
Moustaph Dicko, pressenti pour prendre les rênes de l’Adema –PASJ

May 22 2014

Assumer les erreurs commises dans la gestion du pays de 1992 à 2002, insuffler une nouvelle dynamique au parti en mettant à sa tête des hommes de conviction, afin de lui redonner sa fierté et sa vigueur d’antan.

Tel est, désormais, le crédo du ‘‘parti de l’abeille solitaire’’. Tout est en train d’être mis en œuvre pour y parvenir. D’abord, au sein du Comité Exécutif ; ensuite, dans les sections et sous –sections du parti.

With Akbar Threatening to Fire Dissenters, Party Vets Say Division Is Normal

May 22 2014
Jakarta Globe

Golkar Party lawmaker Poempida Hidayatulloh has lashed out at the party’s chief advisor Akbar Tanjung for his double standards related to members who refuse to follow the party’s decision to support Great Indonesian Movement Party, or Gerindra, presidential hopeful Prabowo Subianto and his running mate Hatta Rajasa.

Poempida, who supports Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle’s (PDI-P) presidential candidate Joko Widodo, also known as Jokowi, and his running mate, former vice president and former Golkar chairman, Jusuf Kalla, described Akbar as inconsistent and discriminative.

Gestion de la situation de Kidal : Moussa Mara dame le pion à IBK

May 22 2014

Après l’attaque barbare de la délégation du Premier ministre Moussa Mara, à Kidal le samedi 17 mai 2014, suivie de l’assassinat sauvage des civils et représentants de l’Etat par le Mnla et ses associés terroristes, l’adresse à la nation du Président IBK était très attendue par les Maliens. Mais son discours a été moins ferme qu’attendu, juge une importante frange de la population malienne.

Momamed Nabi Bux Calls On PAS To Return To Party's Original Struggle

May 22 2014

GEORGE TOWN, May 22 (Bernama) -- Independent candidate in the Bukit Gelugor by-election Mohamed Nabi Bux Mohd Nabi Abdul Sathar has urged PAS deputy president Mohamad Sabu and vice-president Datuk Mahfuz Omar to return to the party's original struggle.

He said both party leaders had been politicising hudud, which was the party's cause all this while.

Ramkarpal Announces Manifesto Three Days Before Polling

May 22 2014

Bukit Gelugor parliamentary seat, Ramkarpal Singh Deo, today launched his manifesto, three days before polling day.

But it was Tanjong Member of Parliament (MP) Ng Wei Aik who made all the explanation on the projects to be implemented if Ramkarpal were to win the by-election.

Ramkarpal, the third son of the late Karpal Singh, said after 10 days of campaigning, he had identified six issues which had been included in his manifesto.

Indonesian Election Presents US With Modi-Style Visa Headache

May 21 2014
Jakarta Globe

The emergence of Prabowo Subianto as a serious contender in Indonesia’s election this week means the United States faces the awkward possibility of having to welcome another Asian leader it had denied entry to because of alleged links to mass killings.

The situation has arisen days after Washington found itself having to change course and promise a visa to Indian Prime Minister-Elect Narendra Modi after his landslide election win. Modi was barred from the United States in 2005.

New polls dates for problematic divisions soon

May 21 2014
The Star Online

PETALING JAYA: An annou­ncement will be made in the next few days on the new election dates for the problematic divisions in the PKR party polls.

Twenty-seven divisions, including 10 in Selangor, were directed to carry out their elections again due to irregularities.

“The party election committee will convene a meeting before deciding on when to hold fresh polls for the problematic divisions.

“An announcement should be made in the next few days.

Four PKR members sacked for indiscipline

May 21 2014
The Star Online

PETALING JAYA: Four PKR members have been sacked from the party after they were found to be guilty for indiscipline during the party elections.

In statement posted on their official Facebook page on Wednesday said that the ones sacked are Radin Sharifuddin Mohamad Yasin from the Selayang division, R.Kumara Guru from Alor Setar, Zulkafli Abdullah from Hulu Selangor and Ahmad Jufliz Dato Faiza.

The decision was taken by the disciplinary committee headed by its chairman Datuk Dr. Tan Kee Kwong.

Caïed Essebsi: Nidaa Tounes soutient le gouvernement Jomâa

May 21 2014
Radio Mosaique

Le président de Nidaa Tounes, Béji Caïed Essebsi a assuré que son parti soutiendra le gouvernement Jomâa à condition qu'il respecte la feuille de route.

Par contre, Caïed Essebsi a critiqué la lenteur du gouvernement dans la révision des nominations et la dissolution des LPR.



Ruling AKP surprisingly supports CHP proposal on Labor Law

May 21 2014
Hürriyet Daily News

In an exceptional move, lawmakers from Turkey’s ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) have lent support to the main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP) concerning a proposal on the Labor Law.

The move on May 20 came in the aftermath of the May 13 coal mine disaster in the Soma mine in the western Anatolian province of Manisa that killed 301 miners.

CHP Kocaeli deputy Haydar Akar drafted a proposal to amend the Labor Law in order to delegalize the employment of subcontractor workers, an issue at the heart of the nation-wide debate following the Soma disaster. 

Loi électorale : les recours rejetés

May 21 2014
Radio Mosaique

Le rapporteur général de la constitution, Habib Khedher a indiqué sur les ondes de Mosaïque FM, que l’instance provisoire chargée du contrôle de la constitutionnalité des lois a rejeté quatre recours sur les cinq relatifs à la nouvelle loi électorale qu’elle a reçus. 

Il a ajouté que le délai nécessaire à l’examen du 5e recours a expiré estimant que la loi électorale sera signée dans les heures à venir par le président de la république Moncef Marzouki. 

Al-Mahdi’s defence team calls for his immediate release

May 21 2014
Sudan Tribune

The defence team of the National Umma Party (NUP) leader al-Sadiq al-Mahdi, announced that investigation with the him has been concluded since Saturday and called for his immediate release.

Al-Mahdi was arrested over the weekend by Sudanese security and charged on several counts including undermining the constitutional order and opposing the regime through force.

Those charges are punishable by death, life imprisonment and sentences ranging from a few months to several years and confiscation of money.

Le Plan d'action du gouvernement adopté en Conseil des ministres

May 21 2014
El Watan

Le Plan d'action du gouvernement pour la mise en  oeuvre du programme présidentiel, adopté mercredi lors d'une réunion du Conseil  des ministres, s'articule autour de différents axes, notamment le renforcement  de la cohésion nationale, l'amélioration de la gouvernance, la promotion du  développement humain et la moralisation de la vie publique.

Draft Parliamentary Elections Law finalised

May 21 2014
Daily News Egypt

The committee tasked with amending the Political Participation Law and the Parliamentary Elections Law finalised the draft of the latter legislation on Wednesday.

Interim President Adly Mansour issued a presidential decree on 14 April creating the said committee to amend the laws in preparation for the coming parliamentary elections. The committee is headed by Mohamed Amin El-Mahdy, Minister of Transitional Justice and House of Representatives.

Karzai’s Cousin Endorses Abdullah Abdullah

May 21 2014
Tolo News

Jamil Karzai, cousin of President Hamid Karzai and influential businessman, announced his support for Abdullah Abdullah on Wednesday.

“We have decided to announce our support to the team that whose goal is to reform and bring solidarity to the country: Dr. Abdullah Abdullah,” Karzai said. “We promise to move shoulder to shoulder with him.”

In addition, Jamil Karzai vowed to undertake all possible efforts to make sure Dr. Abdullah comes out victorious in the second round of the presidential elections. 

Benflis à Ouyahia : « Le régime est illégitime et votre diagnostic est faux »

May 21 2014
Tout sur l'Algérie

Après avoir annoncé son rejet de prendre part aux consultations politiques autour de la révision constitutionnelle, Ali Benflis a rendu publique, ce mercredi 21, au nom de la transparence, la lettre qu’il a envoyée à Ahmed  Ouyahia, chef de cabinet du président  Bouteflika chargé de chapeauter ces consultations, par soucis.

L’Assemblée nationale a adopté hier une résolution sur la situation à Kidal

May 21 2014

Réunis hier à huis clos à l’Hémicycle en présence du Premier ministre, les députés ont examiné la situation à Kidal suite aux derniers événements survenus dans cette ville, à la faveur de la viste du Chef du gouvernement, le samedi 17 mai 2014. Les représentants du peuple condamnent l’attitude des forces de la MINUSMA et de Serval. Voici in extenso la résolution adoptée à l’unanimité des députés présents.

Considérant la connivence de plus en plus étroite entre le MNLA et les  mouvements terroristes (Ançardine, AQMI, Boko-Haram,MUJAO etc…) ;
