
Cuatro partidos kurdos acusan a la comisión electoral de intentar ocultar casos de fraude en las parlamentarias

May 25 2018
Europa Press

Un total de cuatro partidos políticos kurdos han emitido este viernes un comunicado conjunto acusando a la comisión electoral de intentar manipular los votos electrónicos para ocultar casos de fraude durante las parlamentarias celebradas el 12 de mayo en Irak.

Gorran, Komal, la Unión Islámica del Kurdistán (KIU) y la Coalición para la Democracia y la Justicia (CDJ) han denunciado que la comisión electoral de Sulaimani no ha permitido a las formaciones comprobar las copias electrónicas de las hojas de votos.

Parliamentary body to decide caretaker PM after govt-Opp talks falter

May 25 2018
Pakistan Today

Khursheed Shah says he will not hold any further meetings with PM Abbasi over caretaker premier

A parliamentary committee will now decide the name of the caretaker prime minister as Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi and Leader of the Opposition Khursheed Shah failed to reach a consensus over the matter on Friday.

Shah told reporters at his chamber in Parliament House that there would be no more meetings between him and Prime Minister Abbasi over naming the caretaker PM.

Albania Opposition Plan Mass Protest Despite 'Treason' Charge

May 25 2018
Balkan Insight

The main opposition parties in Albania are preparing for a major protest on Saturday, accusing the government of having links to drug dealers, despite being called 'traitors' to Albania by the Prime Minister.

Albania's opposition Democratic Party and the Socialist Movement for Integration, LSI, have finalised their preparations for a major protest on Saturday in Tirana, demanding the resignation of the Interior Minister Fatmir Xhafaj, who they accuse of engaging in drug smuggling.

Ennahdha veut garder Youssef Chahed à la tête du gouvernement

May 25 2018

Le mouvement Ennahdha veut garder Youssef Chahed à la tête du gouvernement a affirmé vendredi le président du parti Rached Ghannouchi après la réunion des signataires de l’Accord de Carthage 2.

“Le mouvement Ennahdha maintient sa position à savoir l’application de ce programme (issu de l’Accord de Carthage 2) par un gouvernement remanié dirigé par Youssef Chahed” a t-il précisé. 

Consultations to Name New Premier Begin at Baabda Palace

May 24 2018

The binding parliamentary consultations to name the next prime minister kicked off at Baabda Palace on Thursday, as caretaker PM Saad Hariri was first to arrive and meet with President Michel Aoun.

Based on the statements made this week by various parliamentary blocs, Hariri is widely expected to be renamed premier in the consultations.

MP-elect ex-PM Najib Miqati, who leads a four-member parliamentary bloc, met with Aoun and told reporters afterwards that he nominates Hariri for the premiership.

ODIHR opens observation mission for Turkey’s snap elections

May 24 2018
Hurriyet Daily News

The OSCE’s Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) formally opened its election observation mission in Turkey on May 24 for the snap presidential and parliamentary elections to take place on June 24.

Along with 12 experts based in Ankara, 22 long-term observers and will be deployed throughout the country, OSCE Ambassador Audrey Glover told reporters in Ankara on May 24.

Venice Commission's experts with Bosnian leaders in June

May 24 2018
Bosnia and Herzegovina

The Venice Commission representatives would hold meetings with leaders of Bosnia's political parties the next month to discuss the changes to electoral legislation, participants of the meeting held at premises of the EU Delegation to Bosnia and Herzegovina concluded on Thursday.

The Venice Commission's delegation arrived this week to assist Bosnia's politicians and authorities in finding an agreement on the burning issue of the changes Bosnia has to make to the Election Law, in order to align it with the country's Constitution.

Oumar Mariko, Dramane Dembélé et Poulo investis ce weekend

May 24 2018

Les choses s’accélèrent pour la présidentielle du 29 juillet prochain. Ce weekend sera marqué par l’entrée en course de trois autres candidats.  Ainsi, l’investiture du candidat du parti SADI à l’élection présidentielle du 29 juillet 2018, Oumar Mariko, aura lieu ce Samedi 26 mai 2018 à 10 heures au Centre d’Accueil Catholique de Niamana à 200m des logements sociaux de Tabacoro. Après avoir refusé de soutenir le président sortant, IBK, Dramane Dembélé sera investi demain vendredi par une partie de l’Adema PASJ au Mémorial Modibo Keita.

Al Sadr asegura que ha dado "los últimos retoques" al nuevo Gobierno de Irak

May 24 2018
Europa Press

El destacado clérigo chií Muqtada al Sadr --quien lidera el bloque que se ha impuesto en las parlamentarias en Irak-- ha asegurado en la noche de este miércoles que ha dado "los últimos retoques" al que será el nuevo Gobierno de Irak, después de varios días de consultas con los líderes de las principales formaciones políticas.

"He completado la imagen de situación y he dado los últimos retoques " al Ejecutivo, ha dicho en un mensaje publicado en su cuenta en la red social Twitter, en el que ha resaltado que "es un Gobierno suní, chií, árabe, kurdo, nacionalista y no sectario". 

El Parlamento de Líbano reelige a Berri como su presidente y pone de segundo a un aliado de Hezbolá

May 23 2018
Europa Press

El nuevo Parlamento libanés, resultado de las elecciones celebradas el pasado 6 de mayo, ha reelegido este miércoles como su presidente a Nabih Berri, mientras que el vicepresidente de la institución será Elie Ferzli, un aliado del partido-milicia chií Hezbolá, informan los medios locales.

Pour Ennahdha, ce n'est pas le "bon timing" pour un remaniement ministériel total

May 23 2018
Huffpost Magreb

"Ennahdha est pour la stabilité" a affirmé Badreddine Abdelkefi, député d'Ennahdha

Le député du mouvement Ennahdha Badreddine Abdelkefi a affirmé mardi que son parti estime que ce n’est pas le bon timing pour procéder à un remaniement ministériel total.

“Nous au mouvement Ennahdha, nous estimons que l’injection de sang neuf dans les gouvernement est une bonne chose mais il ne faut pas oublier que le pays a besoin de stabilité et a besoin d’envoyer des signaux positifs aux organisations internationales et financières qui suivent de près la Tunisie” a-t-il indiqué.

Hariri Says Hizbullah Sanctions to 'Expedite' Govt. Formation

May 22 2018

The recently imposed sanctions on Hizbullah might “expedite” the government formation process rather than delay it, caretaker Prime Minister Saad Hariri announced Tuesday.

“There is a decision to speed up the government formation and I believe that the sanctions on Hizbullah might expedite the formation process rather than delay it,” Hariri told LBCI television.

Free Egyptians Party faces mass resignations of MPs in latest internal crisis

May 22 2018
Ahram Online

Half of the Free Egyptians Party's (FEP) Parliamentary bloc have resigned from the liberal party and joined Future of the Nation Party, news reports said on Tuesday, in the latest partisan reshuffle of Egypt's House of Representatives.

In statements to Shorouk Daily on Tuesday, MP Mohamed El-Masood, who resigned from FEP and joined Future of the Nation party, said half of the FEP parliamentary bloc had switched camps.

Iran tells Europe to step up and save nuclear deal

May 22 2018

Iran poured scorn on threatened U.S. sanctions on Tuesday and told European powers to step up and salvage its international nuclear deal - though Germany signaled there was only so much it could do to fend off Washington’s economic clout.

Senior Iranian military and political figures queued up to issue defiant statements a day after Washington threatened “the strongest sanctions in history” if Iran failed to make a series of sweeping changes.

Still no consensus on a name for caretaker PM

May 22 2018
Dawn News

Leader of the Opposition in the National Assembly Khurshid Shah said on Tuesday that there was still a lack of consensus between him and Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi over the name of the caretaker prime minister. The comment was made after a meeting between Shah and Abbasi to finalise the name of the caretaker prime minister ended inconclusively.
