
IEC concerned about Taliban, Technology and Lack of Coordination

Sep 26 2019

Officials from the Independent Election Commission (IEC) on Thursday raised concerns over reports that another 14 polling centers will be closed due to security problems--this in addition to the 431 polling centers already closed. Official numbers, however, have yet to be shared with the IEC, and this is also a cause for concern.

“The security institutions told the election commission that additional centers are to be closed, but they said the actual numbers will be shared only after the assessment is complete,” said Zabiullah Sadat, spokesman of the IEC.

Karzai, Afghan Politicians Push For Halting Election Efforts

Sep 23 2019

Afghan leaders including former President Hamid Karzai, former Mujahideen leaders, and former Taliban, in a nine-article statement, called for stopping the election and focusing on peace.

Other figures who attended the meeting were former Vice President Mohammad Yunus Qanooni, former Balkh governor Atta Mohammad Noor, former Minister of Energy and Water Mohammad Ismail Khan, former National Security Advisor Rangin Dadfar Spanta and former Taliban member Agha Jan Mutasim.

Karzai, Afghan Politicians Push For Halting Election Efforts

Sep 23 2019

Afghan leaders including former President Hamid Karzai, former Mujahideen leaders, and former Taliban, in a nine-article statement, called for stopping the election and focusing on peace.

Other figures who attended the meeting were former Vice President Mohammad Yunus Qanooni, former Balkh governor Atta Mohammad Noor, former Minister of Energy and Water Mohammad Ismail Khan, former National Security Advisor Rangin Dadfar Spanta and former Taliban member Agha Jan Mutasim.

Israeli voters deliver deadlock, Netanyahu's tenure in doubt

Sep 19 2019

JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu failed to win a ruling majority in an election that produced a virtual tie between his right-wing bloc and a center-left grouping that would be led by former military chief Benny Gantz.

The outcome, according to almost complete results published on Wednesday, dealt a new blow to Israel’s longest-serving leader, who was already weakened by the inability to put together an administration after an inconclusive election in April.

Israel election: Netanyahu and rival headed for deadlock

Sep 18 2019

Unofficial results in Israel's second election in five months suggest it is too close to call, Israeli media say.

Incumbent PM Benjamin Netanyahu's party and that of his main challenger, Benny Gantz, are neck and neck with 32 seats each, the Kan public broadcaster says.

A prime minister needs to command a 61-seat majority in parliament. The smaller Yisrael Beiteinu party appears to hold the balance of power.

Official partial results are expected on Wednesday morning.

Présidentielle en Tunisie : l’Isie confirme la qualification de Kaïs Saïed et Nabil Karoui pour le second tour

Sep 17 2019
Jeune Afriqe


L'Instance supérieure indépendante pour les élections (Isie) a proclamé mardi les résultats officiels du premier tour de l'élection présidentielle, confirmant les sondages qui donnaient les candidats Kaïs Saïed et Nabil Karoui qualifiés pour la seconde manche.

Élection présidentielle: Les résultats préliminaires -non définitifs- selon l'ISIE

Sep 16 2019
al Huffington Maghreb

Seulement 27% des Procès Verbaux ont été pour l'instant comptabilisés, l'opération suit son cours.

’Instance Supérieure Indépendante pour les Elections (ISIE) a publié, lundi, les résultats préliminaires du premier tour de l’élection présidentielle, après 27% du dépouillement des bulletins.

Ainsi, Kais Saied est en tête avec 19% des voix (176.866 votes en sa faveur) devançant Nabil Karoui (14,9% des voix et 138.352 votes en sa faveur). 

Bensalah convoque le corps électoral pour le 12 décembre 2019

Sep 16 2019
al Huffington Maghreb

Le chef d’Etat par intérim Abdelkader Bensalah a convoqué le corps électoral pour l’élection présidentielle prévue le 12 décembre 2019.

Cette annonce a été lors d’un discours à la Nation diffusé, ce soir à 20 h, par la télévision et la radio nationales. Prévue par les observateurs, cette convocation du corps électoral est intervenue quelques heures après l’installation officielle à Alger de l’Autorité nationale indépendante des élections présidée par l’ancien ministre de la Justice, Mohamed Charfi.

Optimism for Tunisia's young democracy despite low voter turnout

Sep 16 2019

“This is a golden opportunity. We have to vote, and we have to vote well. I'm confident I’ve made the best choice I could,” she says, while taking selfies with her friend showing the ink-stained finger – proof of voting.

Sanaa, 38, agrees: “There are those who decided not to vote this time. Maybe they voted for someone who wasn't that competent last time and were disappointed, so they don’t want to be disappointed again. But I believe we must vote. It’s not a choice but a duty.”

First-time voters

Israel Was Preparing to Delay Election Due to Possible Gaza War

Sep 16 2019

National security adviser met Central Election Committee chief to prepare for delaying election in light of Gaza military operation

Israel's National Security Adviser Meir Ben-Shabbat met with the head of the Central Elections Committee to prepare him for the possibility of postponing the general election slated for Tuesday due to a military operation, Haaretz has learned.

Présidentielles : Résultats partiels après le comptage de 66% des PV

Sep 16 2019
Radio Mosaique FM

L’Instance Supérieure Indépendante pour les Élections vient de mettre à jour les résultats du premier tour des élections présidentielles. Selon la mise à jour de 17h53 qui intervient après le comptage de 66% des PV, le candidat indépendant Kaïs Saïed demeure toujours en tête avec 18.9% des voix, suivi par Nebil Karoui avec 15.5% et Abdelfattah Mourou avec 12.9% des voix.
Abdelkarim Zbidi est toujours quatrième du classement avec 10.1% des votes suivi par Youssef Chahed avec 7.4% des voix.

45.02% le taux général de participation à l’élection présidentielle anticipée à l’intérieur du pays

Sep 15 2019

Le taux de participation général à l’élection présidentielle anticipée a atteint 45.02% à l’intérieur du pays et 19.7% à l’étranger, annonce le président de l’Instance électorale Nabil Baffoun.


La recuperación de las relaciones con Siria en las elecciones presidenciales de Túnez de 2019

Sep 11 2019

Tras finalizar los debates de los candidatos presidenciales tunecinos, que, según observadores, no contribuyeron a la resolución de las decisiones de los votantes tunecinos, los temas de apoyar el Ejército, seguridad nacional, terrorismo y crisis económica fueron las principales prioridades de los candidatos, con continuos debates y campañas. Mientras tanto, el candidato Mohamed Lazhar Akremi, asesor político del primer ministro tunecino, pidió un retorno total a las relaciones con Siria.

Current situation not suitable for elections: Ismail Khan

Sep 11 2019
Tolo News

The current situation in the country is not suitable for the presidential elections, said Mohammad Ismail Khan, a former Jihadi leader and prominent member of Jamiat-e-Islami party, suggesting it will be better to resume the peace talks.

Mr. Khan, who has served as minister of energy and water under former President Hamid Karzai’s government, said the country will be driven into a new crisis if the elections are held within the next two weeks.
