
Teluk Intan by-election: Stern action will be taken against unruly supporters, cops warn

May 22 2014
The Star Online


TELUK INTAN: Police warned all supporters from Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Rakyat on Thursday to adhere the Election Offences Act 1954 to ensure a safe campaigning period.

Hilir Perak OCPD Asst Comm Goh Kok Liang said the police would not hesitate to take stern action against anyone who tried to cause disturbance during the two-week campaigning period for the Teluk Intan parliamentary seat by-election.

"Aside from ensuring a smooth by-election to be held, the police also hope the by-election will be conducted fairly.

HDP insists on own candidate in presidential elections

May 22 2014
Hürriyet Daily News

The Peoples’ Democracy Party (HDP) is opting to elect their own candidate for the upcoming presidential elections, a party group said during a visit to Hurriyet’s Ankaraoffice on May 21. 

The HDP’s candidate will have high democratic values and will serve as an alternative to the ruling and main opposition’s party polarization.

Supporting the main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP) in a possible second round was tied to the specific candidate, the group also said. 

Ghani seeks comeback in marathon Afghan election

May 22 2014
The Express Tribune

KABUL: Afghan election candidate Ashraf Ghani vowed on Thursday to overturn first-round results and seize the presidency as he launched his comeback campaign ahead of a run-off vote next month.

Ghani, a former World Bank economist, faces an uphill task to win the head-to-head vote after finishing second – 13 percentage points behind opposition leader Abdullah Abdullah – in the eight-man election held on April 5.

F. Moussa : L'Instance de contrôle de la constitutionnalité des lois manque de courage

May 22 2014
Radio Mosaique

Le Doyen et député à l'Assemblée Constituante, Fadhel Moussa, était l'invité de Midi Show pour revenir sur le sujet des quatre recours sur les cinq relatifs à la nouvelle loi électorale qui ont été rejetés par  l’instance provisoire chargée du contrôle de la constitutionnalité des lois et du 5ème recours dont le délai d'examen a expiré.

Situation préoccupante à Kidal : Le RPM demande la mobilisation nationale

May 22 2014

C’est l’une des recommandations faites par le bureau politique national du Rassemblement pour le Mali (RPM). C’était au cours d’une conférence de presse qu’il a organisée, hier à son siège à l’Hippodrome, sur les tristes événements survenus samedi dernier à Kidal. Objectif : mettre tous les Maliens au même niveau d’information afin de barrer la route à l’intox.

Will Sisi consider military rule over Egypt's bureaucracy?

May 22 2014
Al Monitor

To say that the challenges facing Abdel Fattah al-Sisi's likely presidency look insurmountable is a huge understatement. As the next president, Sisi will have to contend with a sluggish economy, an energy crisis, a water crisis, vanishing tourism and foreign currency reserves, political instability and political violence. All the while, he will have to deal with voter expectations like those US President Barack Obama faced in 2008, and a potentially fatal backlash if he doesn’t deliver on them.

Sibghatollah Mujadidi Endorses Ashraf Ghani

May 22 2014
Tolo News

On the first day of runoff campaigning Former Afghan president Sibghatollah Mujadidi announced his support for presidential candidate Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai.

Mujadidi said he had decided that the other candidate, Abdullah Abdullah, was not the right person for the position of president. 
“For days and nights I was wondering which candidate to support, so after collecting information and consideration, I decided to support Ashraf Ghani,” he said on Thursday.

TSA s’est procuré le plan d’action du gouvernement : comme un air de déjà vu

May 22 2014
Tout sur l'Algérie

Au lendemain de son adoption par le Conseil des ministres, le plan d’action du gouvernement descend à l’APN. Le document a été déposé ce jeudi 22 mai au niveau du bureau de la chambre basse du Parlement. Premier constat à la lecture du document dont TSA s’est procuré une copie : le programme du gouvernement Sellal, qui sera débattu en plénière dans une semaine, ne contient aucune nouveauté ni annonce importante. Le plan de 49 pages puise dans les engagements déjà annoncés et répétés durant les quinze années du règne du président Bouteflika.

Ashraf Ghani Begins Runoff Campaign, Endorsed By Masoud

May 22 2014
Tolo News

Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai on Thursday began his campaign for the runoff round of the presidential election, and received an endorsement from Ahmad Zia Masoud. 
Ghani said he does not intend to organize as large of a campaign effort as he did in the first round. “This part of the year is the seaons of work and our security forces are very busy, so we have decided not to conduct big gatherings, we only want one day to come on the ballot boxes,” Ashraf Ghani said on Thursday.

Somali parliament forms committee to finalise constitution, prepare for 2016 elections

May 22 2014

The Somali parliament on Wednesday (May 21st) formed a sub-committee tasked with finalising the country's provisional constitution before it is voted on in a nationwide referendum and preparing electoral laws for the 2016 elections.

Lawmaker Abdi Ali Hassan was elected as the chair of the committee and Elmi Mohamed Nur as his deputy, Africa Review reported.

Hassan said he was confident his committee would succeed in fulfilling its duties. "The current parliament will have to be replaced in 2016 by one-man, one-vote elected legislators," he said.

Anies Baswedan joins Jokowi camp

May 22 2014
The Jakarta Post

Paramadina University rector Anies Baswedan has announced that he will support the presidential and vice-presidential candidacies of Joko ‘Jokowi’ Widodo and Jusuf Kalla. He said the sole reason behind his decision was the belief that Indonesia needed a fresh figure with integrity to take the lead.

“We are in need of a new leader with a clean track record and committed to the graft-eradication movement,” the former head of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) ethics council said as quoted by on Thursday.

No quorum, No vote ... No president

May 22 2014
The Daily Star Lebanon

Lack of a breakthrough in Lebanon’s presidential election was a foregone conclusion ahead of a parliamentary vote scheduled for Thursday with a majority of March 8 lawmakers pledging to boycott the session again.

The lack of quorum will bring Lebanon ever closer to presidential vacuum as President Michel Sleiman’s term ends Sunday.

Bawaslu urged to monitor candidates’ supporters

May 22 2014
The Jakarta Post

The Election Supervisory Committee (Bawaslu) should monitor the supporters of each candidate contesting the upcoming presidential election as with only two contenders taking part, rivalry could turn violent, a political expert has said.

“Political rivalry will be fierce. Friction at the grassroots level, especially among candidate supporters, will be substantial. Bawaslu must be ready to anticipate such friction,” Soegeng Sarjadi Syndicate executive director Ari Nurcahyo said in a discussion in Lembang, West Java, on Thursday as quoted by

Soueid: Hezbollah wants a political vacuum in Lebanon

May 22 2014
Aswat Masriya

Although the end of Lebanese President Michel Suleiman’s term on May 25 is looming ever nearer, the country’s fractious political parties have been unable to agree on a successor. As on many other issues, Lebanon’s two main political movements, the rival March 8 and March 14 alliances, have been unable to agree on a single candidate, with each backing a different figure to be Lebanon’s next head of state.

Gerindra convinced of press freedom under Prabowo’s leadership

May 22 2014
The Jakarta Post

The Gerindra Party says presidential candidate Prabowo Subianto will guarantee the freedom of the press in Indonesia, and is convinced that under his leadership, there would be no more restrictions on press freedom, such as those seen during the New Order era.

“If Pak Prabowo is elected president, I’m sure that we would enjoy much more press freedom,” Gerindra’s patron council member Martin Hutabarat said on Wednesday, as quoted by
