

Jul 01 2013
The Jakarta Post

Former Army chief of staff Gen (ret) Pramono Edhie Wibowo has finally announced his decision to join the Democratic Party. Pramono, who attended the party’s annual National Coordinating Meeting (Rakornas),
said he was now a member of the party’s supervisory board.

“I became a party member four days ago,” he said as quoted on Saturday.

Berri postpones divisive Parliament sessions till mid-July

Jul 01 2013
The Daily News Star

Speaker Nabih Berri postponed Monday a divisive session of Parliament until mid-July, as the row over the constitutionality of convening a legislative session with a resigned government continued.

The decision to postpone the legislative session, which had been due to discuss some 45 draft laws, came after officials and political parties from both sides of the political divide boycotted the session.

The new dates for the legislative sessions are July 16 to July 18.

Morsi Challenged

Jul 01 2013
Daily News Egypt

30 June witnessed an unprecedented mobilisation of demonstrations across Cairo, after a massive and coordinated signature campaign (Tamarod) calling for President Mohamed Morsi to leave office. So far the protests have reached at least seven governorates, with the Ministry of Health counting over 200 injured and a death in Beni Suef. Clashes ensued at the primary Muslim Brotherhood headquarters in Moqattam when a group attempted to set fire to the building, with Brotherhood defenders responding with birdshot.

Hadi resolves parliamentary dispute

Jul 01 2013
Yemen Times

President Abdu Rabbu Mansour Hadi has mediated a month-and-a-half-long dispute between the General People’s Congress (GPC) and the Joint Meeting Parties (JMP) that led to the boycott of Parliament sessions by the JMP. 

With a majority in Parliament, the GPC has been able to pass legislation without the support or presence of the JMP. The JMP insists that decisions should be made according to the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Initiative and its implementation mechanism, not by majority vote. 

Turkish PM signals no lowering of election threshold

Jun 28 2013
Hurriyet Daily News

Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğansignaled no withdrawal of Turkey’s 10 percent election threshold, while also adding that only 10 to 15 percent of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) militants have pulled out from Turkish soil so far. 

During his address at the group of Wise Persons in Istanbul on June 26, Erdoğan said the government had no plans to lower the 10 percent election threshold. 

Hatta Rajasa Eyes Presidential Run, but is Indonesia Behind Him?

Jun 28 2013
Jakarta Globe

While many politicians would find a way to avoid announcing an unpopular policy, like the decision to increase fuel prices, in a televised news conference, Coordinating Minister for the Economy Hatta Rajasa confidently took the podium last week to make the announcement.

With only a year until the next presidential election, many feared Hatta, the chairman of the National Mandate Party (PAN) and one of the first to declare his presidential candidacy, would put his popularity at risk through being the public face of the fuel price increase.

Umno Election Will Use The 'Electoral College' System

Jun 28 2013

The Umno election to be held at the end of the year will adopt the 'electoral college' system which merges the election systems from the United States (US) and United Kingdom (UK).

Umno Election Committee chairman Tan Sri Tajol Rosli Ghazali said the system was perceived to be suitable for implementation in the election of the top leadership of the party which would involve 146,000 members at the grassroots level.

"Our election method is slightly different from the past. We will merge the American system with that used in the United Kingdom.

Salvation Front: Mursi's speech reinforces image of incapable president

Jun 27 2013
Aswat Masriya

The speech President Mohamed Mursi gave on Wednesday only makes the National Salvation Front more adamant on calling for early presidential elections to achieve the revolution's goals.

In a statement it made today, the front expressed its confidence that millions of Egyptians will peacefully demonstrate on June 30 to assert their will and rectify the revolution's course.

Le mouvement 25 février appelle au boycott électoral

Jun 27 2013

Le Mouvement 25 février a qualifié les prochaines législatives et municipales en Mauritanie de "mascarade électorale à laquelle aucune force politique ne doit participer".

" Participer à ces élections, c’est contribuer à l’enracinement du régime militaire, unilatéral et corrompu. C’est aussi entraver la dynamique du changement tant réclamé par le  peuple mauritanien", selon le Mouvement qui a annoncé une campagne de sensibilisation de l’opinion publique sur la nécessité de boycotter ces élections.



Jun 27 2013
Yemen Times

Parliament voted to withdraw confidence against the Minister of Legal Affairs, Mohammed Al-Mikhlafi, during a Parliament session on Monday. 

The session included 60 members of Parliament; Joint Meeting Parties (JMP) members were absent as they have pledged to boycott Parliament sessions until President Hadi implements comprehensive reforms.  

Head of Parliament Yahia Al-Ra’i threatened to suspend further Parliament sessions unless confidence had been withdrawn against the minister, who represents the Socialist party.

Impeachment motion against Marzouki inadmissible

Jun 26 2013
Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

The impeachment motion against the President of the Republic was considered inadmissible during the plenary session of the National Constituent Assembly (NCA) held, on Wednesday, devoted to the examination of the conditions of admissibility of the motion.

 Following the withdrawal of some elected NCA members of their signatures, a day before the holding of the plenary session, 99 NCA members out of 113 judged inadmissible the motion, against 9 NCA members favourable and 5 abstentions.

Senate Approves Some Articles of Law on Elections

Jun 26 2013
Bakhtar News

Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Kabul (BNA) The session of the Upper House Chaired by Fazel Hadi Muslimyar, the Senators approved the amendments to the law on elections up to the article 19.
Based on information of the  press office of Upper House, the law has been prepared on the basis of provision of Constitution for conducting presidential elections, parliamentary elections, provincial council’s elections, district council elections,    and municipality’s elections.

PKS prepares to lose ministers as Cabinet shake-up looms

Jun 25 2013
The Jakarta Post

After struggling to hang on to its ministerial positions in President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono’s Cabinet, the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) appeared to have resigned to the possibility that at least one of its Cabinet ministers would be dismissed.

After days of tough talking to Yudhoyono — asking the President to kick the PKS out of the ruling coalition — PKS spokesperson Mardani Ali Sera said on Monday that the party would defer any final decision taken by the President.

Zhumakadyr Akeneev: Kyrgyz elite is uncoordinated and does not pursue common objective

Jun 25 2013
24 news agency

“Kyrgyzstan’s elite is uncoordinated and does not pursue a common objective, that is why the republic suffers so much turmoil and problems,” political scientist Zhumakadyr Akeneev said today at a round table discussion, called “Kyrgyz elites: no interaction, no state” in news agency .

Albanian Socialists Eye Landslide Victory

Jun 25 2013
Balkan Insight

As the vote count continued for a third day on Tuesday, the left-wing opposition held onto its lead that would likely secure it 84 of the 140 seats in Albania’s parliament.

Socialist leader Edi Rama called on Prime Minister Sali Berisha to concede defeat, while underlining the importance that the remaining ballots are counted without further delay.  

“We calmly wait for our opponent to concede defeat,” Rama said at a press conference.

“This is the time for all parties to work together so that the counting process can end, and Albania can move on,” he added.

Labor Party kicks off in Yemen

Jun 24 2013
Felix News Agency

Amid widespread presence , Yemeni Labor Party held its Constituent Conference last Thursday in Sana’a within the multi-party context taking place in our country to officially publicize the Yemeni Labor Party was under the slogan: (with work  we build a homeland), which is one of the fledgling political parties in Yemen .
