
Sit-in de soutien au ministre Bathily devant les juridictions de Bamako et de Kati

Apr 01 2014

Depuis quelques temps, des associations se réclamant du ministre Mohamed Aly Bathily procèdent à des campagnes de mobilisation pour soutenir le ministre de la justice dans « sa lutte contre la corruption ». Des sit-in avaient même eu lieu devant certaines juridictions de la place sans autorisation des autorités compétentes. Face à cette situation, le procureur Général près de la Cour d’Appel de Bamako a réagi.

Campagne de diffustice : Mohamed Ali Bathily sur la sellettemation contre le Président Malien

Apr 01 2014

Le ministre de la justice, Mohamed Ali Bathily, n’arrête décidément pas de faire parler de lui. Il aurait récemment séjourné à Paris, où il aurait tenu une assemblée générale au cours de laquelle il a, semble-t-il, multiplié des attaques contre certains responsables du pays, dont Soumaïla Cissé.

Police Arrest 54 Over Arson of Sumba Election Office Linked to Akil Mochtar

Apr 01 2014
Jakarta Globe

Jakarta. Police have arrested dozens of people in East Nusa Tenggara for allegedly setting fire to a regional election office linked to a disputed district election involving former Constitutional Court chief justice Akil Mochtar. 

“We have named 54 people suspects,” Southwest Sumba Police chief, Adj. Sr. Cmr. M. Ischaq said on Tuesday. ”They will be charged under Article 12 of the 1951 law on carrying sharp weapons and will also be charged with arson and vandalizing public facilities.”

LIVE: Riot vehicles use water cannons as protesters claim their votes after fraud claims in Ankara

Apr 01 2014
Hürriyet Daily News

“Rightists and leftists are brothers, Melih Gökçek is a tyrant,” and “Ankara, claim your votes,” were slogans that crowds, mostly youngsters, were chanting in front of the Supreme Election Board (YSK) late March 31 in order to claim their ballots and protest fraud allegations for the capital city in local elections.  

Nationalist supporters of Mansur Yavaş, the main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP) candidate for Ankara, were responding with the traditional nationalist greeting “bozkurt selamı” with their hands, as leftist protestors were giving victory signs.

Everything to Fight For as Voters Still Undecided a Week Before Poll

Apr 01 2014
Jakarta Globe

Jakarta. A survey by the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a think tank, showed that nearly half of the voters registered for this year’s elections are still undecided about who they will vote for.

“That means they can still change their mind, according to 45.8 percent of voters,” said CSIS researcher Philips Vermonte on Monday, adding that the institution’s survey also showed 42.4 percent claimed they are certain of their choice.

Philips said the findings indicated the competition in both the legislative and presidential elections remained tight.

CHP’s Istanbul candidate Mustafa Sarıgül demands total recount of votes

Apr 01 2014
Hürriyet Daily News

The Republican People’s Party (CHP) Istanbul candidate Mustafa Sarıgül has called for the recounting of votes in local polls for “a better acceptance of the results.”

Sarıgül, who lost against incumbent Mayor Kadir Topbaş from the ruling Justice and Development Party’s (AKP) by eight points, said the incident-filled counting process was marred by power blackouts in several Istanbul districts and irregularities at ballot boxes. 

Dialogue politique: Le FNUD réaffirme sa volonté et met en garde contre l’annonce du dialogue pour « tromper l’opinion»

Apr 01 2014

Le Front National pour la Démocratie l’Unité (Fndu) a réaffirmé mardi dans une déclaration transmise à « », sa disponibilité pour un dialogue responsable et sérieux permettant d’envisager l’organisation d’une élection présidentielle consensuelle et transparente.

Garde-à-vous : Miracle, ça parle

Apr 01 2014

Il existe donc un ministre porte-parole du Gouvernement au Mali !  Sacrée bonne nouvelle ! L’on vient juste de s’en rendre compte ! Et il a fallu que le journal « Le Monde » passe par là afin que notre porte-parole apparaisse au grand jour sur les antennes de la télévision nationale pour tenter de nous faire avaler un communiqué insipide.

Yudhoyono denies using state facilities for his campaign

Apr 01 2014
Antara News

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono denies the allegation of using the states presidential facilities for the campaign of his Democratic Party (PD). 

"I did not use the presidential facilities in any of my campaign," the president clarified in his office, Jakarta, Tuesday.

President Yudhoyono stated that he has been orderly in carrying out the political campaigning regulations related to the use of state presidential facilities.

President calls for peaceful elections

Apr 01 2014
Antara News

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono on Tuesday calls for all related parties to conduct peaceful elections and avoid anarchism.

"Legislative and presidential candidates must be ready to win or lose. The winner should stay humble while those who lose does not need to be furious," Yudhoyono said on his official Twitter account @SBYudhoyono. 

The president took example of presidential election in 1999 and several regional elections in Indonesia which at first run peacefully but then turned violent.

Je ne fais pas de récupération politique

Apr 01 2014
Fassa Yerim, ancien maire de Rosso dans le Sud mauritanien où se concentre la majorité Wolof, a déclaré mardi qu’il n’a "nullement l’intention de faire de la récupération politique" de la question de cette communauté.


"Il n’y a pas de récupération politique de la question Wolof. Ce qu’il faut admettre c’est que le problème n’a jamais été  posé à ce niveau. On en parlait seulement dans les salons entre nous, mais jamais de manière officielle", a-t-il expliqué dans une interview à Alakhbar qui sera publiée ultérieurement.

