
ECC Registers 71 Complaints Against Preliminary Results

Apr 28 2014
Tolo News


On Monday Nadir Mohseni, spokesman to the Electoral Complaints Commission (ECC), reported that 71 complaints have been filed against the preliminary results.

Mohseni said that the complaints were filed by leading presidential candidate Abdullah Abdullah and falling in sixth place in the preliminary round, presidential candidate Gul Agha Sherzai.

“So far 71 complaints have been filed against the preliminary results,” Mohseni said. “One complaint was filed by Gul Agha Sherzai and the rest, 70, complaints registered by Abdullah Abdullah.”

Ridha Sfar: les députés ont le droit de m'auditionner

Apr 28 2014
Radio Mosaique

Le ministre délégué à la sécurité nationale, Ridha Sfar a exclu lors d’une déclaration accordée à Mosaïque FM l’éventualité d’une campagne de déstabilisation à son encontre en estimant que les députés de l’Assemblée Nationale Constituante ont le droit de l’auditionner et que ceci s’inscrit dans le cadre de l’instauration de la transparence et la mise en place de la démocratie. 

Syria's Assad seeks re-election in poll

Apr 28 2014
Al Jazeera

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has registered to stand in the country's presidential elections due to be held in June.

Parliamentary speaker Mohammad al-Laham made the announcement on Monday during a televised session of Syria's parliament.

Assad is widely expected to secure a third term in office despite a thee-year old civil war that stemmed from protests against his rule, the Reuters news agency reported.

Samir Taieb : la loi électorale sera approuvée au plus tard le 30 avril 2014

Apr 28 2014
Radio Mosaique

Le député à l’Assemblée Nationale Constituante et porte-parole d’Al Massar, Samir Taieb a estimé lors d’une déclaration accordée à Mosaïque FM que la nouvelle loi électorale et des référendums sera ratifiée au plus tard ce mercredi 30 avril 2014 à condition que les litiges relatifs au seuil électoral et au financement des campagnes électorales soient réglés. Plus de détails dans cette correspondance. 


Buteflika anuncia otro jefe de Gobierno y reformas constitucionales en Argelia

Apr 28 2014
El País

Abdelaziz Buteflika es ya oficialmente, desde este mediodía, presidente de la República de Argelia e inicia así, aún convaleciente, en silla de ruedas y a sus 77 años, su cuarto mandato consecutivo de cinco años al frente de este país clave en el Magreb y para el control de las reservas mundiales de hidrocarburos .La entronización de Buteflika   fue tan curiosa y novedosa en las formas como lo fue la campaña y la jornada electoral que le llevó a la victoria clara el pasado 18 de abril.

Bosnian Serb Party Demands Broadcasting Regulator Post

Apr 28 2014
Bosnia and Herzegovina

A Bosnian Serb party said the new chief of the country's Communications Regulatory Agency should be a Serb, but the minister responsible insisted that ethnicity should not be an issue.

A row erupted after the Alliance of Independent Social Democrats, SNSD, a party from Bosnia’s Serb-led entity, Republika Srpska, insisted that the next head of the agency that regulates the country’s broadcasting and telecommunications sectors and allocates frequencies should be a Serb.

KPU delays release of final overseas tally

Apr 28 2014
The Jakarta Post

The General Elections Commission (KPU) has delayed the announcement of the final tally of votes from 130 Overseas Election Committees (PPLNs) as D1 forms have yet to arrive in Indonesia, a commissioner has said.

“As many as 130 PPLNs have completed the recapitulation of votes; however, original D1 forms from 10 PPLNs have not yet arrived,” KPU commissioner Ferry Kurnia Rizkiyansyah said on the sidelines of an open vote recapitulation plenary meeting in Jakarta on Sunday, as quoted by Antara.

FM discloses new action mechanism for Friends of Yemen

Apr 28 2014
Yemen News Agency (SABA)

Foreign Minister Dr. Abu Bakr al-Qirbi has disclosed the content of new action mechanism proposed for the Friends of Yemen Group to make the group more effective and efficient .

Dr. al-Qirbi made it clear on Monday, in an interview with the Yemen News Agency (Saba), that the most important element in the 7th meeting of the Group of Friends of Yemen, which will take place tomorrow in the British capital London, lies in the launch of a new mechanism of action for the Group.

ANC : rejet d’un article interdisant aux symboles de l’ancien régime de se présenter au scrutin

Apr 28 2014
Radio Mosaique

Un article du projet de loi électorale et des référendums, interdisant aux symboles de l’ancien régime de se présenter aux prochaines élections législatives, proposé par les députés du mouvement Wafa a été rejeté. 

Le député de Wafa, Azed Badi a indiqué sur nos ondes que les députés ont rejeté cet article puisqu’il est non-conforme, selon eux, à la constitution.


South Yemenis call for separation

Apr 28 2014
Middle East Monitor

Thousands of members of the Peaceful Southern Movement gathered in Aden and Mukala, Yemen, yesterday to mark the 20th anniversary of the civil war and announced their refusal of the new federation system, calling instead for independence from the north.

They raised the flag of the state of north Yemen and other posters calling for "liberation and independence". The movement is headed by Hassan Ba'oum.

Khalil Zaouia : l’exclusion politique a toujours une raison d’être

Apr 28 2014
Radio Mosaique

Le dirigeant d’Ettakatol et ex-ministre des affaires sociales, Khalil Zaouia a déclaré sur les ondes de Mosaïque FM que l’article 15 de l’ancienne loi électorale de 2011 relatif à l’exclusion politique, restera en vigueur d’autant plus qu’elle a toujours une raison d’être surtout que la justice transitionnelle n’a pas été encore mise en œuvre.



Kuwait doesn't wish to see presidential elections in Syria - Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled

Apr 28 2014
Kuwait News Agency (KUNA)

First Deputy Premier and Foreign Minister Sheikh Sabah Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Sabah said Kuwait did not wish to see presidential elections in Syria, while President Bashar Al-Assad's candidacy would undermine political endeavors for transition.
"We don't wish to see presidential elections in Syria in June next," Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled told a session of the Arab Media Forum.

Un opposant révèle que le président Aziz a déclaré à Messaoud qu’il accepte le report de la présidentielle

Apr 28 2014
Sahara Media

Un leader de l’opposition a déclaré que le président Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz a informé le président de l’Alliance populaire progressiste (APP), Messaoud Ould Boulkheir, que le gouvernement est disposé à accepter toutes les demandes du Forum national pour la démocratie et l’unité (FNDu), y compris un possible report de la présidentielle.

Coalition with Dems unlikely, says PDI-P secretary-general

Apr 28 2014
The Jakarta Post

Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) secretary-general Tjahjo Kumolo says it is unlikely that the party will form a coalition with the Democratic Party ahead of the upcoming presidential election.

He said PDI-P had decided Joko “Jokowi” Widodo would be its presidential candidate while the Democratic Party had 11 presidential convention participants, one of which would be nominated as its presidential candidate.

Maliki faces fractured opposition in election

Apr 28 2014
The Daily Star Lebanon

Nouri al-Maliki is bidding for a third term as Iraqi premier Wednesday without any obvious challenger, in marked contrast to the 2010 election when he faced an ex-premier in a tight race.

Supporters of the prime minister, in power since 2006, have cultivated an image of a strong leader fighting off violent extremists and outside powers.

But his critics have lambasted the 63-year-old Shiite Arab for what they say are insufficient improvements in basic services and pervasive corruption.

Mohamed Jmour : certains veulent reproduire les irrégularités des élections du 23 octobre

Apr 28 2014
Radio Mosaique

Mohamed Jmour, dirigeant du Front Populaire a indiqué sur nos ondes que certaines parties, qu’il n’a pas citées, veulent que les irrégularités ayant entaché les élections du 23 octobre 2011 se reproduisent notamment en ce qui concerne le financement des campagnes électorales. 


