MPs call for strengthening legislative role of parliament in combating terrorism

Publication date: 
Jun 16 2015

Several MPs, on Tuesday, emphasised the need to strengthen the legislative role of the parliament and its control during the coming period in the national effort to fight against terrorism and facilitate the action of security institutions and the army. 

"The fight against terrorism is a shared responsibility between state institutions and all the components of society," members of the House of People's Representatives (HPR) argued at a press conference held by the Committee of Administrative Affairs and Security Forces and the Committee of Security and Defence at the HPR.

Speakers commended the efforts of security forces and the army in the fight against terrorism and the qualitative evolution of the action of armed forces, citing, in particular, the terrorist operations that occurred Monday in Sidi Bouzid and Jendouba.

President of the Administrative Affairs Committee Jalel Ghedira said the armed forces urgently need training and logistics facilities.

He recalled that the finance law 2014 had provided for the creation of a national counter-terrorism fund. "The HPR will seek to encourage the government to public regulatory texts to activate this fund," he said.

Ghedira also said the HPR will work, in co-ordination wit the government, to increase the capacity of the armed forces in the way on terrorism.

President of the Security and Defence Committee Lotfi Nabli said Tunisia is facing today a difficult equation in arming its forces either relying on its own resources or involving major powers, such as the United States or also the European Union, while preserving the independence of national decision and sovereignty.

Speaking of the major non-NATO ally status granted to Tunisia by the United States, Lotfi Ennabli said "Tunisia has signed no agreement and took no commitment either."

This status allows Tunisia to benefit of some advantages such as acceleration of military equipment purchase agreements and ability to access database on terrorists.

