
Afghan election result delayed due to fraud probe

Apr 23 2014
The Express Tribune

KABUL: Afghanistan’s presidential election result has been delayed by two days due to fraud investigations and will now be released on Saturday, officials said Wednesday as they vowed to sift out fake votes.

Partial results from the April 5 election to succeed President Hamid Karzai have already been released, with former foreign minister Abdullah Abdullah ahead of his main rival Ashraf Ghani after half of the ballots were counted.

Coalition of convenience: MQM accepts PPP offer, joins Sindh govt

Apr 23 2014
The Express Tribune
KARACHI: After a hiatus of 13 months, the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) joined the Sindh government on Tuesday, becoming the ruling Pakistan Peoples Party’s (PPP) coalition partner in the province for a second time.

Two MQM legislators, Rauf Siddiqui and Dr Sagheer Ahmed, were sworn in as provincial ministers, with Siddiqui taking charge as minister for industries and commerce, and Ahmed as minister for health at a ceremony at the Governor House Tuesday evening.

Choppy waters: ‘Pressure group’ announces boycott of parliamentary committees

Apr 23 2014
The Express Tribune
PESHAWAR: Disgruntled MPAs of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) have decided to boycott parliamentary committee meetings until their grievances are addressed, The Express Tribune learnt on Tuesday.

According to sources privy to a meeting, the pressure group has objections over two major portfolios given to PTI’s coalition partners in the government.

The insider added a meeting was held among four pressure group lawmakers on Monday in the chambers of the assembly’s deputy speaker in which the MPAs expressed reservations on the allocation of portfolios.

Nisar chairs meeting of government, Taliban committees

Apr 23 2014
The News International

ISLAMABAD: A meeting between the government and the Taliban negotiation committees has begun with the Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan in the chair.

 According to sources, Maulana Sami ul Haq and Maulana Yousuf Shah is attending the meeting while another member of the Taliban committee Professor Ibrahim is not present in the meeting as he is attending Jamat e Islami’s central Shura meeting.

 The meeting is discussing issues relating to the creation of peace zone, release of non-combatant prisoners and extension in ceasefire, the sources said.


Palestinian factions prepare to implement reconciliation deal

Apr 23 2014

Hamas and Fatah were preparing to implement a historic reconciliation deal on Wednesday, nearly seven years after a schism between the rival Palestinian factions.

"There has been great progress, and we are near ready to sign a deal, at 11 A.M.," Mounib Al-Masri, a member of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas' delegation in the Gaza Strip said. Sami Abu Zahawiri, Hamas spokesman in Gaza, issued a similar statement in an interview with Nazareth's Radio al-Shams.

Bahrain sentences 12 protesters to life in prison

Apr 23 2014
Press TV

A court in Bahrain has sentenced twelve anti-regime protesters to life in prison as pressure on dissidents mounts in the country.

According to reports on Tuesday, the Bahraini court sentenced others to 15 years in prison with a fine of 1000 Bahraini dinars.

The Bahraini court convicted the men of taking part in an unauthorized demonstration in the country.

The incident marks the latest in a series of harsh sentences handed down to protesters in the Persian Gulf nation.

Mise en place hier du bureau de la Haute Cour de justice (HCJ)

Apr 23 2014

Sur convocation du président de l’Assemblée nationale, les dix huit membres (les neuf juges titulaires et les neuf suppléants) de la Haute Cour de justice se sont réunis pour la toute première fois hier, mardi 22 avril dans la salle Haoua Kéita de l’Hémicycle. Un seul point à l’ordre du jour c’est  l’élection du bureau de l’institution. A l’unanimité c’est l’honorable Abderhamane Niang du RPM qui a été élu président.

Syria lawmaker becomes first presidential challenger

Apr 23 2014
The Daily Star Lebanon

An independent Syrian lawmaker registered Wednesday as the first challenger in a June presidential election widely expected to return incumbent Bashar al-Assad to power despite a raging civil war.

Assad's government hit back at a torrent of international criticism of its decision to call the election despite the violence that has killed more than 150,000 people in three year, insisting it was its sovereign right to do so.

Assad has yet to declare his own candidacy but he is widely expected to stand and win a new seven-year term.

Les participants au DN pour la séparation des élections législatives de la présidentielle

Apr 23 2014
Radio Mosaique

Jilani Hammami, dirigeant au sein du Front Populaire a déclaré au micro de Mosaique FM, ce mercredi 23 avril que la majorité des participants au dialogue national de cet après-midi sont en faveur de la séparation des élections législative de la présidentielle.

Dans le même contexte, Taïeb Baccouche, secrétaire général de Nidaa Tounes a annoncé que son parti opte pour la séparation des deux prochaines élections, car la situation général du pays nécessite l'élection d'un président qui représentera tous les tunisiens et préservera leurs intérêts. 

Vote recounting process in Balkh completed

Apr 23 2014
Pajhwok Afghan News

MAZAR-I-SHARIF (Pajhwok): The Independent Electoral Complaints Commission (IECC) on Wednesday said recount process of the April 5 election votes in northern Balkh province completed while the votes of three ballot boxes invalidated.

Provincial IECC chief Mohammad Anabi told Pajhwok Afghan News the recounting process of votes in 27 polling centres was started last week which had been completed.

He said 16 of the polling centres were quarantined in the wake of complaints while 11 others were ordered by the IECC main office to be quarantined for review.

Seulement 50,70 % de participation

Apr 23 2014
El Watan

Le Conseil constitutionnel a rendu public, hier dans  un communiqué, les résultats définitifs de l’élection présidentielle du 17 avril  2014 qui arrêtent un taux de participation de 50,70% et proclament le président-candidat, Abdelaziz Bouteflika, président de la République algérienne, avec  8 531 311 des suffrages obtenus, soit la majorité absolue :         

Egipto da la bienvenida al acuerdo de reconciliación palestina

Apr 23 2014
La Vanguardia

Egipto mostró hoy su apoyo al acuerdo de reconciliación palestina al que han llegado el movimiento islamista Hamás, que gobierna la franja de Gaza, y el partido nacionalista Al Fatah, informó el Ministerio egipcio de Asuntos Exteriores.

En un comunicado, el ministro egipcio de Exteriores, Nabil Fahmi, dio la bienvenida al nuevo pacto logrado anoche, que incluye la convocatoria de elecciones en enero y la formación de un gobierno de unidad antes de julio.


Nejib Mrad appelle au limogeage de Mustapha Ben Jaafer

Apr 23 2014
Radio Mosaique

Nejib Mrad, député à l'assemblée nationale constituante a indiqué que la décision de Mustapha Ben Jaafer d'interdire l'accès aux familles des martyrs à l'hémicycle est injuste. 

Plusieurs députés ont fait entrer les familles des martyrs de la révolution pour exprimer leur mécontentement à l'issue des verdicts prononcés dans l'affaire de leurs enfants. 

Nejib Mrad a appelé au limogeage de Mustapha Ben Jaafer, président de l'assemblée nationale constituante. 



UPDATE: IEC Delays Preliminary Results To Saturday

Apr 23 2014
Tolo News


The Independent Election Commission (IEC) stated in a press release Tuesday night that they have delayed the announcement of preliminary results to Saturday April 26, 2014. Instead a third partial result will be shared on Thursday.

The press release states, that the delay is only for a short period of time allowing the IEC to thoroughly assess the ballots to provide an accurate and credible result that will impact the final outcome.
