
Election présidentielle de 2018 : Soumaila Cissé sera-t-il l’unique candidat de l’opposition?

Feb 07 2018

Selon certaines proches, Soumaïla Cissé serait la seule alternative crédible en 2018. En tout cas en suivant sa démarche sur le plateau de rfi, on peut lire entre ses propos. Il a incontestablement une suggestion dans le subconscient des Maliens de se pencher vers une porte de sortie dont il serait le seul détenteur.

Les dates à retenir

Feb 06 2018
L'Orient Le Jour

Dépôt des candidatures et des listes, élections au Liban et à l'étranger... voici le calendrier du scrutin.

Les prochaines élections législatives auront lieu dans trois mois sur la base d'une loi électorale votée au Parlement le 16 juin 2017. Les dernières élections générales remontent à 2009. Depuis, les députés ont prorogé leur mandat à trois reprises, la dernière fois jusqu'au 21 mai 2018.

Voici les dates à connaître avant la tenue du scrutin.

Les candidatures individuelles

Elections Act 2017 passed to reduce effect of disqualification: CJP.

Feb 06 2018
Dawn News

Deliberating on the Elections Act 2017, which paved the way for disqualified prime minister Nawaz Sharif to regain presidency of the PML-N, the Supreme Court on Tuesday asked a petitioner how having a party chief who is not eligible to contest elections would be in contradiction with the Constitution.

Barrister Farogh Naseem, who is representing opposition MNA Sheikh Rashid, told the court that the law was passed only 17 days after Sharif's disqualification by the Supreme Court in Panamagate case.

Tunisie: Al Massar tranchera ce mardi sur son maintien ou non au gouvernement d’union.

Feb 06 2018
Tunisie Numerique.

Le parti politique la Voie démocratique et sociale (Al Massar) se penchera ce mardi sur son destin au sein de la coalition gouvernementale pour décider s’il quitte ou reste, a indiqué le dirigeant au sein du parti Jounaïdi Abdeljaouad.

Les principales divergences au sein du parti sont liées à la poursuite ou non de la participation de la formation politique dans la coalition gouvernementale dirigée par Youssef Chahed.

On rappelle que le ,parti Al Masar est représenté au sein du gouvernement par Samir Taïeb , actuel ministre de l’Agriculture.

Mourad S.

Egypt's NEA extends registration deadline for 2018 election observers till 15 February.

Feb 01 2018
Ahram Online
Egypt's National Elections Authority (NEA) has extended the final registration deadline for Egyptian and foreign civil society members and NGOs monitoring the country's upcoming presidential elections until Thursday 15 February at 5pm.
The registration period was originally scheduled to end on January 26 before the NEA decided to initially extend to Thursday February 1, and then subsequently to Thursday 15 February.

Al Abadi defiende la unidad de Irak en una sesión del Parlamento boicoteada por los partidos kurdos

Feb 01 2018
Europa Press

El primer ministro de Irak, Haider al Abadi, ha defendido este miércoles la unidad del país durante una sesión parlamentaria que ha contado con el boicot de los partidos kurdos en protesta por el reparto de los Presupuestos.

"Estamos orgullosos de la unidad en la lucha contra el terrorismo, cuando el Ejército, la Policía, las Fuerzas de Movilización Popular --una coalición de milicias principalmente chiíes aliadas del Gobierno-- y los peshmerga estaban en una misma trinchera, preservando la unidad de Irak como país", ha dicho Al Abadi.

Egypt's National Elections Authority publishes initial list of presidential candidates.

Jan 31 2018
Ahram Online

Egypt's National Election Authority (NEA) published Wednesday an initial list of presidential candidates who have submitted their candidacy documents, along with the numbers of endorsements they received, in the state-owned Al-Ahram and Al-Akhbar newspapers.

 According to a statement published as an ad on the front pages of Al-Ahram and Al-Akhbar, the initial list of presidential candidates are Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi and Moussa Mostafa Moussa.

La UA afirma que no debe haber precipitación a la hora de organizar las próximas elecciones en Libia

Jan 30 2018
Europa Press

El comisario del Consejo de Paz y Seguridad de la Unión Africana (UA), Smail Chergui, ha afirmado este lunes que Libia no debe precipitarse a la hora de celebrar elecciones, abogando por consolidar la situación y lograr que las mismas sean creíbles cuando se celebren.

El enviado especial de Naciones Unidas para Libia, Ghasán Salamé, está impulsando una 'hoja de ruta' para intentar poner fin al conflicto que incluye la celebración de comicios este año.

ADEMA/PASJ : L’annonce de la suspension des primaires suscite la colère des prétendants.

Jan 29 2018

“Un candidat rassembleur et consensuel sera désigné, si nécessaire, par la direction”. C’est ce qu’a annoncé samedi, le président de l’Adéma/PASJ, Pr. Tiémoko Sangaré, à l’occasion de la présentation des vœux du parti de l’Abeille à la presse. Les candidats à la candidature dénoncent une violation flagrante des textes du parti.

Senate elections to take place on March 3.

Jan 29 2018
Dawn News

The Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) finalised the schedule for Senate elections on Monday, setting March 3 as the date of the polling.

A returning officer (RO) will issue a public notice on February 3, while nomination papers will be filed between February 4 and 6, the commission announced.

Following the scrutiny of nomination papers by February 9, a list of candidates will be issued on February 15, allowing candidates to withdraw nominations by the following day.

A formal notification by the commission will be issued on February 2.

Mehdi Jomâa : Je suis concerné par les élections de 2019.

Jan 25 2018
Tunisie Numerique

Mehdi Jomâa, l’ex chef de gouvernement tunisien, et actuel président du parti « Al Badil » a déclaré à l’antenne de la Radio Jawhara FM, que les mesures fiscales à outrance, instaurées, dans la loi de finances 2018, ne sont pas de nature à sauver le pays du désastre. Il a ajouté que ces mesures ne feront qu’encourager les circuits de finances parallèles et bloqueront les circuits officiels.

Concernant les échéances électorales de 2018, Mehdi Jomaâ a assuré qu’il était pleinement concerné par ces élections.

Libya mayors agree on holding urgent parliamentary and presidential elections.

Jan 25 2018
Libya Observer

Libyan mayors agreed in their first gathering in Shahat in east Libya to hold parliamentary and presidential elections in Libya, as per their final statement on Tuesday.

The mayors reiterated the unity of Libya and the rejection of any foreign intervention or presence on the Libyan land and in the territorial waters, renouncing all kinds of terrorism and radicalism.

Lebanese Speaker Says Elections Have Become a ‘Reality’.

Jan 25 2018
Asharq Al-Awsat

Speaker Nabih Berri and Interior Minister Nohad al-Mashnouq have stressed that Lebanon's parliamentary elections will be held on time next May. “The collective determination by the Lebanese affirms the need and duty for parliamentary polls to take place as scheduled and this has become a reality that can’t be doubted,” Berri was quoted as saying by lawmakers who visited him at his Ain el-Tineh residence on Wednesday.

Khaled Ali withdraws from Egyptian presidential race.

Jan 24 2018
The Guardian.

The Egyptian presidential hopeful and rights lawyer Khaled Ali has quit the race, becoming the latest would-be candidate who either has bowed out or been forced to abandon a challenge to the president, Abdel Fatah al-Sisi, before the March election.

Ali, a prominent socialist, had entered the race as a symbol of Egypt’s leftist revolutionary politics, but on Wednesday he told a press conference packed with supporters that “the opportunity for hope in this presidential election has gone”.

Egypt's Sisi submits his presidential candidacy documents to the NEA.

Jan 24 2018
Ahram Online

President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi's presidential campaign submitted his presidential candidacy papers to Egypt's National Elections Authority headquarter in Downtown Cairo early Wednesday, Al-Ahram Arabic website reported.

The official spokesperson of El-Sisi's presidential campaign Mohamed Bahaa Abu Shouka presented to the NEA his presidential candidacy papers including public endorsements whether from citizens or from Members of parliaments.

Egypt's election authority excludes Anan from voters' database.

Jan 23 2018
Ahram Online

Egypt's National Election Authority announced late on Tuesday that it had removed the name of ex-military chief Sami Anan from the voters' database, saying he has committed a "grave breach" of the election law by having his name added to the electoral roll while serving as officer on the army's reserve list.

Anan's exclusion came hours after the military said it was investigating him for breaching laws of military service by running for office before ending his service and without seeking the army's permission.
