
Abbas speaks to European parliament, slams international community's inaction over occupation

Jun 23 2016
Ma'an News

 Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas gave a speech in front of the European Union parliament on Thursday regarding the current state of Palestine and its people within the occupied territory and around the world. 

Abbas slammed the international community’s complacency with Israel’s illegal occupation, saying: “their [Palestinians’] history, heritage, identity and geopolitical entity were historically massacred in the twentieth century, and that the massacre is still ongoing through the twenty first century under the eyes and ears of the international community.” 

Govt allocates extra funds for defense, security

Jun 23 2016
Jakarta Post

The government and the House of Representatives’ budget committee agreed Thursday to allocate more funds to the Defense Ministry and the National Police in the revised draft of the 2016 state budget. 

The ministry will get an additional Rp 6.6 trillion (US$499 million) while the National Police will get Rp 5.7 trillion from a total of Rp 18 trillion in additional expenditures for ministries and institutions. 

Malaysia expecting Cabinet reshuffle

Jun 23 2016
Straits Times

 Political attention in Malaysia has turned to an imminent Cabinet reshuffle, with three incoming federal ministers and two deputy ministers following the recent elections.

Two ministerial posts in the Prime Minister's Department are vacant - one in charge of the government's performance unit called Pemandu, and the other in charge of the Economic Planning Unit (EPU).

Prime Minister Najib Razak is also set to name a new plantation industries and commodities minister.

Parliament approves new government structure

Jun 22 2016

Parliament approved the new government structure, which will have two new committees and two ministries will be renamed.At least 96 deputies voted for project, presented by the Prime Minister of the Kyrgyz Republic Sooronbay Jeenbekov today at the session of the Parliament. 

Recall, now the State Committee of Industry, Energy and Subsoil Management, as well as the State Committee for Information Technologies and Communications are being formed in the Kyrgyz Republic.

Change and Reform Urges Proportional Representation, Warns over 'State Security' Row

Jun 22 2016

The Change and Reform bloc led by MP Michel Aoun on Tuesday called for passing an electoral law based on proportional representation and warned the government and Prime Minister Tammam Salam against committing any “violation” in the issue of the State Security apparatus.

“Lebanon is at a critical juncture and we need to reassure each other rather than fight each other,” Foreign Minister Jebran Bassil announced after the bloc's weekly meeting in Rabieh.

Regions can reject revocation of bylaws: Home Ministry

Jun 22 2016
The Jakarta Post

The Home Ministry said  regional administrations may file a lawsuit through the Supreme Court against the central government if they rejected the revocation of their problematic bylaws,  an official said on Tuesday.

"[Anyone] including regents, mayors, or even residents can file a lawsuit with the Supreme Court," The ministry's regional autonomy director general, Soni Sumarsono, said as quoted by

He said the ministry's decision to revoke bylaws aimed to improve efficiency and shorten bureaucracy to ease the process of attaining permits.

Authorities impose curfew in Western Lakes capital

Jun 22 2016
Sudan Tribune

Authorities in South Sudan’ Western Lakes state, have imposed a curfew in the capital, Rumbek from 7:00pm to 7:00am [local time] every day.

The move, a senior state official said, is part of a new security measure aimed at controlling revenge killings and lootings in Rumbek town.

The state council of ministers, in a security briefing to the governor, said Rumbek was to be divided into four zones. Each zone has a commander to quell down insecurity.

The council of minister also sanctioned travelers and those who often walked at night to avoid risks during curfew time.

Govt pursuing suitable foreign policy with futuristic approach: Sartaj

Jun 21 2016
The Nation

Adviser to the Prime Minister on Foreign Affairs Sartaj Aziz yesterday said as new alignments were emerging in the regional and global arenas, the present government was pursuing a suitable foreign policy with futuristic approach.

Non-interference, balanced approach, ensuring its security, protecting sovereignty and growth of trade and economy were among the main objectives of the government’s foreign policy and its positive results would be seen in future, he said in an interview with a private television channel aired on Monday night.

Report: National Dialogue Session to Convene, Outcome Crucial

Jun 21 2016

The national dialogue session will convene in Ain el-Tineh on Tuesday where the participating political factions are set to give a final position on a suggestion put forward by Speaker Nabih Berri in May regarding the electoral laws, al-Akhbar daily reported.

“Tuesday's session is one of the most important meetings in the current rounds of talks, taking into consideration the issues that will be discussed and the Speaker's position with regard to the positions of the interlocutors,” said the daily.

S. Sudan’s opposition party warns of disintegration

Jun 21 2016
Sudan Tribune

The leader of South Sudan’s opposition People’s Liberal Party (PLP), Peter Mayen Majongdit said the young nation was at the verge of collapsing unless the international community rescues it.

“External intervention is necessary before it is too late,” warned the outspoken opposition party chairman.

“Am appealing to the leaders of government of national unity to harmonize their leadership and forget the past, only spirit of cooperation and harmonization on the leadership shall pave ways for reconciliation which is powerful tool in rebuilding the country,” he added.

Bosnia's NATO Hopes Fade Ahead of Summit

Jun 21 2016
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Balkan Insight

Bosnia's NATO Membership Action Plan, MAP, is not likely to be activated at the next Alliance summit in Warsaw on July 8 and 9, given its failure to adopt key reforms which were set as a key condition for membership, Ines Kuburovic, the spokesperson of the NATO headquarters in Sarajevo, told BIRN on Monday.

"The MAP for Bosnia and Herzegovina will not be activated at the next NATO Summit in Warsaw... since the condition [set for its activation at the 2010 NATO summit in Tallinn] has not been met," Kuburovic said.

President of Kyrgyzstan Almazbek Atambayev nominates candidates for election by CEC members

Jun 21 2016
24 News Agency

President of Kyrgyzstan Almazbek Atambayev nominated the candidates for the election by the members of the Central Election Commission. The Information Policy Department of the Presidential Administration reported.

According to it, the President, in accordance with Paragraph 2 Part 5 of Article 64 of the Constitution of the Kyrgyz Republic has made the following nominations for the election by the CEC members: Almaz Asanaliev, Gulnara Baatyrova, Bakhtiyar Kadyrov, Nurzhan Shayldabekova.

Suyunbek Shamshiev

Palestinian Authority sets municipal elections for October 8

Jun 21 2016
Ma'an News

The Palestinian cabinet on Tuesday, which meets weekly in Ramallah, have announced a decision to hold municipal elections on October 8, according to a statement released by the cabinet.  

The cabinet, headed by Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah, appointed a central elections committee to start preparations for the upcoming elections and gave the local governance minister the responsibility of following up on organizing efforts and facilitating elections with the central elections committee.
