New survey reveals Tunisian opinión on terrorism, politicians and future of the country

Tunisia Live
Publication date: 
Apr 10 2015

New figures from EMRHOD Consulting shed light on the opinions of Tunisians, including a survey showing that about 70 percent of Tunisians feel that the threat of terrorism is too high.

The data comes out just a few weeks after the attack at Tunis’ Bardo Museum, which yielded one of the worst civilian death tolls of any incident in Tunisia’s modern history. The 69.8 percent of people who believe that the threat of terrorism is “too large” is the highest rate since September 2014, when threats loomed in the days before elections.

Data available on EMRHOD’s Facebook page also shows French opinion on Tunisia, with 70 percent viewing tourism in Tunisia as positive and 73 percent hoping to reinforce relations with their increasingly close North African ally.

The survey also included favorability ratings for major politicians. It shows that 51.4 percent of Tunisians are satisfied with the first 100 days of President Essebsi’s time in office, up from his original favorability rating of about 40 percent. This trend opposes that of former President Moncef Marzouki’s favorability ratings, which plummeted from 59.8 percent in March 2012 to 20 percent in July 2013.

Satisfaction with the first 100 days of Prime Minister Habib Essid is about 52.2 percent, according to the survey’s results, a drop from his predecessor’s approval rating of about 65 percent at the end of his term in January 2015.

Less than 40 percent of Tunisians, however, are satisfied with the Assembly of People’s Representatives.

Surveys were conducted from March 27 to April 3, with sample of 1850 Tunisians from all 24 of the country’s governorates.

The survey also revealed that 43.2 percent of Tunisians think that the economic situation of the country is getting better, a drop from 61.9 percent in December 2014. Other figures revealed that 48.6 percent of surveyed Tunisians consider that the freedom of speech is not threatened, and 71.8 percent of them are optimistic for the country’s future.


Par: Emna Guizani
