Hamadi Jebali Resigns from Ennahdha

Tunisia Live
Publication date: 
Dec 12 2014


Former prime minister Hamadi Jebali announced his resignation from Ennahda in a statement on his personal Facebook page Wednesday night. Jebali declared himself bound to the peaceful revolution and its fighters, but stated “I find it increasingly difficult to fulfill my duty within the framework of Ennahdha… I can no longer stand by the decisions and choices made by Ennahdha’s management and its political strategy.”

 He further claimed in his public resignation that the “project of democracy is being tested, facing both internal and external challenges. Either the country continues the struggle to complete a peaceful revolution, or it will surrender, which will inevitably cause Tunisia’s collapse into tyranny once again.”

 With his new found political freedom, Jebali expressed his hope to devote himself fully to the principles of the revolution and the new Tunisian constitution.

 Ennahdha’s spokesperson, Zied Ladhari, responded to Jebali’s resignation on radio station Express FM, stating:

“Ennahdha’s members have received this sad news. It is known that Jebali has been distancing himself from the party recently while expressing his differences with Ennahdha’s political platform. We had hoped that Mr. Jebali would return to the party’s position as we consider him an exceptional figure… Unfortunately, he made his decision. Still, the channels of communication will remain open and hope he reconsiders his resignation… however we have not yet received any official resignation letter directly from Mr. Jebali.”


Zeinab Marzouk

Source: http://www.tunisia-live.net/2014/12/12/hamadi-jebali-resigns-from-ennahd...