ISIE decides on arrangements for announcement of results and vote counting

Publication date: 
Oct 15 2014

TUNIS (TAP) - The Board of the Independent High Authority for the Elections (ISIE) met, Wednesday, and decided on the way the results of the legislative elections will be announced and the arrangements for vote counting. 

It also decided the organisation of voting simulation before election day, ISIE member Nabil Baffoune told TAP.

The Board of ISIE took stock of the ultimate material and logistic preparations for the legislative elections, as well as arrangements to be made so that all the operations related to the electoral event proceed normally, Baffoune adds.

According to him, the authority will respect the electoral law by ensuring that results be announced within three days as required by the law.

The meeting of ISIE Board also helped to decide on the arrangement for counting ballot papers by opting for double counting: manual principal and automated for verification.

Besides, Nabil Baffoune said that the Board has decided to organise a mock election before polling day during the period from October 17 to 19 in Ben Arous, the presence of media and observers.

The meeting of ISIE Board also discussed logistical arrangements regarding the equipment of polling stations (ballot boxes, indelible ink, polling booths and other accessories).
