“First one hundred days’ urgent measures” identified by government (document)

Publication date: 
Mar 24 2015

The government identified in a synthesis document published, Monday, the urgent measures to be taken by the various ministries in the first one hundred days of public affairs’ management.

According to this document, a copy of which was received by TAP, several identified projects and actions are underway of achievement, in conformity with the promise made, Monday, by the Prime Minister in his address to the people.

These measures are shared out between 15 chapters. The first one related to the legislative aspect, enumerating the laws to be promulgated in priority; the adoption of the organic law on the Higher Council of the Magistracy, setting up the constitutional Court within a one-year deadline provided by the Constitution, reform of the law on expropriation for public use and amendment of the Investment Code.

The second chapter regards the elaboration of the orientation document of the Five-year Development Plan 2016-2020, while the third one focuses on security and anti-terrorist fight, starting by launching the ratification procedure of the new law against terrorism and money laundering and a related legislation on subduing attacks against security and army forces.

The fourth chapter is devoted to the protection of the citizen’s buying power, fight against prices increase by better containing the year-on-year inflation rate and trade deficit, fight against smuggling and reinforce economic control.

Chapter five is on the assistance provided to vulnerable social strata. The first action planned in this regard, consists in raising from 1 to 2 pc the quota of persons with a disability to be hired in the civil service and public and private bodies, fighting against premature school dropout by young rural girls and launching a tender for building 2,700 social houses.

The government undertook in chapter six to give priority to the basic health protection programmes, neighbourhood services, development of preventive medicine and launching an urgent programme to improve  epidemiological testing, fight against contagious diseases in schools and promote governance in the health sector.

Outstanding cases of families of the Revolution martyrs and wounded and of servicemen killed during anti-terrorist operations are also tackled in the same chapter, which also provides for raising by 30 dinars the premium allocated to needy families.

It was specified in the same chapter that the government is readying to build at least 30 “social benefit houses” and “a national council of Tunisians abroad.”

The following chapter regards the improvement of the living conditions, health and the environment by setting new  municipalities, settling the problem of waste and conduct feasibility studies to rehabilitate working-class neighbourhoods.

Chapter 8 turns on education, scientific research, vocational training and digital economy. It was decided among others to create a steering committee for educational reform, organise a national dialogue in this regard, achieve increased autonomy for universities, reinforce university graduates’ employability, improve the training level and higher education quality and create a national portal specially dedicated to the recruitment competitions in the public sector.

Chapter 9 is devoted to infrastructure and public works, it seeks to speed up the pace of works on highways and roads, devise a programme for rehabilitating agricultural tracks, resume construction works of civilian buildings suspended for some time, launch a programme of urgent intervention, rehabilitation and renovation of educational establishments, improve the quality of services in the Rades port and Tunis-Carthage airport, upgrade the industrial and technological infrastructure and improve the quality of public transport services.

Chapter ten turns on industry, energy and mining. It was decided in this regard to step up investment, assist SME, reinforce the enterprise’s competitiveness, improve energy resources, enhance the role of mining and the environmental level.

Agriculture, water resources and fisheries are the focus of chapter 11 which includes the settlement by stages the file of indebtedness of farmers and fishermen, finishing off the achievement of four big dams and the organisation of a national consultation on State agricultural lands.

Chapter 12 is related to culture, youth, children and religious affairs. Emphasis was led mainly on finishing off the culture city project, upgrading culture centres in interior regions, empowering the religious discourse,  regulate the Zituna mosque’s situation and  re-organise functioning of mosques and other Koranic schools on more rational bases.

Chapter 13 is entirely dedicated to providing conditions for the success of the tourist sector, by making a set of incentive measures and relaunch activity in the Monastir and Enfidha airports, which are recording a certain decline.

The finance and banking sector is the focus of chapter 14 which provides for guaranteeing public finance balance, advancing the large-scale tax and financial reforms, recapitalising public banks and carry out an audit of credits allocated to regions and were not spent.

The last chapter (15) dedicated to Tunisia’s foreign relations, seeks to redeploy diplomatic missions abroad and relaunch the process of the European Union “privileged partner.”

Source: http://www.tap.info.tn/en/index.php/politics2/25681-first-one-hundred-da...