
Amir accepts resignation of Cabinet

Oct 30 2017
Arab Times online

KUWAIT CITY, Oct 30: His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah on Sunday issued an Amiri Order accepting the resignation of His Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh Jaber Mubarak Al-Hamad Al-Sabah’s Cabinet. The Amiri Order, effective as of Monday, stipulates the acceptance of the resignation, whereby the premier and ministers will proceed amid urgent circumstances as a caretaker Cabinet, pending the formation of a new Cabinet.

Ces affiches électorales ridicules qui font rire les internautes.

Oct 30 2017

La campagne pour les élections locales du 23 novembre prochain a commencé ce dimanche 29 octobre. Les listes des partis présentant des candidats à ce scrutin peuvent désormais être collées sur les tableaux qui leur sont dédiés dans les espaces publics. Toutefois, les partis politiques utilisent les réseaux sociaux pour faire connaitre leurs candidats. Sur la toile, certaines de ces affiches électorales ont déjà été dévoilées et tournées en dérision.

Nouvel échec des députés de l’ARP à choisir un nouveau président de l’ISIE

Oct 30 2017
Tunisie Numerique.

L’Assemblée des représentants du peuple (ARP)  a échoué lundi 30 octobre pour la quatrième fois consécutive à élire à un nouveau président de l’Instance supérieure indépendante des élections (ISIE), poste vacant depuis bientôt 4 mois à l’issue de la démission de Chafik Sarsar.

Les deux finalistes du deuxième tour, Mohamed Tlilli Mansari et Njala Brahem ont obtenu respectivement 100 et 51 voix en deçà du quota requis de 109 voix pour être désigné au poste de président de l’ISIE.

Pourquoi les poids lourds politiques ne briguent pas le poste de maire.

Oct 30 2017

La campagne électorale pour les locales du 23 novembre prochain a commencé ce dimanche 29 octobre dans une indifférence totale. Une cinquantaine de partis politiques, quatre alliances et des groupes d’indépendants ont présenté 165.000 candidats, selon l’agence officielle.

Sur ces listes, les anciens ministres, les chefs des partis politiques, les cadres dirigeants et les célébrités ou animateurs vedettes sont absents. Contrairement aux législatives, les locales n’attirent pas les personnalités politiques, économiques et médiatiques connues. Pourquoi ?

Iran Parliament Starts Vetting Nominees for Vacant Cabinet Posts

Oct 29 2017
Tasnim News

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s parliament began vetting President Hassan Rouhani’s nominees for the two remaining cabinet posts on Sunday, two months after all his proposed ministerial picks except one managed to win the vote of confidence from the lawmakers.

Intensive talks are underway in the parliament about the credentials and backgrounds of Reza Ardakanian and Mansour Gholami, who have been nominated for the positions of the minister of science, research and technology and the energy minister respectively.

Iraqi Kurdistan leader Barzani will hand over presidential powers on November 1

Oct 28 2017

SULAIMANIYA, Iraq (Reuters) - Iraqi Kurdistan’s veteran leader Masoud Barzani will not extend his presidential term beyond Nov. 1, a Kurdish government official said on Saturday.

His decision came just weeks after a referendum on Kurdish independence backfired and triggered a crisis for Iraq’s Kurds who had been enjoying a period of unprecedented autonomy.

CHP leader calls for early presidential, parliamentary and local elections

Oct 27 2017
Hurriyet Daily News

Main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP) leader Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu has once again called on the government to bring forward all three elections slated to take place in 2019, including local, parliamentary and presidential polls, in a bid to avoid further deterioration of democracy in the country.

“Today Turkey is not being governed. I know their [ruling Justice and Development Party – AKP’s] biggest anxiety. The economy will worsen… I challenge them,” Kılıçdaroğlu said in an interview with private broadcaster CNN Türk on Oct. 26.

Le chef de file de l’opposition, l’honorable Soumaïla Cissé : « Les partis politiques de l’opposition se coaliseront en 2018 pour faire barrage à IBK »

Oct 26 2017

Les membres des partis politiques de l’opposition républicaine et démocratique en collaboration avec les membres de la  société civile  étaient face à la presse le lundi 23 octobre dans la salle de conférence de la maison de la Presse pour exprimer leur ras-le-bol face l’insécurité rampante, la politisation de l’école et la mauvaise organisation des prochaines élections. C’était sous la présidence du chef de file de l’opposition, l’honorable Soumaïla Cissé qui avait à ses côtés l’honorable Amadou Thiam de l’ADP-Maliba,  du Dr Oumar Mariko du parti SADI, M.

Turkey, Iraq say KRG poll results must be annulled

Oct 26 2017
Hurriyet Daily News

Both and Turkey and the Iraqi central government said on Oct. 26 that the results of an independence referendum held by Iraqi Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) last month should be annulled.

The damage caused by the independence vote is “unrecoverable,” Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yıldırım said on Oct. 26, while earlier in the day, his Iraqi counterpart Haider al-Abadi vowed that Baghdad “will not accept anything but the cancellation of the referendum.”

Cabinet expected to submit resignation Monday

Oct 26 2017
Arab Times online

KUWAIT CITY, Oct 26: MP Faisal Al-Kandari said he went to the Speaker’s office on Thursday to present his interpellation against the oil minister, but the Speaker informed him that there was no need for that because the government will not attend the next session. Al-Kandari said, “We all know that the government has resigned and will submit its resignation officially on Monday. Consequently, there is no point in submitting the interpellation request.”

KRG offers to freeze independence referendum results, calls for open dialogue with Iraq

Oct 25 2017
Kurdistan 24

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region (Kurdistan 24) – The Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) has offered to freeze the results of the independence referendum and called for all military operations to cease for an open dialogue with Baghdad to begin.

In a statement early Wednesday morning, the KRG stated that due to the grave and dangerous circumstances facing Iraq and Kurdistan, all sides are obliged to act responsibly in order to prevent further violence and clashes between Iraqi and Peshmerga forces.

Moroccan king fires ministers over development delays

Oct 25 2017
Al Jazeera

Morocco's King Mohammed VI has fired several ministers and top officials for failing to improve the economic situation in a region shaken by protests, a statement from the palace said.

King Mohammed VI dismissed the ministers of planning, housing, health and education, along with other senior officials on Tuesday, after the kingdom's accounting office found "imbalances" in implementing a development plan, state news agency MAP quoted the palace statement as saying.

Akşener hints at run for presidency in 2019 as she forms ‘Good Party'

Oct 25 2017
Hurriyet Daily News

Meral Akşener, an experienced right-wing politician and former interior minister, formed her long-anticipated political party under the title of the “Good Party” on Oct. 25, hinting at a run for Turkey’s presidency against President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in 2019.

Akşener submitted a petition for the formation of the Good Party to the Interior Ministry earlier in the day before she held her first meeting with the founders and sympathizers of the new party.

Kurdistan Region presidency, parliamentary elections delayed by eight months

Oct 24 2017
Kurdistan 24

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region (Kurdistan 24) – The Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) on Tuesday announced that elections for the presidency and parliament would be delayed by eight months.

The decision came after the Kurdistan Region’s Independent High Electoral and Referendum Commission (IHERC) on Monday noted that political parties had not presented candidates for both elections.

The suggestion to postpone the presidency and parliamentary elections was approved by 60 of 68 Members of Parliament who attended a session in Erbil.

Irak/Kurdistan: avancée de l'armée irakienne à Kirkouk, appels au dialogue pour éviter l'affrontement.

Oct 23 2017
Algérie Presse Service

Depuis le Kurdistan, le président irakien Fouad Massoum, a appelé récemment à trouver des solutions à la crise actuelle émanant des affrontements armés entre les forces fédérales et les Kurdes dans la zones disputées, suite au  référendum sur l'indépendance kurde, tenu le 25 septembre dernier, soulignant l'importance du dialogue en vue de préserver l'unité du peuple et du pays.

HPR Bureau to meet Wednesday to set date for plenary dedicated to election of ISIE president.

Oct 23 2017
Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

 Speaker of the House of People's Representatives (HPR) Mohamed Ennaceur said Monday that the bureau of the HPR should meet next Wednesday to set the date of the plenary session dedicated to the election of the president of the Independent High Authority for the Elections (ISIE).

 Speaking at the end of the meeting of presidents of parliamentary groups held Monday afternoon in Bardo, Mohamed Ennaceur said the consensus between the parliamentary blocs on the election of the president of the electoral commission is making progress.”

More women than the White House, and the youngest minister in the world - meet the new UAE Cabinet

Oct 20 2017
United Arab Emirates
The National

It has more women in positions of authority than the United States, the youngest minister in the world and an age difference of nearly half a century. Not to mention the world’s first Minister of State for Artificial Intelligence.

These are some of the many ways in which the new UAE Cabinet, announced on Thursday, is remarkable.

With nine ministerial positions out of 31 now held by women, the UAE is more gender-equal than Donald Trump’s cabinet, which has four.

Ouyahia président !

Oct 20 2017

Ahmed Ouyahia serait-il ce candidat providentiel que tout le monde « espère » pour succéder à Abdelaziz Bouteflika lors de la prochaine mandature à la magistrature suprême du pays ? Les marques de soutien affichées ça et là ces derniers jours au premier ministre sont des indices qui laissent croire que le chef du RND a obtenu le feu vert pour partir à l’assaut d’El Mouradia. Enfant du système et béni par les centres décideurs, Ouyahia réuni, dit-on, « toutes les qualités requises à même d’assurer la pérennité du système et garantir les intérêts des uns et des autres ».
