
Balingian by-election: Polls close with 72 per cent turnout

Mar 29 2014
The Star Online

MUKAH: Voter turnout for the Balingian by-election was 72.33% when polls closed here, says Election Commission (EC) chairman Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Mohd Yusof.

A total of 9,668 votes were cast between 8am and 5pm, out of a total of 13,233 registered voters.

The final turnout is lower than the 80% expected by Abdul Aziz, who at noon today had predicted a record high. "Nonetheless, this is still an improvement of 2% for Balingian from the last state election (in 2011)," Abdul Aziz told reporters.

Six-corner fight for PKR deputy president post

Mar 29 2014
The Star Online

PETALING JAYA: Incumbent PKR deputy president Azmin Ali has announced that he will defend his post in the upcoming party election, making it a six-way contest. 

Azmin, who made a grand entrance to the PKR headquarters, filed his nomination papers a few minutes before the deadline, which was at 5pm.

His candidacy also put to rest intense speculations that he would go for presidency.

When asked why he chose to confirm his candidacy at the last minute, the long-term Gombak MP said he had to consult his colleagues over the last few days.

Oumar Mariko, en délirium tremens !

Mar 29 2014

Incapable d’innover son discours et de l’adapter aux préoccupations de ses électeurs, le secrétaire général du parti Sadi n’a trouvé d’autres parades que de s’attaquer aux journalistes maliens au cours d’une mise en scène qu’il a appelée « meeting du MP22 » tenu samedi devant la radio « Kayira I » de Bamako. Mal lui en a pris. Comme un ivrogne en délire, Oumar Mariko cherchait ses arguments, et le cirque était d’un goût absolument déconcertant.


Mauritanie: Des membres du gouvernement mènent la sensibilisation pour le RAVEL

Mar 29 2014
 Plusieurs membres du gouvernement à Nouakchott et à l'intérieur du pays sont en campagne de sensibilisation au profit du Recensement Administratif à Vocation Electorale (RAVEL) préparatoire aux élections présidentielles.

Dans ce cadre, la ministre de la culture de la jeunesse et des sports, Fatma Vall Mint Soueinaa a présidé vendredi à Toujounine, une réunion de sensibilisation sur le recensement. 

Over 50 million to vote in tense ballot

Mar 29 2014
Hürriyet Daily News

More than 50 million Turkish people go to the polls to vote in the local elections on March 30, amid security concerns raised from both the government and the opposition. 

The Higher Election Board (YSK) has announced that a total of 52,695,831 people are eligible for voting, at a total of 177,044 polling stations. 

Voting will start at 7 a.m. in the eastern provinces of Turkey and will end at 4 p.m. In western Turkey, voting will be between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.

Busy Week Ahead For IEC

Mar 29 2014
Tolo News

IEC Secretariat chief Zia-ul-Haq Amarkhail on Saturday said a number of tasks remained to be completed with just six days before Election Day. He said the tasks included reviewing election employee placements, distributing election materials to polling sites and much more.

Next Saturday's presidential and provincial council elections have been the subject of much attention around the world, marking Afghanistan's first democratic transition of presidential power in history. Ahead of the vote, however, concerns have been raised about security threats and fraud. 

Sudan witnessing the largest political dialogue in its history: official

Mar 29 2014
Sudan Tribune

The Sudanese presidential assistant, Ibrahim Ghandour, has said the country is witnessing the largest political dialogue in its history announcing that the coming days will witness further political openness and dialogue between the government and opposition forces in order to arrive at solutions for the country’s crises.

Civil Society Raises Concerns About Safety Of Election Materials

Mar 29 2014
Tolo News

Head of the Afghan Civil Society Forum (ACSF) Aziz Rafiye said on Saturday that details regarding the distribution of election materials and installation of equipment in polling centers around the country have not yet been provided by election officials. He warned that if security measures are not properly reported, the chances of election materials being stolen and equipment being tampered with would be high. 

Govt, Taliban committee review talks progress

Mar 29 2014
The Express Tribune

ISLAMABAD: The government and Taliban negotiating teams in their meeting in Islamabad on Saturday reviewed the progress in the recently held direct dialogue between the government team and Taliban Shura, Radio Pakistan reported.

Later talking to newsmen, Maulana Samiul Haq, member of the Taliban-nominated team, said that the agenda for further talks with Taliban Shura would be set during the next few days in addition to determining the venue and date of that meeting.

Top Security Officials Summoned To Lower House

Mar 29 2014
Tolo News

Afghan top security officials were summoned to the lower house of parliament on Saturday to answer questions related to security for the upcoming elections that is scheduled to be held on Saturday April 5, 2014.

The Minister of Defense Gen. Bismillah Mohammadi while talking to members of parliament said a number of particular groups abroad are attempting to disrupt the presidential and provincial council’s elections.

LG polls: Court seeks replies from AJK top officials

Mar 29 2014
The Express Tribune
MUZAFFARABAD: The Azad Kashmir High Court Friday issued notices to top government officials for not conducting local bodies’ elections in the state for the last over 20 years.

The court directed the region’s Chief Secretary Khyzer Hayat Gondal and Secretary Local Government Muhammad Sadiq Dar to submit their responses on the issue till May 7.

The court issued the orders on a petition filed by senior lawyer Sajjad Ahmed Khan against the government for not conducting the local government (LG) elections since 1991 in the region.

Afghans Undeterred By Attacks, Determined To Vote

Mar 29 2014
Tolo News

The recent slue of terrorist attacks on civilians and election officials has received a lot of attention as the eyes of the world shift to Afghanistan just a week ahead of its historic presidential election. But for many Afghans, militant attempts to keep disrupt the country's democratic process have only fueled a greater determination to participate in the upcoming vote. 

Zoueratt/ Meeting de l’IRA, Biram fait le plein.

Mar 29 2014

Les militants et sympathisants du mouvement IRA se sont fortement mobilisés vendredi soir 28/03/14, lors d’un meeting populaire tenu à la tribune officielle.

Devant une grande  foule surexcitée, le militant anti-esclavagiste et candidat à la présidentielle de 2014, est revenu sur ses thèmes de prédilection : l’esclavage, les injustices sociales, le racisme d’Etat, l’exclusion et la marginalisation de franges importantes de la population. Rappelant dans la lancée les cas d’esclavage qui avaient été signalés dans la région.
