
Bahrain plays political game against opposition: Analyst

May 28 2014
Press TV

A recent ruling by a Bahraini court sentencing four people to life in prison is part of the regime’s political game against the opposition, a political analyst says.

In an interview with Press TV on Tuesday, Jawad Fairooz, a former member of the Bahraini parliament, said the ruling is biased as such verdicts in the Persian Gulf monarchy are issued by the direct order of the Manama regime. 

Third day of voting begins in Egypt's 2014 presidential elections

May 28 2014
Ahram Online Egypt

Egyptians headed to the polls for the third day on Wednesday to cast their ballots and choose between only two rival candidates: former army chief Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi and leftist politician Hamdeen Sabahi. The turnout remains low so far, despite ongoing attempts by the media, state officials and both contenders' campaigns urging citizens to vote.


Mueren cuatro policías en un ataque contra la vivienda de ministro del Interior de Túnez

May 28 2014
Europa Press

Al menos cuatro policías han muerto este martes a consecuencia de un ataque contra la vivienda del ministro del Interior de Túnez, Lotfi ben Jeddou, en la localidad de Kasserine, según ha informado la emisora tunecina Mosaique FM.

En base a estas informaciones, otros dos agentes han resultado heridos de diversa consideración en el ataque. Por el momento ningún grupo ha reclamado la autoría del incidente.

Campaign: Sabahi remains in Egypt's presidential race despite 'widespread violations'

May 28 2014
Ahram Online Egypt

Egyptian presidential contender Hamdeen Sabahi -- who faces a Herculean challenge against former army chief Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi -- has stated that he wouldl not withdraw from the elections despite the doubts cast on its credibility by a surprise measure by the country's electoral commission to add a third day to the voting process.


Le ministre de la Défense Soumeylou Boubeye Maïga démissionne

May 28 2014

Le flash spécial de la télévision nationale ne fait pas cas de la démission du ministre de la Défense, Soumeylou Boubeye Maïga. Le ministre secrétaire général de la présidence, Toumani Djimé Diallo se contente de lire le décret apportant un changement au poste de ministère de la Défense et des Anciens Combattants, où Bâ Daou remplace Soumeylou Boubeye Maïga.

Beirut roads paralyzed by Syrian voters headed to polls

May 28 2014
The Daily Star Lebanon

Thousands of mostly pro-Assad supporters flocked to the Syrian Embassy Wednesday to cast ballots in the presidential elections, causing suffocating traffic jams around Beirut.

The embassy opened its doors in the early hours of the morning when hundreds walked to the only polling station available to vote, with Syrian anthems blaring from cars and buses decorated with photos of Syrian President Bashar Assad and Hezbollah flags.

‘’La participation aux élections aura pour principal effet de légitimer la réélection de Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz’’

May 28 2014
Le Calame

Le Calame : Quelque 72 heures du dépôt de votre candidature, vous avez décidé de vous retirer de la course. Ne saviez- vous  pas  qu’avec l’échec du dialogue entre le pouvoir et l’opposition, vos chances étaient maigres pour ne pas dire nulles  devant le président sortant ou continuiez-vous à espérer  que les tractations entre le FNDU et le pouvoir allaient aboutir à un consensus?


Le RCD dénonce l’instrumentalisation de la justice contre l’un de ses cadres à Ghardaïa

May 27 2014
Tout sur l'Algérie

Le RCD a dénoncé et condamné, ce mardi 27 mai, une « énième instrumentalisation de la justice par les services de sécurité » concernant la présentation de l’un de ses cadres devant le procureur de la République à Ghardaïa. « Nacer Eddine Hadjadj, secrétaire national à l’urbanisme et à l’aménagement du territoire du RCD et ancien P/APC de Berriane, illégalement destitué par le ministère de l’Intérieur en 2009, a passé la nuit du 26 au 27 mai 2014 au commissariat de cette ville », a indiqué le parti dans un communiqué.

IEC Threatens To Name Officials Involved In Meddling

May 27 2014
Tolo News

In a conference on gender and elections, the Independent Election Commission (IEC) on Monday warned to disclose the names of government officials involved in meddling in the first round of the elections. IEC had sent a list of the officials' names to the Presidential Palace; however, it has received no responses. The commission intends to disclose the list to the media if the Presidential Palace does not take any initiative.

Présidentielle mauritanienne : Aziz en roue libre

May 27 2014

Les négociations avec le pouvoir ayant tourné court, l'opposition décide de boycotter la présidentielle du 21 juin. Et ouvre la voie à la réélection du chef de l'État sortant. "Nous n'irons pas à cette élection, à moins que ne soit fixé un nouveau calendrier consensuel." Cadre du Rassemblement pour la démocratie et l'unité (RDU), un parti membre du Forum national pour la démocratie et l'unité (FNDU, opposition radicale), Idoumou Ould Mohamed Lemine résume en quelques mots l'impasse dans laquelle se trouve la classe politique mauritanienne à un mois de la présidentielle.

Provincial Councils Final Results Delayed For Five Days

May 27 2014
Tolo News

The Electoral Complaints Commission (ECC) on Tuesday reported that open investigation of complaints in regard to the provincial council will start next week. The commission announced that it would share the final results with the Independent Election Commission (IEC) on June 12--instead of the initial expected date of June 4.

“We will start assessing the complaints next week,” ECC Secretary Nadir Mohseni said. "We will assess each zone separately and share the final results with IEC on June 12."

Coalition promises votes for Jokowi-Kalla

May 27 2014
The Jakarta Post

Members of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P)-led coalition, which supports presidential candidate Joko “Jokowi” Widodo and his running mate, Jusuf Kalla, have reiterated their determination to secure millions of votes to help the pair win the presidential election.

Muhaimin Iskandar, chairman of the National Awakening Party (PKB), one of the coalition members, said his party alone would secure 12 million votes for Jokowi-Kalla.

National Democratic Party Holds National Meeting

May 27 2014
Jakarta Globe

Jakarta. The National Democratic (Nasdem) Party held its national meeting on Tuesday to outline its campaign strategy in support of Joko Widodo’s presidential bid.

“We will try our best with body and mind to ensure a win for Joko Widodo and Jusuf Kalla in the upcoming election,” Nasdem Party chairman Surya Paloh said on Tuesday. “The election is only 43 days away.”

GP Ansor throws weight behind Jokowi for president

May 27 2014
Antara News

Semarang, Central Java (ANTARA News) - The Central Java provincial chapter of Ansor Youth Movement (GP Ansor) of Nahdatul Ulama, the countrys largest non political Islamic organization, said it threw its weight behind Joko Widodo (Jokowi), one of two candidates to contest the presidential election on July 9. 

"GP Ansor is solid behind Jokowi and his running mate Jusuf Kalla (JK)," Jabir Alfaruqi, who is chairman of the campaigning team for Jokowi-JK from GP Ansor in Central Java. 

Negative campaign to spice up presidential election: Dewi Motik

May 27 2014
Antara News

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Chairman of the Indonesian Womens Congress (KOWANI) Dewi Motik Pramono said that negative campaign is a normal phenomenon during presidential election.

"Negative campaign is to spice up the implementation of election 2014. So for presidential and vice presidential candidate do not be afraid, especially if you are not wrong," he said when met at KOWANI headquarters here on Tuesday.

Live updates: Final day of voting in Egypt's presidential election

May 27 2014
Ahram Online Egypt

15:10 A cabinet spokesman said the government cannot interfere in the work of the Presidential Elections Commission (PEC) in response to widespread media calls to allow voters to cast their ballots without residence restrictions.


"PEC is the sole body responsible for making any election-related decisions. It has its own regulations and rules, and we cannot interfere."


Campaign Must Be Intensified To Recapture Teluk Intan Seat- Mukhriz

May 27 2014

TELUK INTAN, May 27 (Bernama) -- Barisan Nasional (BN) must intensify its campaign in an effort to recapture the Teluk Intan parliamentary seat from the opposition in the by-election on Saturday.

Kedah Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Mukhriz Tun Dr Mahathir said the BN machinery must work hard to win the hearts of the voters before Friday to ensure the party is victorious.

"We have to approach the people directly and not in a major gathering or feast which we find to be ineffective," he told reporters after a casual meeting with residents in Jalan Padang Tembak here, Tuesday.
