
President Gül says his word is crucial for debate of presidential elections

Apr 08 2014
Hürriyet Daily News

President Abdullah Gül has indirectly criticized formulas floating around about his position in the post-Erdoğan era, saying his word is crucial in the presidential elections because the issue individually concerns him. 

Gül made this comment upon being questioned whether he would prefer being elected deputy of Bayburt province or an early election in order to take the seat at the Prime Ministry. 

2ème anniversaire de l’Alliance des Démocrates Patriote pour la Sortie de crise

Apr 08 2014

Dans le cadre de la célébration de son 2ème anniversaire, le regroupement politique Alliance des démocrates pour la sortie de crise (ADPS) a animé le 2 avril2014, au siège de la CNAS Faso Hèrè de Soumana Sako, une conférence de presse qui a porté sur « l’état actuel du processus de sortie de crise au Mali ».

IEC To Announce Partial Results By Week's End

Apr 08 2014
Tolo News

The Independent Election Commission (IEC ) will announce the partial result of Saturday's elections before the end of this week, according to commission officials. 

IEC officials are now collecting ballot boxes and voter lists from each voting center from around the country.

The IEC has reportedly received 60 percent of the materials from Kabul, 40 percent from Parwan and 70 percent from Kapisa. The transfer process from Panjshir has already been completed.

Thousands deployed for quick counts

Apr 08 2014
The Jakarta Post

The public can expect numerous “accurate” early vote count results on Wednesday as pollsters gear up to deploy thousands of volunteers and workers at polling stations, thanks to an intensified race in the polling industry.

Indikator Politik Indonesia, for example, claims it will reveal accurate political party electability rates in Wednesday’s legislative election as early as 11 a.m., or two hours before polling closes at 1 p.m.

«Laissez-nous tourner la page»

Apr 08 2014
El Watan

«Laissez-nous tourner la page», s’est insurgé Ali Fawzi Rebaïne contre «ceux qui, derrière les frontières, n’ont pas fait la Révolution, n’ont tiré aucune cartouche, n’ont même pas senti l’odeur de la poudre mais qui ont accaparé le pouvoir depuis l’indépendance».

With a year to go race already on for next leader of Golkar

Apr 08 2014
The Jakarta Post

Although the tenure of Aburizal Bakrie is not due to expire until next year, prominent Golkar Party politicians have made a head start in the race for the party chairmanship.

Senior Golkar politician and current Industry Minister, MS Hidayat, announced on Monday that he would run as a candidate for the party leadership during the party’s congress, scheduled for early next year.

Hidayat said that he had asked for permission to contest the race from Aburizal. “I’ve asked for the [chairman’s] permission to go forward,” said Hidayat, as quoted by, on Monday.

Présidence du parlement. Ghellab officiellement candidat

Apr 08 2014

L’ancien ministre des transports et actuel président du parlement, Karim Ghellab, a annoncé, à travers un communiqué publié  le 8 avril, sa candidature à sa propre succession au perchoir.

La candidature de Ghellab était un secret de polichinelle. Dans un entretien accordé à TelQuel l’actuel président du parlement avait déjà indiqué qu’il réfléchissait à une éventuelle candidature. C’est désormais chose faite.

Ghellab soutenu par Chabat…

KPU expects material delivery to be completed today

Apr 07 2014
The Jakarta Post

The General Elections Commission (KPU) says that despite there being only two days before the polls, a number of regencies and municipalities have yet to receive the required election materials.

“Less than one percent of the material have not arrived [at KPU local offices], we are only talking in the hundreds,” KPU commissioner Sigit Pamungkas said in Jakarta on Monday, as quoted by

He said the missing materials included ballot paper, forms, holograms and ink.

Sigit said the ballot papers were currently in transit: “So, they will arrive today.”

Election tribunals: Important poll verdicts expected this month

Apr 07 2014
The Express Tribune
ISLAMABAD: Some important decisions regarding last year’s general polls are expected this month as the tenure of post election tribunals ends on April 30.

“Around 50 cases are at the final stages and decisions will be announced within a couple of weeks. Most of the petitions will be disposed of by April 30, before expiry of the tribunals’ term,” an official of the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) told The Express Tribune.

ANC: Le bloc de l'Alliance Démocratique voit le jour

Apr 07 2014
Radio Mosaique

La vice-présidente de l’ANC, Meherzia Laâbidi a annoncé officiellement, aujourd’hui, 7 avril 2014, la formation du bloc de l'Alliance Démocratique, présidé par Mohamed Hamdi en plus d’un changement à la tête de la présidence du bloc démocratique qui sera présidé par Salma Baccar.

Durant la même séance, le projet de loi sur l’accord avec la Suisse sur l’émigration a été adopté. Les débats sur la loi électorale sont aussi censés commencer aujourd’hui.


Histórico partido nacionalista egipcio apoya la candidatura de Al Sisi

Apr 07 2014
Agencia EFE

El partido nacionalista Al Wafd, el más antiguo de Egipto, ha decidido apoyar la candidatura del exjefe del Ejército Abdelfatah al Sisi a las elecciones presidenciales de mayo próximo, según publicó hoy el periódico de esta formación.

Al Wafd (delegación, en árabe) aseguró que Al Sisi es el "candidato ideal" para superar los retos que afronta Egipto, donde se ha producido un aumento del terrorismo en los últimos meses.

Housseini Amion Guindo: «La majorité doit donner une suite politique à la question»

Apr 07 2014

En marge du déjeuner de presse que son parti a organisé en guise de reconnaissance à la presse pour son implication auprès de son parti, Housseini Amion Guindo, président de la Codem, s’est prononcé sur toutes les questions d’actualité. Notamment l’affaire Tomi qui irrite le sommet de l’Etat.

K-P opposition members submit privilege motion against Imran Khan

Apr 07 2014
The Express Tribune

PESHAWAR: Opposition parties in the Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (K-P) Assembly on Monday submitted a privilege motion against Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairperson Imran Khan for threatening to dissolve the legislature.

The privilege motion has jointly been signed by the Awami National Party (ANP) parliamentary leader Sardar Hussain Babak, Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) lawmaker Nighat Orakzai, Qaumi Watan Party (QWP) parliamentary leader Sikandar Hayat Sherpao and Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam – Fazl (JUI-F) MPA Mehmood Khan Bhittani.
