
Sudan’s electoral body announces polling dates

Feb 15 2015
Sudan Tribune

Sudan’s National Elections Commission (NEC) has announced that polling in the coming elections will take place from 13 to 15 April while vote counting will begin on 16 April.

Mukhtar al-Asam, NEC chief said in a meeting with representatives of political parties participating in the elections and independent candidates on Sunday there are 7133 polling stations across the country besides 11.000 election committees.

Tunisie: Le comité constitutif de Nida Tounes rappelle à l'ordre des dirigeants du parti

Feb 14 2015
Al Huffington Post Maghreb

Boujemâa Remili, directeur exécutif de Nida Tounes, a déclaré samedi que son comité constitutif a demandé aux dirigeants qui ont "atteint à la réputation" de Nida Tounes de présenter leurs excuses au parti.

Selon M. Remili, cette décision officielle a pour but de "repartir sur de bonnes bases et dépasser les aspects négatifs" que le parti "a vécu ces dernières semaines".

Pour lui, il ne s'agit pas d'un gel de l'adhésion de membres comme l'ont indiqué certains médias, mais d"une "condition" pour participer aux élections à l'intérieur du parti:

Senate elections to be held on March 5, ECP announces

Feb 12 2015
Dawn News

ISLAMABAD: The Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) on Thursday announced that elections to fill Senate seats would be held on March 5 instead of March 3. 

According to sources, the elections were postponed as more time was needed for scrutiny of the candidates. 

The candidates' legal requirements for running in the senate elections will be scrutinised according to Articles 62 and 63 of the Constitution which state the necessary qualifications for induction in the Parliament. 

Bosnia's Federation Elects New President

Feb 09 2015
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Balkan Insight

Deputies in the Federation parliament on Monday confirmed the appointments of the new entity officials as the country took another step towards forming governments after last October’s elections.

The formation of the government in the Federation entity will also enable the formation of the state government, the Council of Ministers.

The Federation parliament confirmed f Marinko Cavara, from the Croatian Democratic Union, HDZ, for the position of Federation President.

Al-Zahar: Elections are the solution to the Palestinian crises

Feb 09 2015
Middle East Monitor

Senior Hamas leader Mahmoud Al-Zahar said on Sunday that the Palestinian unity government has not achieved any of its missions and called for new elections to solve the current crises.

Speaking to the Arabic channel Al-Ghad Al-Arabi Al-Zahar said that the government has not achieved social reconciliation, prepared for elections or unified the administrative and security institutions in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.

"The government's insistence to carry on this way is a crime," he said.

Experts warn against delay in parliamentary polls

Feb 09 2015
Pajhwok Afghan News

KABUL (Pajhwok): Political experts have warned against a delay in holding the next parliamentary elections at the expense of proposed electoral reforms as part of the unity government deal.

President Ashraf Ghani and Chief Executive Officer Abdullah Abdullah have agreed to bring reforms to the electoral system under a deal following the bitterly disputed presidential election last year.

The president last week tasked his second deputy Sarwar Danish with investigating issues concerning the proposed electoral reforms in consultation with civil society groups.

Communales et régionales : Ce qu’il faut craindre

Feb 06 2015

Le 26 avril 2015, le gouvernement malien envisage d’organiser des élections communales couplées aux régionales. Mais au vu des préparatifs et de l’évolution du processus de retour de la paix au nord, rien n'est sûr.

Le 28 janvier 2015, le conseil des ministres a adopté une communication écrite sur la tenue des élections communales et régionales, dont le coût est estimé à plus de 18 milliards de F CFA.

Adoption du décret relatif au découpage électoral

Feb 06 2015
Le 360

Le découpage régional, en prévision des élections, a été entériné, ce jeudi 5 février, par un décret. 

Le gouvernement a adopté ce jeudi le décret relatif au découpage électoral qui divise le Maroc en 12 régions, a déclaré le ministre de la communication, Mustapha El Khalfi. Ce décret maintient la ville d'Al Hoceima dans la région Tanger-Tétouan. L'intégration d'Al Hoceima avait en effet suscité une polémique, mais les orientations du souverain ont réussi à rattacher administrativement et économiquement cette ville au pôle Tanger-Tétouan.

Morocco Election Postponed To Next September

Feb 04 2015
Maghreb Daily News

The head of government, Abdelilah Benkirane, announced Tuesday in Rabat, the postponement of the election date to the month of September, ” in response to the request of the political parties.”

Mr. Benkirane, who spoke at the monthly meeting devoted to issues of general policy of the Government at the House of Representatives on elections, said he was informed by the Minister of the Interior, Mohamed Assad that “Most political parties, with the exception of two formations have requested a postponement of the elections (…). We have acceded to the request of the political parties.”

Tunisie : Le vote de confiance au gouvernement Essid reporté au jeudi 5 février

Feb 04 2015

Tunisie : Le vote de confiance au gouvernement Essid reporté au jeudi 5 février. a plénière pour le vote de confiance au gouvernement Essid a débuté pendant la journée du mercredi 4 février durant une séance marquée par l’intervention de 136 députés qui désiraient débattre le programme gouvernemental du gouvernement Essid.


Mbarka Brahmi, députée du Front Populaire, a déclaré pendant son intervention qu’il « serait difficile d’accorder la confiance » au ministre de l’intérieur désigné, Najem Gharselli, accusé d’avoir ‘harcelé des juges, par Kalthoum Kannou.

Election committee bars Lieberman's party from distributing Charlie Hebdo

Feb 04 2015

Israel's Central Elections Committee (CEC) forbade Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman's right-wing Yisrael Beiteinu party from distributing free copies of French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, Channel 2 television reported Wednesday.

CEC head and Supreme Court Judge Salim Joubran issued a decree late Wednesday against the distribution, accepting a request of a list of Arab parties, who argued that the copies of the last edition, which carry a caricature of the Prophet Mohammed, are offensive to Muslims.

Tunisia PM Essid announces unity government

Feb 04 2015
al- Jazeera

Tunisia's prime minister-elect, Habib Essid, has announced a unity government which politicians are expected to confirm. 

The new government, if passed later on Wednesday, will include the main rival of Essid's Nidaa Tounes party, Ennahda. 

"Today we elected to be part of the government, not a part of the opposition," Vice President of Parliament and co-founder of the Ennahda party Abdelfattah Mourou told Al Jazeera. 

Sudan opposition to boycott national dialogue

Feb 02 2015

Almost all of the 21 Sudanese opposition parties that were participating in a year-long national dialogue will pull out of the talks, as well as upcoming elections, in the latest sign of deteriorating reconciliation efforts, party representatives have said.

Eighteen opposition parties will not attend a national dialogue meeting with the president on Wednesday, citing worsening political and press freedoms, a statement from the parties said on Tuesday.

Tunisie : La composition revue et corrigée du gouvernement d’Habib Essid avec la participation d’Ennahdha

Feb 02 2015

Habib Essid, désigné chef de gouvernement par Nidaa Tounes, a annoncé, ce lundi 2 février 2015, la nouvelle composition du gouvernement après avoir évité, de facto, le passage au vote de confiance vu les critiques vis-à-vis de la première version de son gouvernement, annoncée le 23 janvier.

Campaign launched to increase Egyptian women's political know-how

Feb 01 2015
Egypt Independent
The National Council for Women (NCW) has launched a new campaign called “Egyptian woman: a step towards parliament…choose right” with the aim of raising Egyptian female voters’ awareness on the importance of their participation in the upcoming parliamentary elections and putting them on the right track in the voting process. 
The campaign kicked off on 1 February, touring all governorates and specifically targeting 100 women and girls in each electoral district. 

'Parliamentary elections will go ahead despite terrorist attacks': Sisi

Feb 01 2015
Ahram Online

Egypt's President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi and leaders of Egypt's mainstream political parties stressed in a meeting on Sunday that the country's long-delayed parliamentary polls must go ahead as scheduled next March.

The meeting came a few days after at least 30 people were killed in coordinated militant attacks on Thursday in the restive North Sinai governorate, including army personnel and civilians.


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