
No succession in Golkar, Aburizal says

Apr 03 2014
The Jakarta Post

Golkar Party chairman and presidential candidate Aburizal Bakrie has rejected reports predicting a change of party leadership in the near future, saying that all Golkar officials were concentrating on winning the legislative and presidential elections.

“Someone has come up with the idea that there will be a leadership change, which is not the case,” he told journalists in Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), on Thursday, as quoted by Antara.

Legislative Candidates Face Criticism for Avoiding Tough Issues

Apr 03 2014
Jakarta Globe

Jakarta. As political campaigns heat up ahead of the April 9 legislative elections, critics have voiced concerns that candidates have been too wrapped up in political rivalries to address controversial issues, such as family planning, tobacco control and human rights.

National Population and Family Planning Board (BKKBN) head Fasli Jalal said that no prominent candidates had mentioned Indonesia’s population boom or family-planning policy during the official campaign period.

Mauritanie: échec de négociations pour relancer le dialogue

Apr 03 2014

Le pouvoir et l’opposition en Mauritanie ont échoué mardi après-midi lors d’une première réunion préparatoire de leurs négociations sur l’élection présidentielle prévue mi-2014 à la suite d’un désaccord autour de préalables posés par le gouvernement.

Aucune indication n’a été donnée sur les conséquences de ce premier couac dans les pourparlers mais, de sources proches du pouvoir, on affirme que « le contact n’est pas rompu » et que des « efforts seront poursuivis pour parvenir à un accord ».

Surveys Show Kalla Popularity Among Joko Running Mate Contenders

Apr 03 2014
Jakarta Globe

Jakarta. According to the results of two surveys announced yesterday, Jusuf Kalla — the Golkar Party’s 2009 presidential candidate and former vice president to President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono — is the most popular contender among voters to run alongside Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) candidate Joko Widodo.

In a United Data Center (PDB) survey, the pairing was preferred by 18.8 percent of respondents. The survey, which focused on the top-three contenders ‚ Joko, Prabowo and Aburizal — spoke with 1,500 respondents in 33 provinces.

Legislative Election Day Declared a Public Holiday

Apr 03 2014
Jakarta Globe

Jakarta. The government, through the Manpower and Transmigration Ministry, on Tuesday announced that the 2014 legislative election set for next Wednesday would be a public holiday for employees.

“We have reached the decision so that employees across the country can concentrate on the elections without being burdened by work,” said Manpower and Transmigration Ministry secretary general Abdul Wahab Bangkona.

In search of peace: Sunni and Shia elders hold jirga at DC’s office

Apr 03 2014
The Express Tribune
HANGU: In a bid to help restore peace and end sectarian violence in the district, a jirga of Sunni and Shia elders was convened at the deputy commissioner’s office on Wednesday.

Malik Farman, Zaheer Hussain, Rahmat Hussain and Maulana Abdul Sattar, Rahim Umar and Noor Khan represented the two sects at the office of Deputy Commissioner Syed Ahmad Jan and discussed multiple issues regarding law and order.

Call for legal control on cyber crime

Apr 03 2014
United Arab Emirates
Khaleej Times

Under the patronage of Lt. General Shaikh Saif bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior, the fifth International Cyber Crimes Conference has started in Abu Dhabi in conjunction with the International Exhibition for Security and National Resilience (ISNR Abu Dhabi 2014). 


The event is organised by the Ministry of Interior and Institute of Training and Judicial Studies, in collaboration with the Ministry of Justice, the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) and the National Electronic Security Authority (NESA).

Will Afghanistan’s elections end the county’s plague of war?

Apr 03 2014
The Daily Star Lebanon

As it braces for its presidential election in April, Afghanistan finds itself at another critical juncture, with its unity and territorial integrity at stake after 35 years of relentless war. Can the country finally escape the cycle of militancy and foreign intervention that has plagued it for more than three decades?

Concertations pouvoir-opposition : Un dialogue mort-né !

Apr 03 2014
Le Rénovateur Quotidien

C’est hier mercredi 2 avril courant que les différents pôles politiques mauritaniens devaient se retrouver pour esquisser une feuille de route pour l’organisation consensuelle de la future présidentielle, officiellement maintenue à son agenda électoral fixé initialement par la CENI au 21 juin prochain.

Des retrouvailles qui présagent un dialogue mort-né, une rencontre de forme dés lors où tous les pôles restent inflexibles sur leurs conditions d’entrée dans les discussions.

Tentative de distraction du peuple malien à travers le journal Le Monde

Apr 03 2014

Depuis le 28 mars, date de la publication de l’article du journal Le Monde, intitulé «La justice sur la piste du parrain des parrains», les commentaires vont bon train. Certains applaudissent et poussent un ouf de soulagement. Au nombre de ceux-ci, il y aurait un certain Soumaïla Cissé, qui, selon le journal Le Républicain, dont le fondateur n’est autre que Tiébilé Dramé, son compagnon de circonstance, futle premier à s’exclamer, en ces termes «l’on m’accuse de détournement, ce n’est pas de moi qu’on parle dans Le Monde».

Session parlementaire extraordinaire sur la politique générale du gouvernement

Apr 03 2014

 Le Parlement mauritanien est convoqué en session extraordinaire lundi 7avril, selon un communiqué de la Présidence de la République. L'ordre du jour porte sur la déclaration de politique générale du Gouvernement .

La session va également examiner divers projets de loi: la convention de l'Union Africaine sur la prévention et la lutte contre le terrorisme adoptée à Addis Abeba le 8 juillet 2004.

Spanner in the works: LG minister skeptical about holding polls this year

Apr 03 2014
The Express Tribune

PESHAWAR: Provincial Minister for Local Government and Rural Development Inayatullah Khan feels the apex court’s decision regarding fresh delimitation has created confusion.

Khan told The Express Tribune they respect the Supreme Court’s verdict but carrying out delimitation again would take a lot of time and it would be impossible for the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) to complete the process within a year. The apex court has ordered the provinces to hold the local government (LG) polls by November 15 this year.

Observation de la prochaine présidentielle: L’ONG américaine NDI ne viendra pas

Apr 02 2014
El Watan

Après l’Union européenne (UE), c’est au tour de l’ONG américaine National Democratic Institute (NDI) de décliner l’invitation des autorités pour l’observation de l’élection présidentielle du 17 avril prochain. Motif : délais insuffisants pour une observation de ce scrutin selon des standards internationaux.

Golkar ready to be opposition, says Aburizal

Apr 02 2014
The Jakarta Post

Golkar Party chief Aburizal “Ical” Bakrie says his party is ready to leave its comfort zone as part of the government and become the next opposition party if it fails to gain a share of power.

"Our democracy does not recognize an opposition. But if by becoming an opposition you mean being outside the Cabinet, Golkar is ready for that. Golkar will serve as a party that provides constructive criticism to the government," Aburizal told journalists on the sidelines of Golkar's campaign rally in Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara, on Wednesday.

"Le retrait du FNDU des assises préparatoires du dialogue signifie un manque de concertation entre deux parties"

Apr 02 2014

Ahmed Ould Lafdal, membre du bureau exécutif du Rfd et président de la délégation  du Forum national pour la démocratie et l'unité et ses compagnons ont quitté la salle, où, se tenait les assises préparatoires du dialogue et cela suite au départ deSidi Mohamed Ould Maham, le ministre de la communication, après avoir prononcé son discours d'ouverture de la séance.

Local Bukit Barisan residents’ voting right at risk

Apr 02 2014
The Jakarta Post

Approximately 1,500 residents of the South Bukit Barisan National Park in Kaur regency, Bengkulu, might not be able to vote in the upcoming legislative election as no officers from the Regional General Elections Commission (KPUD) have visited the area to register them.

Sofyan, a local resident, said on Monday that the local administration considered his neighborhood a shanty town. However, in 2009 four polling stations were set up in the area.
