
Amar Saâdani reconduit à la tête du FLN

May 30 2015

Amar Saâdani a été plébiscité, ce samedi 30 mai, à la tête du FLN, pour un mandat de cinq ans par les nouveaux membres du Comité central.

Saâdani a pris la tête du FLN en septembre 2013, en remplacement d’Abdelaziz Belkhadem.

Les membres du nouveau Comité central, issu du 10e Congrès, ont renouvelé la confiance à Saâdani, suite à la proposition d’un des membres.


Cette proposition a été bien accueillie, et aussitôt le vote du nouveau Secrétaire général s’est déroulé à main levée sans aucune voix discordante.

Opposition parties slam ruling AKP over democracy, economy, Syria

May 30 2015
Hürriyet Daily News

Turkey's three leading opposition parties slammed the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) over what they portrayed as a weakened democracy, worsened economy and botched Syria policy during their May 30 rallies.

"Would you say 'yes' to HDP to end the system of slavery?" the Kurdish problem-focused Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) co-chair Selahattin Demirtaş asked hundreds of thousands of his party's supporters during their campaign rally at Kazlıçeşme Square in Istanbul.

Le FLN se dote de nouveaux statuts

May 29 2015

Le 10e Congrès du FLN s’est poursuivi ce vendredi 29 mai avec l’adoption des nouveaux statuts du parti. Parmi les nouveautés figure l’élargissement du nombre des membres du Comité central (CC) et du Bureau politique (BP) du FLN. Selon les nouveaux textes, le Comité central, instance souveraine entre deux Congrès, doit compter entre 455 et 505 membres, contre 351 dans les anciens statuts. Le Bureau politique passe de 15 membres à 19 membres.

Egypt's Wafd Party expels seven opposition board members

May 29 2015
Ahram Online

The Wafd party's board decided Friday afternoon to expel several leading members who have recently formed an opposition group against the current party head El-Sayid El-Badawy as internal crisis continues to rock Egypt's oldest liberal party.


In a meeting at the party's headquarters in Giza, the Wafd's high board expelled seven board members including Fouad Badrawy, Essam Sheha, Sherif Taher and Yassin Tag El-Din from the party permanently. 

The opposition sends the mandate of the socialist MP to the Constitutional Court

May 29 2015
Independent Balkan News Agency, Albanian Correspondant

The Democratic Party has sent today to the Constitutional Court what it has considered as ‘the decision of the majority to defend Kokedhima MP from the violations of the Constitution’.

According to the DP, the decision of the majority to defend the socialist MP, who according to this party, has violated the Constitution, is an unprecedented case in these 24 years of parliamentary life and democracy.

Abdelkader Bensalah démissionne de la présidence du RND

May 28 2015

Abdelkader Bensalah a démissionné de la présidence du RND, ce jeudi 28 mai, a-t-on appris de Nouria Hafsi, membre du Secrétariat national de ce parti. « Oui, il (Bensalah) a envoyé une lettre ce matin pour annoncer sa démission », affirme Mme Hafsi dans une déclaration à TSA.


Le départ du président du Conseil de la Nation (Sénat) était prévisible en raison de la crise qui secoue ce parti.

Bouteflika apporte son soutien à Saâdani

May 28 2015

Dans une lettre envoyée aux congressistes, le président Bouteflika a « rendu hommage » à la direction du FLN qui « a su préserver et consolider sa position sur la scène politique. » Il a également apporté son soutien au projet de rajeunissement du parti lancé par Amar Saâdani. Dans le message lu par Tahar Khaoua, ministre des Relations avec le Parlement, M. Bouteflika a exprimé « sa fierté et son respect » et surtout « son appui à la politique de rajeunissement et de renouvellement » au sein du FLN.

Netanyahu vows to run in next election, boost Likud

May 28 2015
Jerusalem Post

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared for the first time Wednesday that he intends to run for an unprecedented fifth term in the next general election, promising to lead the Likud to 40 seats.

In a meeting of his party’s faction, Netanyahu called upon Likud MKs to maintain the current system of electing its candidates for the Knesset.

Parliament before end of 2015, Sisi tells political party heads

May 28 2015
Ahram Online

After a three-hour meeting with the heads of the country's mainstream political parties Wednesday, Egypt's President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi stressed that the long-delayed parliamentary elections will be held at the nearest possible time and that Egypt will have a new parliament before the end of 2015.

El-Sayed El-Badawi, chairman of the liberal Al-Wafd party, told reporters that El-Sisi was firm that "parliamentary elections were not deliberately delayed."

Egypt's Sisi to discuss election law amendments with party leaders

May 27 2015
Ahram Online

President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi is to meet on Wednesday with political party leaders to discuss amendments made to the election law, Al-Ahram Arabic news website reported.


According to the amended Parliamentary Elections Law, the new parliament will consist of 596 seats: 448 for independent candidates, 120 for party-based candidates elected through lists, and 28 appointed by the president.

Voters must elect two-thirds civic officials

May 27 2015
Saudi Arabia
Arab News

JEDDAH: Municipal councils must have two-thirds of their members elected at the polls taking place on Dec. 12, a local publication reported recently.

The government had announced last year that municipal councils can have up to 30 members, depending on the area they serve. The Municipal and Rural Affairs Ministry has been empowered to appoint one-third of the members. Only half were previously elected.

The law overseeing councils states that mayors are members and have the power to determine who stand in their place if they are absent.

Bosnian Muslim Party Elects New-Old Chief

May 27 2015
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Balkan Insight

A congress of the Party of Democratic Action, SDA, on Tuesday elected a new leadership for the new four years, electing Bakir Izetbegovic as president while choosing a deputy president, eight vice-presidents and a new main board.

“I am honoured by these results,” Izetbegovic told the congress after his overwhelming victory. He stressed the importance of reconciliation across Balkan countries, but also among different Bosniak factions within the SDA itself.

Hassad confirme les dates des élections et exhorte à la transparence

May 26 2015
Le 360

«Ne comptez pas sur le ministère de l’Intérieur pour combattre seul l’utilisation illégale d’argent pendant les prochaines élections», a déclaré, lundi 25 mai, le ministre de l’Intérieur, Mohamed Hassad, lors de la réunion de la commission de l’Intérieur à la Chambre des conseillers. Une réunion entièrement dédiée à la discussion des projets de lois organiques relatifs aux communes, gouvernorats et provinces, rapporte le quotidien Akhbar Al Yaoum dans son édition de ce mercredi 27 mai.
