
Saudi FM: Macron’s comments on Lebanon’s Hariri being detained in KSA ‘incorrect’

May 29 2018
Saudi Arabia
Arab News

Hariri spent two weeks in November in Saudi Arabia before heading to Paris, Abu Dhabi and Cairo

France's President Macron made his comments on French broadcaster BFMTV on Friday

A source at Saudi Arabia’s Foreign Ministry said French President Emmanuel Macron’s recent comments that the Kingdom had detained Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Al-Hariri in November were incorrect, Saudi state-news agency SPA reported.

Élections le 10 décembre: une date, de l’optimisme et encore beaucoup de questions

May 29 2018
Jeune Afrique

Les principaux acteurs politiques libyens se sont engagés mardi 29 mai, à Paris, à assurer l'organisation d'élections présidentielle et législatives le 10 décembre 2018. Bien que nombre de questions restent en suspens sur ce document qui n'a pas encore été paraphé, le ton était à l'optimisme à l'issue de la rencontre.

One of ‘Obstacles’ Facing Hariri

May 29 2018

One of the "main obstacles" facing PM-designate Saad Hariri’s bid to form a new government is “Hizbullah’s demand that a ministerial seat be allocated to a Sunni deputy close to the party,” the Saudi Asharq al-Awsat daily reported on Tuesday.

“The party has presented its demand to Hariri during Monday’s consultations, and is expected to reiterate it later on,” well-informed sources told the daily on condition of anonymity.

Ce que vous devez retenir du discours du Youssef Chahed

May 29 2018

"Les dirigeants de Nidaa Tounes, et à leur tête Hafedh Caid Essebsi, ont détruit le parti. Cela est même devenu une menace pour les institutions publiques"

Le chef du gouvernement, Youssef Chahed, s’est adressé aux Tunisiens ce soir le 29 mai 2018, revenant sur la situation politique du pays ainsi que sur les incertitudes relatives à son départ, après la suspension des discussions du Document de Carthage 2.

Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta candidat à un second mandat

May 28 2018
Jeune Afrique

Le président malien a annoncé lundi officiellement sa candidature à l'élection du 29 juillet, où il affrontera au moins une quinzaine d'adversaires, plaçant la "sécurisation" du pays en tête de ses priorités.

« Aucune ambition personnelle ne m’habite, aucune volonté de durer ne m’anime », a assuré Ibrahima Boubacar Keïta, 73 ans, élu en 2013 pour cinq ans, invoquant son désir de « servir au mieux le Mali en ces heures où les incertitudes ne sont pas encore totalement levées ».

Hariri Wraps Up One-Day Govt. Consultations with Parliamentary Blocs

May 28 2018

Prime Minister-designate Saad Hariri on Monday held one-day, unbinding consultations with the parliamentary blocs and deputies in Nejmeh Square, kicking off his bid to form a new government.

Hariri first met with Speaker Nabih Berri, and afterwards met separately with former PM Tammam Salam and ex-PM Najib Miqati.

Salam made remarks to reporters after the meeting saying although everyone is calling for a quick Cabinet formation, “but I don’t think it should be rushed.”

Benchamach prépare la refonte des instances de son parti

May 28 2018

Deux jours après son élection au poste de secrétaire général du PAM, Hakim Benchamach prépare la refonte des instances de son parti. Il commence par une concertation à large échelle.

Pas de répit pour Hakim Benchamach , nouveau secrétaire général du PAM. Elu dans la nuit de samedi à dimanche, pour succéder à Ilyas El Omari, il s’attaque à l’un des plus grands chantiers de son mandat : la restructuration des instances du parti, dont le Bureau politique et le Bureau fédéral.

MHP unveils election manifesto promising 'national revival'

May 27 2018
Hurriyet Daily News

Turkey’s opposition Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) has unveiled its election manifesto ahead of the June 24 early elections. The manifesto, with a tagline “National Revival, Blessed Uprising”, calls for reforms to bring economic relief to farmers, retired people and families of disabled, martyred people and veterans. 

The MHP election manifesto emphasized five topics, including "Smart state and public administration", "justice", "combatting corruption", "multifaceted and multi-dimensional foreign policy" and "industrialization and SMEs."

Former CJP Nasirul Mulk to take over as caretaker prime minister

May 27 2018
The Express Tribune

Former chief justice Nasirul Mulk was announced as the caretaker prime minister on Monday during a joint press conference held by Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi and Opposition Leader Khursheed Shah.

It took the government and the opposition six meetings to decide on a name for the coveted position.

“Today is a day of great importance in the democratic run of the country. We have agreed on an individual for the position,” said the premier during the press conference.

Turkey’s main opposition unveils election manifesto

May 27 2018
Hurriyet Daily News

The leader of the main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP) on May 26 unveiled his party’s election manifesto, which vowed to find solutions to “five main problems of Turkey.”

Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu read out his party’s 230-page declaration, prepared under the slogan “We are coming for the nation,” in the capital Ankara. He also introduced the CHP candidates running for parliament in the June 24 early elections.

Egypt arrests former Sisi campaigner turned critic

May 27 2018
Al Jazeera

The arrest of Hazim Abdelazim is the latest in Egypt's ongoing crackdown on dissenting voices.

Egyptian police have arrested a one-time campaigner turned critic for President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, a police official said on Sunday.

The police official did not give a reason for the overnight arrest of Hazim Abdelazim, but a source told Reuters news agency that he was arrested on suspicion of publishing false news and inciting against the state.

New Govt. to be Formed around Eid al-Fitr

May 27 2018

The line-up of the new government is likely to be announced on the eve of the Eid al-Fitr holiday or shortly afterwards, a media report said.

"The parties' demands regarding portfolios and shares will not become totally clear before the end of the one-day official consultations that PM-designate Saad Hariri will hold Monday with the parliamentary blocs," political sources informed on the formation process told al-Hayat daily in remarks published Sunday.

Pakistan to hold general elections on July 25

May 26 2018
Al Jazeera

President Mamnoon Hussain approves the date, as the government prepares to hand power over to caretaker administration.

Pakistan will hold general elections for July 25, a presidential spokesman has said. 

President Mamnoon Hussain approved the date on Saturday, which will see Pakistan's more than 100 million voters getting the opportunity to vote for both the national and provincial assemblies.

Sefik Dzaferovic is SDA's Presidency candidate

May 26 2018
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Sefik Dzaferovic won the majority vote for the Democratic Action Party’s (SDA) candidate for Bosnian Presidency. During the SDA Convention, he won 104 votes while his opponent and party colleague Safet Softic won 87 votes.

Speaking to the press, he said it is never easy being a candidate for one of the most responsible functions in the country. He said the party will succeed and win the election because the SDA is a team and only as such can they succeed.

His opponent, Safet Softic said the party Convention showed that the SDA is a democratic party.

Govt. Policy Statement Under ‘International Scrutiny’

May 26 2018

Lebanon’s upcoming new government to be lined up under Prime Minister-designate Saad Hariri “may adopt the format of the previous government's policy statement regarding a clause on Hizbullah’s resistance,” the pan-Arab al-Hayat daily reported on Saturday.

Quoting political sources who spoke on condition of anonymity, they said the government may adhere to the same clauses on Hizbullah’s resistance as the ones mentioned in the policy statement back in 2016.

Cabinet Might See Two New Portfolios Added

May 26 2018

Prime Minister-designate Saad Hariri is set to begin lining up his government starting next week amid reports that the future Cabinet will see two new ministries added to the already 30-member assembly, the Kuwaiti al-Anbaa daily reported Saturday.

“Monday will see another day in the path of the Prime Minister in charge of forming an expanded government of national unity, as described by Speaker Nabih Berri, and it will be comprised of 32 ministers to include for the first time, minority Alawite and Christian ministers,” said the daily.

Conférence d’autodétermination de la CODEM

May 26 2018
Mali Web

Aussi bien pour l’opposition que pour la majorité présidentielle, l’heure fatidique de l’autodétermination de la désormais 3ème force politique du pays, après la capitulation de l’Adema, approche. Occasion pour les forces en présence de retenir leur souffle. Prévue pour les 25 et 26 mai prochain dans la salle du pavillon des sports, la conférence nationale de la Convergence pour le Développement du Mali (CODEM) est annoncée comme étant un tournant décisif dans la vie de cette jeune formation politique.

Sudan’s NCP calls on political forces to participate in 2020 elections

May 26 2018
Sudan Tribune

Sudan’s ruling National Congress Party (NCP) Saturday has called on all political parties to participate in the 2020 elections.

During a meeting with his party’s student sector, NCP political secretary Abdel-Rahman al-Khidir said the main objective of the 2020 elections is to make the ballot boxes the only means for the peaceful transfer of power.

He expressed his party’s readiness to run for the presidential and parliamentary elections, saying the 2020 elections must be held on its scheduled timeframe.
