will not wait for the opposition parties any longer, adding that they will extend their patience but will not allow dialogue to fail.

Kuwait minister accused by U.S. of terrorism funding quits

May 12 2014
Al Arabiya News

Kuwait’s justice and Islamic affairs minister has resigned after a senior U.S. official said he had called for jihad in Syria and promoted the funding of terrorism.

Last month Nayef al-Ajmi rejected the comments made in March by U.S. Treasury Undersecretary David Cohen as “groundless and baseless,” and was backed by the cabinet.

But on Monday, Ajmi said the Gulf state’s ruler had accepted his resignation, local news service al-Rai reported on Monday. Kuwaiti media reported last month that he had already offered to resign once, citing health reasons.

Muslim Brotherhood official: We will boycott the elections of pirates usurping power

May 12 2014
Middle East Monitor

Ibrahim Mounir, the Muslim Brotherhood official spokesperson, has announced that the stance of the international organisation is the same as that of the Muslim Brotherhood inside Egypt: they are both calling for a boycott of the upcoming presidential election in Egypt.

PDI-P mulls coalition with Hanura

May 12 2014
The Jakarta Post

The Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) is considering inviting the Hanura Party to join a coalition it has formed with two other parties – the NasDem Party and the National Awakening Party (PKB) – ahead of the upcoming presidential race.

PDI-P deputy secretary general Ahmad Basarah said his party had kept the option for a coalition with Hanura ‘on the table’ due to their mutual cooperation platform.

Next Egyptian parliament to have 630 seats

May 12 2014
Daily News Egypt

The incoming Egyptian parliament will consist of 630 members, up from 454 members in the 2012 parliament elected under ousted president Mohamed Morsi, legal committee spokesman Mohamed Fawzy announced Sunday.

The legal committee was created by Interim President Adly Mansour via presidential decree on 14 April to amend laws in preparation for the coming parliamentary elections, including the Political Participation Law.
