
Albanian Ministry's Ad Cash Enriched One Agency

Apr 29 2014

Data obtained by Balkan Insight show that from 2009 to 2012, the Interior Ministry spent its entire TV advertising budget on a single agency, linked to a pro-government media figure

The data, obtained through a freedom of information request, FOI, show that the Ministry of Interior held six major TV ad campaigns and produced one spot in four years for a total 85,389,780 lek (€610,000).

Débat communal : L’AMM au cœur du processus de réconciliation et de la paix au niveau local

Apr 29 2014

L’Association des Municipalités du Mali (AMM), est une organisation faitière de l’ensemble des 703 communes du Mali et la mairie du District de Bamako. Elle a axée depuis mars 2012, l’essentiel de ses activités sur la gestion de la crise à travers une série d’actions, dont le débat communal dans les Communes de Douentza, Pétaka, Dallah, Commune de Téninkou et celle de Youwarou en première étape constituent une des composantes les plus importantes.

BLOG: Pre-emptive authoritarianism in Turkey

Apr 29 2014
Hürriyet Daily News

On April 11, 2014, Mustafa Akyol published in the online news magazine Al-Monitor an insightful article on "pre-emptive authoritarianism" in Turkish politics. The piece, I believe, captures well the dysfunctional nature of Turkish politics today. In this short essay, I will try to show what is wrong with it, and what can be done to correct it, with the ultimate aim or goal of politics being to progressively build a better, more democratic society in Turkey.  

Le Mali va réviser sa Constitution

Apr 29 2014

La Constitution du Mali, en vigueur depuis 1992, va être révisée dans le cadre d’une série de mesures visant à améliorer le cadre démocratique, a déclaré le Premier ministre Moussa Mara dans sa Déclaration de politique générale, mardi devant le Parlement.

Moussa Mara n’a pas indiqué avec précision les points sur lesquels va porter la révision mais il a laissé entendre que celle-ci va chercher à renforcer le dispositif institutionnel et le cadre démocratique dans le pays.

Assemblée nationale : Les députés approuvent tout à l’aveuglette

Apr 29 2014

Malgré la présence en son sein d’acteurs parlementaires bien imprégnés du scandale des ressources de la cession de la Bim et la Sotelma, l’Hémicycle a laissé passer sans objection la loi du règlement y afférente.

 Dans le sillage de la session d’Avril en cours depuis environ trois semaines, une séance plénière a regroupé les parlementaires, jeudi dernier, autour d’un ordre du jour apparemment modeste par son volume, mais de portée très significatif.

CHP leader in search of courageous prosecutors to call PM to account

Apr 29 2014
Today's Zaman

Turkey's main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP) has said a summary of proceedings needs to be prepared about the alleged corruption committed by Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. 

“We are waiting for a summary of proceedings for Erdoğan. We are looking for a courageous, honest prosecutor who feels a responsibility for his country,” CHP leader Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu said at the party's group parliamentary meeting on Tuesday, a reference to a recent corruption probe in which four ex-Cabinet ministers have been implicated. 

Sudanese lawmakers alarmed by corruption levels in the country

Apr 29 2014
Sudan Tribune

A number of Sudanese lawmakers have warned that the state and the economy is under threat from a surge in levels of corruption that is coupled with growing poverty among the population.

MP Mohamed Ahmed Zein said during deliberations on the Inspector General’s report that some countries refuse to deal with Sudan due to the lack of transparency and the continued abuse of public funds.

He pointed out that more than 60,000 police officers left the force due to low salaries and went to say that the Ministry of the Interior uses its revenues to construct buildings.

Assemblée Nationale du Mali : Vers une dissolution ?

Apr 29 2014

Le bel exemple de démocratie malienne tant vanté à l’extérieur n’est plus qu’un vieux souvenir. Le président Ibrahim Boubacar Keita vient de signer son acte de décès. Par la nomination d’un Premier ministre chef du plus petit parti politique malien avec un seul député à l’Assemblée nationale du Mali. Ce gouvernement  dirigé par Moussa Mara met ainsi fin à vingt un (21) ans de démocratie.

Bahçeli: Top court chief's speech was appropriate, but late

Apr 29 2014
Today's Zaman

Opposition Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) leader Devlet Bahçeli has said he supports Constitutional Court President Haşim Kılıç for his speech last week in which he firmly declared that the court would not take instructions from the executive branch, stating that Kılıç's speech was correct and appropriate, though he questioned why Kılıç took so long to raise the issue of the troubling interventions of the executive branch in the judiciary.

Lack of evidence: SHC suspends thumb impression verification of votes in NA-218

Apr 29 2014
The Express Tribune

KARACHI: The Sindh High Court (SHC) suspended the order of an election tribunal to verify the thumb impression of voters at 139 polling stations of National Assembly seat, NA-218, won by Pakistan Peoples Party’s (PPP) Makhdoom Amin Faheem.

Faheem had challenged the order passed by an election tribunal on March 28 over a petition filed by his rival candidate, Abdul Razak Memon, in SHC.

Iraq Elections Revive Sunnis Fears

Apr 29 2014

As Iraq prepares for the first nationwide election since the withdrawal of US troops in 2011, the fears of Sunni Iraqis have doubled amid soaring sectarian tension and marginalization by Nouri Al-Maliki Shiite government.

“I will vote for a change,” Abu Noor, 45-year-old Iraqi Sunni, was quoted by Agence France Presse (AFP) on Tuesday, April 29.

If Maliki won a third term, “we will leave,” he said, adding, “We cannot wait for these people to stay for another four or five years.”

Soumaila Cissé à propos de la Gouvernance au Mali

Apr 29 2014

Depuis l’élection d’IBK comme président de la République du Mali, les Maliens étaient habitués à entendre celui qui est censé être le chef de file de l’opposition malienne donner ses points de vue sur les chaines de télévisions, radios et journaux étrangers. Mais à la faveur du ralliement de l’ancien député Kalifa Doumbia à l’URD, dans la peau d’un véritable opposant, SoumailaCissé s’est prononcé sur la formation du gouvernement Moussa  Mara.

4,561 seats up for grabs: Second phase of LB polls in Balochistan in May

Apr 29 2014
The Express Tribune
QUETTA: More than 25,000 candidates have obtained application forms for 4,561 seats in the second phase of the local body elections in Balochistan.

“It is surprising that 25,000 candidates obtained application forms across Balochistan,” said Sayed Sultan Bayzeed, Election Commissioner Balochistan. The candidates are able to submit their forms until April 30th.

IEC Calls On Candidates To Avoid Prejudgments

Apr 28 2014
Tolo News


The Afghan election body has called on the leading presidential candidates on Monday to respect the preliminary results and avoid making any premature speculations about the final results, which is scheduled to be announced little over two weeks.

The preliminary results of the April 5 presidential elections put Abdullah Abdullah in the lead with 44.9 percent and trailed by Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai with 31.5 percent.

Sudan’s VP reiterates government’s determination to hold national dialogue

Apr 28 2014
Sudan Tribune

Sudan’s second vice-president, Hassabo Mohamed Abdel-Rahman, has said that consultations are underway with political parties to develop a mechanism for comprehensive national dialogue.

The dialogue mechanism would include seven members from the government side and an equal number from the opposition.

While the “broad-based” government parties delegated president Omer Hassan al-Bashir to name their members in the dialogue mechanism, there are reports that opposition parties are facing difficulties in determining their representatives.
