
Education gets politicised as textbooks and heroes are changed

Mar 25 2014
The Express Tribune

KARACHI: The Sindh Textbook Board has decided to dub Abdul Sattar Edhi, Malala Yousufzai and Arfa Abdul Kareem as national heroes in its textbooks for grades I to VI while ‘purging’ textbooks of references to “non-democratic heroes”.

The provincial education department’s special secretary, Syed Zakir Ali Shah, who holds an additional charge for the textbook board, confirmed the revisions to The Express Tribune.

Le nouveau président face aux défis à relever

Mar 25 2014

Après la crise sécuritaire  et institutionnelle qu’a  traversée notre pays et dont  les  séquelles pèsent encore lourdement sur  tous les aspects touchant à la vie de la Nation, les Maliennes et les Maliens se prononcent sur le nouveau président de la République, Ibk. Nombre d’entre eux pensent que beaucoup de défis l’attendent. 

Djibril Traoré (Retraité) :

Lo Gourmo Abdoul, vice-président de l’UFP, à propos de la présidentielle de juin 2014

Mar 25 2014
Le Quotidien de Nouakchott

Le Forum pour l’unité et la démocratie (FUD) a regroupé en février dernier à Nouakchott, des partis politiques de l’opposition, des représentants de la société civile et des personnalités indépendantes. Il a été, entre autres, question de l’élection présidentielle qui aura lieu en juin 2014 en Mauritanie. L’essentiel des partis politiques ayant pris part a ce forum avait boycotté les municipales et législatives de novembre 2013. Pour la présidentielle prochaine, ces partis exigent un dialogue avec le pouvoir pour plus de garanties de transparence. 

Crime Revelations Force Albanian Officials to Quit

Mar 25 2014
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Three government officials have resigned or been sacked over the last two weeks after the opposition spotlighted their criminal records.

The logistics director in the port of Durres, Fisnik Myrtezaj, a recent appointment by the centre-left government of Edi Rama, resigned on Monday following accusations that he had a criminal record for drug trafficking.  

On Sunday, the opposition Democratic Party said Myrtezaj had been jailed in 2011 for three and half years for the crime.

Election tribunal orders re-election in NA-46 Khyber Agency

Mar 25 2014
The Express Tribune

PESHAWAR: An election tribunal on Tuesday declared the election of an independent candidate from NA-46 Khyber Agency constituency illegal, Express News reported.

Independent candidate Nasir Khan Afridi had won the seat with 4,028 votes against Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) candidate Muhammad Iqbal Afridi who bagged 3,547.

The winning candidate was accused of rigging during the elections and the results were challenged.

Today, the election tribunal declared the results invalid and ordered re-election.

1er congrès ordinaire des Fare: Modibo Sidibé rejoint l’opposition

Mar 25 2014

L’ex-Premier ministre, Modibo Sidibé est désormais président des Forces Alternatives pour le Renouveau et l’Emergence (FARE Anka Wuli). Le candidat malheureux à la présidentielle 2013, a été investi lors du 1er congrès, qui s’est tenu les 15 et 16 derniers au Palais de la Culture Amadou Hampâté Ba.

K-P politics: Governorship takes centre stage as peace process moves forward

Mar 25 2014
The Express Tribune

SHABQADAR / PESHAWAR: Since the governor will play a focal role in the negotiations between the Taliban and government due to his position as chief executive of the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (Fata) – the ruling Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) wants its own man in that position.

IBK confirme sa candidature en 2018

Mar 25 2014

Lors de l’inauguration de la centrale hybride de Koro, le président IBK a confirmé sa candidature pour les prochaines échéances électorales de 2018 tout en affirmant ceci « Koro dans l’obscurité savait accueillir. Je me revois ici en meeting à la lumière des phares des voitures.

Désormais je souhaiterai revenir à Koro faire un meeting si Dieu me donne l’ordre de la prochaine campagne en pleine lumière et sans aucun risque de délestage ». En déclarant cette phrase, le président n’écarte pas la possibilité de se présenter à la prochaine présidentielle en 2018.


Ex-NCP official mocks Bashir statements on reform initiative

Mar 25 2014
Sudan Tribune

The leader of the Reform Now Party (RNP) Ghazi Salah al-Deen al-Attabani, has described the recent remarks by president Omer Hassan Al-Bashir as a list of “mere wishes and slogans”.

On Sunday, Bashir laid out the guidelines of a reform plan before the cabinet in an emergency session in which he announced the formation of a higher committee comprised of five sub-committees to implement its articles noting that the move does not contradict the ongoing dialogue with political forces.

Taliban Attack Regional Election Office in Kabul

Mar 25 2014
Tolo News

Five Taliban insurgents attacked a regional Independent Election Commission (IEC)'s office, situated near a presidential candidate's home and Afghan National Army recruitment center on Tuesday, leaving five dead including the attackers, officials said.

More than ten people were injured in the attack.

The incident took place in Darul Aman area of Kabul, when two of the attackers detonated their explosives at the IEC office and opened way for three other attackers, said the Ministry of Interior Affairs Spokesman, Sediq Sediqqi.

Prabowo Subianto hopes to become president

Mar 25 2014
Antara News

Cilacap, Central Java (ANTARA News) - The chief patron of Gerindra Party, Prabowo Subianto, has said that he is optimistic about winning the presidential election on July 9.

"(I am) very optimistic," he told newsmen after attending a campaign rally at Krida Nusantara field in Cilacap, Central Java, on Tuesday.

The reason for the belief, he said, was the public support he had received.

He said that support for Gerindra Party had also increased. "God willing, I will get a mandate from the people (to be president)," he noted.

1 yr in prison, 50k fine or both for child corporal punishment suggested

Mar 25 2014
The News International

ISLAMABAD: A bill against corporal punishment was tabled in the National Assembly on Tuesday seeking a Rs. 50,000 fine and, or a one year prison sentence for violators.


According to sources, the bill tabled by MNA Marvi Memon seeks to prohibit all kinds of physical punishment including striking by hand, using a stick, a belt, a shoe or any other object. The bill also seeks to prohibit pulling of hair and ears as well. The bill has proposed a fine of 50 thousand rupees and one year imprisonment for those found administering corporal punishment.


Social media group volunteers to monitor election polls

Mar 25 2014
Today's Zaman
Volunteers who have come together through a group organized via social media will be monitoring voting stations in İstanbul during local elections that will take place on March 30.

Civil initiative organizations, including Sandık Başındayız (We Are At The Polls) and Oy ve Ötesi (Vote and Beyond) have trained 22,000 people so far to help monitor the elections and make sure no wrongdoing occurs.

Afghan MPs Approve Qanuni As First Vice President

Mar 25 2014
Tolo News

Afghan MPs approved on Tuesday Younus Qanuni, a former House Speaker, as first vice president to replace Marshal Mohammad Qasim Fahim, who died of a heart attack two weeks ago.

Qanuni was introduced by President Hamid Karzai to the MPs for a confidence vote.

"We have selected Mohammad Younus Qanuni from those who were offered for the first vice president and we hope you very soon confirm him," Karai said at the Parliament on Tuesday.

PDIP able to face smear campaign on Jokowi

Mar 25 2014
Antara News

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - The Indonesian Democratic Party Struggle (PDIP) has stated that it believed it could face smear campaign that has so far been launched on its presidential candidate, Joko Widodo (Jokowi).

"PDIP thinks the attack is part of the steep road that a leader must take," party Secretary General Tjahjo Kumolo declared in an electronic message received here on Tuesday.

He pointed out that all party functionaries must remain calm with regard to the smear campaign against PDIP and Jokowi (Joko Widodo).

PKR sec-gen blocked from entering Sarawak

Mar 25 2014
The Star Online

PETALING JAYA: PKR secretary-general Datuk Saifuddin Nasution Ismail (pic) was blocked from entering Sarawak after arriving in Sibu at 11am on Tuesday to help candidates in PKR's Balingian campaign.

"Upon arrival in Sibu this morning, he was informed by an officer that a directive to block him from entering the State was issued by the Sarawak Chief Minister's office on Saturday," said PKR communications director Fahmi Fadzil in a press statement.

Fahmi also said that Saifuddin is now waiting for a flight back to Kuala Lumpur.

IEC to expose officials interfering in polls

Mar 25 2014
Pajhwok Afghan News

KABUL (Pajhwok): The Independent Election Commission (IEC) on Tuesday urged President Hamid Karzai to initiate action against government officials interfering in electoral affairs and warned to expose such individuals.

IEC Spokesman Noor Mohammad Noor told Pajhwok Afghan News they had shared with the Presidential Palace documents proving government officials’ interference in the elections, due on April 5.

Indonesian Election Commission sued for providing no braille templates

Mar 25 2014
Antara News

Bandung (ANTARA News) - The Indonesian General Elections Commission (KPU) will be sued by several associations for the blind grouped under "Forum of Contesting Blind" over the absence of braille templates for blind voters in the legislative elections 2014.

"We will fight the injustice, what the KPU has done against blind voters. We will file a lawsuit against the KPUs decision of not providing braille templates for us," Suhendar, the forums chairman, said here on Tuesday.

The lawsuit will be filed in the Constitution Court or the State Administrative Court (PTUN).
