
Balingian by-election: Smooth early voting at Mukah police HQ

Mar 26 2014
The Star Online

MUKAH: Early voting for the Baling­ian by-election, involving 133 registered enforcement personnel, went off without a hitch.

“We expect almost everyone eligible for early voting to do so today. The Election Commission records show 133 eligible voters, although according to our own latest records, one has retired.

“We hope he returns to cast his vote and not waste it,” Sarawak Deputy Police Commis­sioner Dep­-uty Comm Datuk Law Hong Soon said.

Balingian by-election: ‘Anwar can come but shouldn’t be naughty’

Mar 26 2014
The Star Online

MUKAH: Sarawak will not bar Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim from coming into the state, although three of his PKR colleagues have been denied entry.

Chief Minister Tan Sri Adenan Satem said the state government was not afraid of Anwar and therefore he would be allowed to enter.

“But if he tries to do anything naughty while he is here, we will kick him out,” he said yesterday.

Bondhere district commissioner to be replaced

Mar 26 2014
Shabelle News

The Governor of Benadir  & Mayor of Mogadishu General Hassan Mohamed Hussein Muungaab confiscated the title of the Bondhere district commissioner in Mogadishu.

The district commissioner of Bondhere was announced to be replaced with Mohamed Hashi and that the handover ceremony will take place today at the district center in Mogadishu.


Since General Muungaab was appointed Governor & the Mayor, he has already began to undertake efforts to change the commissioners of the districts in Benadir.


Autor: Maalik Eng

Ankara court grants stay of execution for government's Twitter ban

Mar 26 2014
Hürriyet Daily News

An Ankara administrative court has issued a stay of execution on an executive decision adopted by Turkey’s telecommunication’s authority (TİB) to block access to Twitter, as the ban entered its sixth day on March 26.

The government had blocked access to the social media network late March 21, hours after Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğanvowed “to wipe out Twitter,” sparking global outcry.

Moez Bouraoui: si le projet de loi électorale sera ratifié, les élections seront biaisées d'avance

Mar 26 2014
Radio Mosaique

Le président de l'association ATIDE, Moez Bouraoui a déclaré lors de l'émission Midi Show de ce mercredi 26 mars 2014 que le projet de loi électorale élaboré à l'Assemblée Nationale Constituante continent plusieurs failles qui pourraient conduire à la non-validation de 1.7 millions de votes lors des prochaines élections. Il a affirmé que si le projet de loi sera ratifié, les élections seront biaisées d'avance. 

Voters demand more registration centres

Mar 26 2014
Pajhwok Afghan News

HERAT CITY (Pajhwok): A number of residents of western Herat province on Wednesday complained about a lack of voter registration centres, asking the authorities to increase the number of such centres.

As the April 5 presidential and provincial council elections draw closer, enthusiasm among Herat residents is growing to participate in the national process. Presently, two voter registration centres are functional in Herat City.

Talks underway as govt committee reaches North Waziristan to meet TTP Shura

Mar 26 2014
The Express Tribune

PESHAWAR: The peace negotiations began as the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) intermediaries and the government negotiators reached North Waziristan to meet the TTP Shura on Wednesday, Express News reported.

They travelled to Miranshah via a helicopter from Peshawar and then proceeded to an undisclosed location to meet the TTP Shura. The meeting has previously been postponed twicedue to bad weather.

Le député d'Ennahdha considère les recommandations de Mehdi Jomaa

Mar 26 2014
Radio Mosaique

Le député  du bloc Ennahdha Kamel Ben Amara a déclaré au micro de Mosaïque FM que les recommandations du chef du gouvernement Mehdi Jomaa  de limoger les gouverneurs et délégués ayant des appartenances partisanes même s’ils sont compétents, sont dangereuses et contraires à la constitution. 



Ghani-Ahmadzai Campaigns In Paktiya Province

Mar 26 2014
Tolo News

Afghan presidential candidate Ashraf Ghani-Ahmadzai said in a gathering in eastern Paktiya province on Tuesday that peace and security would result in economic development for the province’s residents.
Ghani-Ahmadzai added that he is determined to take steps towards agriculture and industrial development of the province.
“We want an industarial Paktiya, each acre of government land needs an industrial park, without making Paktiya industarial there will be no jobs for Paktiya youths ,” Ghani-Ahmadzai said.

Merry(age): Civil society seeks increase in minimum age for girls

Mar 26 2014
The Express Tribune
ISLAMABAD: Recent remarks by a religious body about child marriages law may hinder progress on pending bills at the federal and provincial levels about increasing minimum marriageable age for girls, according to The Child Rights Movement (CRM).

In its press statement issued here on Tuesday, the CRM urged the federal and provincial governments to implement the Child Marriages Restraint (CMR) Act 1929 and increase the minimum marriageable age for girls.

Sayyaf Promises To Establish Islamic Rule If President

Mar 26 2014
Tolo News

Afghan presidential candidate Abdul Rab Rassoul Sayyaf pledged in a speech in Herat on Tuesday to implement Islamic law and punish killers with the death penalty if he is elected president.
According to Sayyaf some elements try to frighten people regarding the involvement of the Mujahideen in the political process, and said that he would try to establish a totally Islamic rule in the country. 
“We will establish an Islamic system which was also the aim of Jihad so that our oppressed nation is in the shadow of an Islamic government,” Sayyaf said.

Election tribunal declares result of PP-136 Narowal null and void

Mar 26 2014
The Express Tribune

LAHORE: An election tribunal on Wednesday declared the result of the PP-136 constituency in Narowal null and void, Express News reported.

Colonel (retd) Shujah Ahmad Khan of Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) had won the seat with 47,475 votes while independent candidate Muhammad Wakeel Khan Manj was the runner-up with 31,423 votes.

Manj had accused the winning candidate of rigging the votes.

Today, the election tribunal nullified the result stating that ballot papers and counter files were missing from the record.

Illegal appointment: Contempt notice issued to AJK assembly speaker

Mar 26 2014
The Express Tribune
MUZAFFARABAD: Azad Jammu and Kashmir High Court (AJKHC) Tuesday issued a contempt of court notice to assembly speaker for violating court order in an illegal appointment and promotion case.

Chief Justice Ghulam Mustafa Mughal issued contempt notice to AJK Legislative Assembly (AJKLA) Speaker Ghulam Sadiq Khan for promoting his son and appointing his nephew in the assembly secretariat in violation of the court order.

On March 31 opposition plans to claim returning of presidential- parliamentary government

Mar 26 2014
Source: News Agency

On March 31 opposition plans to demand returning of the government to legalize national assembly and return to a presidential- parliamentary form of government. The former deputy Sadyr Zhaparov - one of the main organizers of the protest informed news agency.

MQM holding talks with PPP over joining Sindh govt: Sabzwari

Mar 26 2014
The News International

KARACHI: MQM leader Faisal Sabzwari says his party is holding talks with the PPP over joining the provincial government in Sindh. 

Sabzwari added that the MQM had been approached three times over the last ten months by the PPP regarding joining the provincial government.

According to MQM leader no final decision had been taken on joining the Sindh government as the MQM was still evaluating the PPP’s invitation.

Sabzwari further said there needs to be a working relationship between both parties.


Modibo Sidibé à la tête du nouveau parti : Le parti ‘’FARE AN KA WULI’’ requinqué

Mar 26 2014

Ils étaient venus des huit régions du Mali, de la Mauritanie, le Côte d’Ivoire, la France, du Congo et du Canada pour prendre part au premier congrès ordinaire des Forces Alternatives pour le Renouveau  et l’Emergence (FARE AN KA WULI). Cette rencontre  est le début d’une nouvelle ère.
