
Gov’t popularity declines after 200 days in office — poll

May 05 2015
The Jordan Times

AMMAN — The results of a poll released on Wednesday revealed a considerable decline in the percentage of Jordanians who believe their country is on the right track, both economically and politically.

The Centre for Strategic Studies (CSS) at the University of Jordan conducted a poll during October over Jordanians’ evaluation of the performance of Prime Minister Abdullah Ensour’s second Cabinet after 200 days in office.

CEC demands media in Albania not to broadcast the electoral campaign before the legal deadline

May 05 2015
Independent Balkan News Agency

Political parties have already started the electoral campaign, although it officially starts on May 22.

In the recent weeks, an intensive campaign is being held by the main political parties with several meetings and rallies during the day throughout Albania.

The media has intensively reflected these electoral activities.

But, the election law which has been approved by the same parties that are violating it, says that the campaign only lasts 30 days and is held up until one day before the elections.

Gouvernement Sellal, un an après : statu quo et cacophonie

May 05 2015

Le 5 mai 2014, le président, Abdelaziz Bouteflika, fraîchement réélu pour un quatrième mandat décide de reconduire son directeur de campagne Abdelmalek Sellal à la tête d’un nouveau gouvernement, dominé par les « technocrates ». Le FLN et le RND, les deux principaux alliés de Bouteflika perdent des portefeuilles ministériels. Les observateurs  parlaient à l’époque d’un « gouvernement de transition », mandaté pour gérer les affaires courantes. Ça ne sera pas le cas. Le staff, donné plusieurs fois comme partant, est maintenu une année après.

Shas joins government, Deri to be appointed economy minister

May 05 2015
Ynet News

The ultra-Orthodox Shas party signed a coalition agreement with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's Likud party on Monday evening, effectively joining the government.

The Sephardic haredi party is the third party to join the fourth Netanyahu government, after Ashkenazi haredi party United Torah Judaism and Moshe Kahlon's Kulanu party joined the coalition on Wednesday. Netanyahu only has Bayit Yehudi leader Naftali Bennett left to recruit, after Yisrael Beytenu leader Avigdor Lieberman announced earlier Monday he would not join the new government.

King Mohammed VI not satisfied With Benkirane’s Government: Opposition Leader

May 05 2015
Morocco World News

Bakkoury’s comments came after the leaders of the opposition political parties held a meeting with the Royal Cabinet to referee a political dispute with the Party of Justice and Development (PJD) and its Secretary General and head of government Abdelilah Benkirane.

PAM chief was speaking at a meeting with opposition parties (USFP, Constitutional Union, and Istiqlal Party) at the House of Representatives on Tuesday.

Turkey’s main opposition leader warns against provocations ahead of June vote

May 05 2015
Hürriyet Daily News

Turkey’s main opposition party leader has warned citizens against provocations in the run-up to the June 7 parliamentary election, as he indicated he had been informed of the probability of such provocations.

“The [ruling Justice and Development Party] AKP has become more aware that it is losing blood every day. It will resort to all kinds of ways to stay in power, including provocations” said Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, the leader of the main opposition, social democratic Republican People’s Party (CHP). 

Somalia: Freedom of Expression Under Attack in Somalia,Says Right Group

May 05 2015
All Africa, Dalsan Radio

State authorities in Somalia must ensure swift, thorough and lawful investigations into a spate of recent attacks on journalists, and rescind a recent government order that undermines freedom of expression, said the East and Horn of Africa Human Rights Defenders Project in a statement released today.

Turkish President attacks both CHP, HDP over religion

May 05 2015
Hürriyet Daily News

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has accused both the main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP) and the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) of “religious indifference,” while also praising Turkey’s Directorate of Religious Affairs (Diyanet) for preventing the presence of fundamentalist groups such as Boko Haram and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL).

Algeria: Malian Crisis - Malian Civil Society Reaffirms Support for Algiers Peace Agreement

May 05 2015
All Africa, APS

The platform of civil society organizations in Mali, bringing together religious figures, women's organizations and youth associations reiterated during a big meeting held recently in Bamako, the support for Peace and Reconciliation Agreement initialed on 1 March in Algiers.

In the presence of a large crowd, politicians, local personalities and opinion leaders, the various speakers expressed their adherence to the Algiers Agreement, which the formal signing is expected on May 15 in Bamako.

Sudan’s opposition takes action to protect students from Darfur

May 05 2015
Dabanga Sudan

The Sudanese opposition forces agreed to establish a committee for the protection of Darfuri students in Khartoum. Medical doctors will appoint three clinics in the capital where students from Darfur, injured during attacks by student members of the ruling party, can be treated. Members of the Darfur Bar Association, together with a number of other Sudanese lawyers, are ready to provide legal aid.

Speaker Berri: Parliament boycott threatens Lebanon security

May 05 2015
The Daily Star

BEIRUT: Speaker Nabih Berri has warned that the months-long paralysis of Parliament threatens Lebanon’s security.

“The most serious thing about closing the door on legislation, besides its political and Constitutional dimensions, is getting closer to red lines related to Lebanon’s national security and strengthening its stability,” Berri told local newspaper As-Safir in comments published Tuesday.

Popular Congress Party calls for national dialogue in Sudan

May 04 2015
Dabanga Sudan

The Popular Congress Party (PCP) is “still convinced that an internal Sudanese dialogue constitutes the best means to resolve the political crises in the country”.

At a press conference in Khartoum on Sunday, PCP Political Secretary Kamal Abdelsalam, demanded from the National Congress Party (NCP) to provide guarantees to enable the participation of “all opposition forces” in the dialogue, to be held within Sudan.

«La liberté de la presse est l’oxygène de la vie démocratique»

May 04 2015
El Watan

Le stade atteint dans la structuration de son parti Talaîou El Houriyet (qui tiendra son congrès constitutif les 13 et 14 juin prochain), la liberté de la presse, les scandales de corruption et les procès sont les sujets que l’ancien candidat à l’élection présidentielle du 17 avril 2014, Ali Benflis, a abordés.

Egypt's election laws leave political parties further polarised

May 04 2015
Ahram Online

The Egyptian government's recent amendments of three laws necessary to pave the way for the country's long-delayed parliamentary elections have left opposition political parties in tatters 

On Sunday, a meeting aimed at unifying positions over Egypt's election laws instead revealed divisions among the parties to form part of the opposition in any upcoming parliament.

Mali: Ceasefire Violations in Mali Threaten Peace Deal

May 04 2015
All Africa

Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy is calling on warring parties in northern Mali to sign a long-awaited peace deal. On a visit to Bamako, he stated that "Spain wants an accord." But last week's skirmishes are raising fears that the Algeria-brokered agreement will collapse.

Hopes that the Malian government and the main armed groups in the north will sign the Algiers Declaration on 15 May, an accord that took months to negotiate, faded with last week's ceasefire violations.

On press freedom day: Egyptian journalist arrested, Amnesty says govt silencing critics

May 03 2015
Ahram Online

An Egyptian journalist was arrested early on Saturday from his home in the Nile Delta city of Behiera, his brother said.

Mahmoud Qaoud said police took his brother Ahmed, who works for the daily El-Dostour, and confiscated three laptops and three mobile phones.

Head of the freedoms committee at the press syndicate Khaled El-Belshy confirmed receiving a complaint from the journalist’s brother and said he would look into the needed procedures.

Ahmed is accused of participating in an illegal protest on Friday and joining the banned Muslim Brotherhood.
