
La lista del primer ministro iraquí logra 92 de los 328 escaños del Parlamento

May 19 2014
El País

La lista del primer ministro iraquí, Nuri al Maliki, fue la más votada en las elecciones legislativas del mes pasado, aunque queda lejos de la mayoría. El Estado de la Ley obtiene al menos 92 de los 328 escaños del Parlamento, según los resultados provisionales hechos públicos hoy lunes por la Comisión Electoral. Ese éxito supone un revés para los adversarios políticos de Al Maliki, tanto chiíes como suníes y kurdos, contrarios a que ejerza un tercer mandato. Para lograrlo necesita poner en pie una coalición que garantice la investidura de su nuevo Gobierno, algo que puede llevar meses.

Questions arise on which party Kalla represents

May 19 2014
The Jakarta Post

Former vice president Jusuf Kalla still holds Golkar Party membership. He is also a former chairman of the party. However, the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) has its own way of viewing Kalla's political status.

"Many have asked me, what is Pak Kalla's political party really?" PDI-P secretary-general Tjahjo Kumolo said during a luncheon at the residence of the party's chairwoman, Megawati Sukarnoputri, in Jakarta on Monday.

Le RPM en tournée dans le Mali profond

May 19 2014

Pendant que les activistes de l’opposition multiplient les contre-vérités dans la presse à Bamako, le RPM, le parti présidentiel, choisit de descendre sur le terrain pour aller à la rencontre du Mali profond.

 C’est ainsi que, depuis deux semaines, les cadres des Tisserands et, en première ligne, ceux en mission dans le Gouvernement de Moussa Mara, sillonnent les régions de Kayes, Sikasso, Ségou, Koulikoro, Mopti et Tombouctou. Cette semaine, des émissaires seront à Gao.

Israeli parliament to choose new president on June 10

May 19 2014
Al Arabiya News

Israeli lawmakers will elect a successor to outgoing President Shimon Peres on June 10, parliamentary speaker Yuli Edelstein told reporters on Monday.

Edelstein's announcement marks the official start of the race for the position, which has been held by Peres since 2007.

Candidates must receive the backing of at least 10 other MPs, and formally present their requests in writing to the speaker on May 27, Edelstein said.

In Israel, the post of president is largely ceremonial and executive power rests with the prime minister.

Joko Declares Kalla as Running Mate

May 19 2014
Jakarta Globe

Jakarta. It was the worst-kept secret in contemporary Indonesian politics, and on Monday it was made official: presidential front-runner Joko Widodo has picked Jusuf Kalla, the former vice president, to be his running mate for the July 9 election.

“After some thinking and consultation with coalition party leaders, we have decided to choose Bapak Muhammad Jusuf Kalla to be my running mate,” Joko said in a brief declaration at the historical Gedung Juang building in Menteng, Central Jakarta, on Monday morning, where he was flanked by Kalla.

CHP to start dialogue on candidate for presidential election

May 19 2014
Today's Zaman

The leader of the main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP) will start, this week, consultation meetings both within the party and with nongovernmental organizations to hear proposals and to find out what qualities most Turkish citizens are looking for in a presidential candidate.

Gürsel Tekin, newly appointed secretary-general of the CHP, said the party's leader, Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, would have talks with representatives of professional chambers, labor unions and major nongovernmental organizations and ask them what they would like to see in a presidential candidate.

La UE mantiene su misión de observadores para las presidenciales egipcias

May 19 2014
La Vanguardia

La Unión Europea (UE) expresó hoy que finalmente mantendrá su misión observación al completo para las elecciones presidenciales egipcias, pese al reciente anuncio de que limitaba su evaluación debido a los obstáculos para desplegar a tiempo a los expertos.

En una rueda de prensa en El Cairo, el jefe de la misión de observadores, el eurodiputado Mario David, explicó que el retraso en el despliegue de unos 30 expertos se debió a problemas "administrativos y burocráticos", pero que esto "no pone en peligro" la validez de la misión.

L.Akermi : des dirigeants de Nidaa Tounes craignent de perdre leurs postes

May 19 2014
Radio Mosaique

Le porte-parole de Nidaa Tounes, Lazhar Akermi a critiqué sur les ondes de Mosaïque FM les déclarations faites par le membre du bureau exécutif du parti, Ridha Belhaj dans "Midi Show" selon lesquelles il a exprimé son opposition à la tenue du congrès constitutif de Nidaa Tounes avant les prochaines élections. 

Lazhar Akermi a ajouté que ceux qui refusent la tenue du congrès constitutif de Nidaa Tounes avant les élections craignent que la démocratie va leur couter leurs postes au sein du parti. 


Friends of Yemen urge clear timetable for constitution referendum, elections

May 19 2014
Kuwait News Agency (KUNA)

The Friends of Yemen urged the government in Sanaa to set out a clear timetable for a referendum on a constitution and subsequent elections in order to end the political, economic and security crises affecting the country.
"The Friends of Yemen reiterate that the only way to a united, peaceful, stable and prosperous Yemen is through the implementation of the GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council) Initiative," the group of 39 nations and organisations, meeting in London on Tuesday, said in their final communique.

Kamel Gharbi appelle à la non-approbation de la composition de l'IVD

May 19 2014
Radio Mosaique

Le Président du Réseau Tunisien pour la Justice Transitionnelle, Kamel Gharbi a appelé, ce lundi 19 mai 2014, les députés de l'assemblée nationale constituante à ne pas approuver la nouvelle composition de l'instance de la dignité et de la vérité, proposée par la commission de tri. 

Il a expliqué que cette composition comporte des candidats illégaux. 


EU says will monitor Egypt vote after impounded kit released

May 19 2014

The European Union (EU) said on Monday it would monitor all of Egypt's presidential election, reversing a decision to scale back its operations after authorities agreed to release a load of impounded equipment.

The bloc had said two days earlier its officials would only be able to watch voting in the capital as vital communications and medical gear was being held up in the airport.

"We are going to be spread all over the country," EU Chief Observer Mario David told reporters on Monday.

R. Belhaj : Je participerai pas au congrès s'il est tenu à la date du 15 juin

May 19 2014
Radio Mosaique

Le directeur exécutif de Nidaa Tounes, Ridha Belhaj, a assuré que personne au sein de son mouvement n'essaie d'ébranler la position de Béji Caïed Essebsi bien que les problèmes existent. Il a ajouté qu'il n'a jamais été question de soutenir un candidat indépendant lors des prochaines élections aux dépens de BCE.

Ridha Belhaj a aussi déclaré qu'il ne participera pas au prochain congrès du mouvement s'il se tenait à la date du 15 juin, quitte à perdre son poste de directeur exécutif. 


Presidential Race 2014: Abdel Fattah al-Sisi

May 19 2014
Aswat Masriya

Personal Life and Career


Abdel Fattah al-Sisi was born on November 19, 1954 in the ancient district of Al-Gamaliya where his father owns a small business. 


He is married and has three sons and one daughter. 


Sisi graduated from the Egyptian Military Academy in 1977 before taking a General Command and Staff Course at the Egyptian Command and Staff College in 1987. 


In 1992, the former army chief took a General Command and Staff Course at the Joint Command and Staff College in the United Kingdom.


A First for Indonesia, Ethnic Chinese Leader Takes Charge in the Capital

May 18 2014
Jakarta Globe

Indonesia’s presidential race isn’t until July. But there’s already one winner.

Basuki Tjahaja Purnama has taken over as acting governor of Jakarta, the first ethnic Chinese to do so.

A Christian, Basuki succeeds Joko Widodo who has stepped aside to run for the presidential election on July 9, which opinion polls suggest he will win. Basuki will automatically take over to complete Joko’s five-year term if he does win.

Indonesia’s Chinese make up only about 2 percent of the 240 million population.

Teluk Intan by-election: PPP to help BN by focusing on Indian voters

May 18 2014
The Star Online

PETALING JAYA: The People’s Progressive Party (PPP) will cooperate with other Indian-based political parties to get Indian voters in the Teluk Intan constituency to come out and vote in the by-election on March 31.

Its president Datuk M. Kayveas said the PPP election machinery would be focusing on the Indian community in the India by-election campaign.

“We see that the majority of the Indian voters, numbering more than 11,000 in Teluk Intan, live in the estates.

Laarayedh : Le vote contre l'exclusion politique n'est pas un signe d'alliance avec Nidaa Tounes

May 18 2014
Radio Mosaique

Dans une déclaration à Mosaïque Fm, Ali Laarayedh a assuré que le vote des députés Ennahdha contre la loi de l'exclusion politique n'est pas un signe d'une probable alliance avec Nidaa Tounes. Il a ajouté qu'Ennahdha ne s'alliera qu'avec les partis qui peuvent garantir la réalisation des objectifs de la Révolution.

