
Egypt PM and opposition to discuss gap over electoral reforms soon

Mar 25 2015
Ahram Online

Minister of Parliamentary Affairs Ibrahim Al-Heneidy disclosed on Tuesday that a meeting between Prime Minister Ibrahim Mahlab and representatives of mainstream political parties will be held very soon to pave the way for Egypt's long-delayed parliamentary elections.

"The meeting is expected after a two-day Arab summit scheduled to be held at the Red Sea resort of Sharm Sheikh on 28-29 March, aiming to close the gap between the government and opposition over a number of electoral reforms that can open the way for parliamentary elections," said Heneidy.

Report des élections : Les conseillers municipaux dans l’illégalité ?

Mar 25 2015

C’est presque dans la clandestinité que le Ministre de l’Administration du Territoire et de la Décentralisation a annoncé qu’il n’y aura pas de délégation spéciale en ce qui concerne la prorogation des mandats des conseillers municipaux et derrière cette prorogation se cache la triste réalité de la violation des textes.

Netanyahu gets go-ahead to form Israel's next government

Mar 25 2015

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, grappling with fierce White House disapproval, won consent from Israel's president on Wednesday to try to form a new coalition government.

The surprise victor of a March 17 election, Netanyahu looks well set to assemble a heavily right-leaning cabinet that will control 67 of parliament's 120 seats - a large majority in a country where no one party has ever been able to rule by itself.

“First one hundred days’ urgent measures” identified by government (document)

Mar 24 2015

The government identified in a synthesis document published, Monday, the urgent measures to be taken by the various ministries in the first one hundred days of public affairs’ management.

According to this document, a copy of which was received by TAP, several identified projects and actions are underway of achievement, in conformity with the promise made, Monday, by the Prime Minister in his address to the people.

L’Etat algérien déterminé à poursuivre la transmission du message de Novembre

Mar 24 2015
Algérie Presse Service

L’Etat algérien est déterminé à poursuivre la transmission du message de Novembre dans le cadre de sa volonté de consolider la cohésion et l’unité nationales, a déclaré, lundi après-midi à l’université de Batna, le ministre des Moudjahidine, Tayeb Zitouni.

Le ministre qui intervenait à l’ouverture d’un colloque national sur la ‘‘dimension mondiale des valeurs et des idéaux de la Révolution algérienne’’, a souligné que le peuple algérien a réussi, grâce à son unité, à atteindre ses nobles objectifs en évitant tout ce qui pouvait se dresser sur le chemin de son évolution.

Government to discuss elections law changes with Egyptian parties

Mar 24 2015
Ahram Online

Egyptian Prime Minister Ibrahim Mahlab is scheduled to invite political party representatives to discuss changes to a law regulating upcoming parliamentary elections, after a court order indefinitely postponed the polls earlier in March.

On 1 March, Egypt's High Constitutional Court (HCC) ruled that the country’s Elections Constituency Division Law is unconstitutional. Consequently, the elections, previously scheduled to begin 21 March, were postponed until a new law is passed.

A propos des modifications de la loi électorale : La Fondation CMDID échange avec les partis politiques

Mar 24 2015

Le jeudi dernier 19 mars à l’hôtel Salam, le Centre malien pour le dialogue Interpartis et la démocratie (CMDID) a organisé un atelier d’échanges entre les partis politiques sur l’appropriation des changements de la loi électorale

Kulanu backs Netanyahu to form coalition, giving PM absolute majority in his favor

Mar 23 2015
Jerusalem Post

Kulanu representatives on Monday met with President Reuven Rivlin, recommending that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu be tasked with forming the next coalition. The nomination gave Netanyahu an absolute majority of 61 votes in his favor.

Kulanu leader Moshe Kahlon told President Rivlin that his party was neither Left nor Right, but socially-oriented with a central focus on the human being.

"We nominate Netanyahu and the broader the base of the coalition the better it will be for all of us," Kahlon said.

National forum on “institutionalisation of relation between civil society and state’s institutions

Mar 22 2015

“Institutionalisation of the relation between the civil society and the state’s institutions” is the theme of the national forum held, Sunday in Tunis science city, at the initiative of the “Ado+” association, in collaboration with the Arab network of non governmental organisations and the National Council of the nongovernmental organisations. 

This forum is held as part of a campaign to support the institutionalisation of the relation between the civil society and the state’s institutions, in addition to their control and the promotion of their performance.

Arrancan los contactos para la formación del nuevo Gobierno de Benjamin Netanyahu

Mar 22 2015
El Mundo

Tras la victoria del Likud, el presidente, Reuven Rivlin, que recibe a los partidos para escuchar a quien recomiendan como primer ministro, pide la unión de la sociedad israeli.


Bajo la alargada sombra del enfrentamiento sin precedentes entre el liderazgo de Estados Unidos e Israel y tras una tensa campaña electoral, el nuevo Gobierno de Benjamin Netanyahu ha iniciado hoy oficialmente el proceso de su formación.

Special Electoral Reform Commission Announced

Mar 21 2015

President Ashraf Ghani in a decree on Saturday announced the 15-member special commission on electoral reform as part of National Unity Government (NUG) promises to bring reforms to the electoral system.


Female lawmaker Shukria Barekzai is the head of the commission and Sediqullah Tawhidi the deputy head, according to presidential statement.


The statement added that the purpose of the commission was to bring fundamental changes to the electoral system and build trust between the people and government‎.


Sayed Abbas Kazemi


Egypt's political parties disagree over proposed electoral reforms

Mar 21 2015
Ahram Online

After two election laws were ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Constitutional Court (SCC) on the first and seventh of March, Egypt's political parties were prompted to introduce amendments they deem necessary for the long-delayed parliamentary polls to be held without facing new constitutional challenges. 

President speeches, opposition raided in Sudan

Mar 20 2015
Dabanga Sudan

President Omar Al Bashir has criticised the Rizeigat and Ma'aliya for continuing their armed conflict in East Darfur, during a pre-election rally on Thursday. Meanwhile, a meeting of anti-election supporters was stormed by the security service in Kassala state, and opposition parties consider holding a popular uprising in the country.

While addressing a mass rally in the capital of East Darfur, President Al Bashir criticised the ongoing tribal conflict between the Rizeigat and Ma'aliya. He stressed that the carrying of arms should be confined to the Sudan Armed Forces.
