HPR Bureau decides to strive to adopt anti-terrorism bill before next July 25

Publication date: 
Jun 26 2015

The Bureau of the House of People’s Representatives (HPR) decided at its meeting Friday to make every effort to complete the discussion of the draft law on fight against terrorism and money laundering before Republic Day which coincides with next July 25. 

The decision was taken at an extraordinary meeting of the HPR Bureau that took place Friday afternoon in the presence of parliamentary group presidents.

HPR Speaker Mohamed Ennaceur called on members of the committee responsible for that bill to redouble efforts and work day and night, if necessary, to achieve this goal.

He also urged the Tunisian people to close ranks, postpone urgent, personal and elitist claims and avoid political division.

“The current situation requires national cohesion and solidarity which are the best weapon to defeat terrorism,” he said.


Source: http://www.tap.info.tn/en/index.php/politics2/27997-hpr-bureau-decides-t...