
IEC Warns Candidates Against Ethnic Politics

May 18 2014
Tolo News

The Independent Election Commission on Sunday warned the two runoff candidates against exploiting religious and ethnic divisions among Afghans during the campaign period set to begin this week. Spokesman Noor Mohammad Noor said those kinds of politics could undermine public support for the election process. 
The second round campaign period will last 20 days, ending on June 11. The runoff vote will be held just a couple days after, on June 14. 

NCP says al-Mahdi arrested over negative remarks against government militia

May 18 2014
Sudan Tribune

The ruling National Congress Party (NCP) declared that the leader of the opposition National Umma Party (NUP), al-Sadiq al-Mahdi, was not arrested for political or security reasons but summoned to complete investigations over a criminal complaint filed by the National Intelligence and Security Services (NISS) this week.

Al-Mahdi was questioned before state security prosecutors on Thursday regarding remarks he made accusing Rapid Support Forces (RSF) of committing serious abuses in conflict zones in Darfur and Kordofan including rape as well as looting and burning villages.

Equipe de campagne de ould abdel Aziz

May 18 2014

On a appris ce soir à Nouakchott que le staff choisi par le candidat Ould AbdelAziz pour conduire sa campagne de l'éléction présidentielle du 21 juin se compose ainsi que suit:

- Directeur national: Sidi Ould Salem

- Directeur national adjoint chargé de la coordination: Lemrabott Sidi Mahmoud O. Cheikh Ahmed

- Directeur national adjoint chargé des opérations éléctorales: Nani Ould Chrougha

- Directeur national adjoint chargé du materiel: Ba Ousmane

- Directrice nationale adjoinr chargée des relations extèrieures: Hawa Tandia

Aburizal ready to be number two

May 18 2014
The Jakarta Post

Golkar Party chairman and presidential hopeful Aburizal Bakrie says he is ready to drop his bid to become president and will aim for vice president to allow the party to join existing coalitions led by the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) and the Gerindra Party.

Speaking to journalists after a closed-door meeting on the sidelines of the party’s national leaders meeting (Rapimnas) on Sunday, Aburizal said it was agreed in the meeting for Golkar to annul the mandate taken in its 2012 leaders meeting to officially nominate him as the party’s presidential candidate.

Parliament to debate Interior Minister’s motion

May 18 2014
Shabelle News

Members of the Somali Parliament are expected to begin on the motion against the Minister of Interior & Federalism. A motion was recently brought forward by legislators and the Speaker of Parliament has decided that the MPs will be able to get their say today.

Lawmakers previously questioned the Minister of Interior & Federalism Abdullahi Godax Barre, and legislators claim that they disapproved of his answers and therefore set forth their motion against  him.

Kalla to pair with Jokowi, Golkar officials predict

May 18 2014
The Jakarta Post

Former vice president Jusuf Kalla will most likely be the running mate of Joko “Jokowi” Widodo, the presidential candidate nominated by the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) and its coalition partners, in the July 9 presidential election, a senior Golkar party official has predicted.

Golkar senior official Zainal Bintang said Kalla himself had directly told him that he had been appointed [by the PDI-P and its coalition partners] to be Jokowi’s vice presidential candidate.

Dems to consider MS Hidayat as presidential candidate

May 18 2014
The Jakarta Post

The Democratic Party says it will propose Industry Minister MS Hidayat as its presidential candidate following a plan to forge a coalition with the Golkar Party.

“The Democratic Party’s plan to form a coalition with Golkar is not final, because we have yet to discuss options for presidential and vice presidential candidates,” Syarief Hasan, Democratic Party executive director said on Saturday as quoted by

The Democratic Party won 10.19 percent of the seats at the House of Representatives in the legislative election, less than the 14.75 percent gained by Golkar.

Candidates Prepare for Runoff Campaigns

May 17 2014
Tolo News

Runoff candidates Abdullah Abdullah and Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai have begun preparing for the brief campaign period that will take place before the second round scheduled for June 14.

Although both contenders have the same two week window to try to secure a victor for themselves, Abdullah heads into the runoff election with a leg-up on Ashraf Ghani after ending the first round vote count nearly 14 percent ahead.

IEC Warns Government Institutions Of Election Interference

May 17 2014
Tolo News

Noor Mohammamd Noor, spokesman to the Independent Elections Commission (IEC) on Saturday reported that governors and a number of ministers were involved in riggings and interference in the first round of the presidential elections.

Election monitoring organizations have also reiterated that the government meddling in the election procedures damages the credibility of the process.

“Some of the individuals who serve within the government use resources and officials positions in support of a particular candidate, including governors, district chiefs and ministers,” Noor said.

Khartoum’s SCSP to engage in dialogue with "outlaws"

May 17 2014
Sudan Tribune

The Supreme Council for Social Peace (SCSP) in the Sudanese capital, Khartoum said it has received a list containing names of criminal gangs from the police in order to engage in dialogue with them.

It said in a statement on Saturday that political instability has negatively impacted peaceful coexistence, calling for the need to analyze causes behind violence that accompanied the protests which erupted last September.

Golkar will support Jokowi to avoid becoming opposition

May 17 2014
The Jakarta Post

The Golkar Party said Friday it would likely join forces with the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) as it had no history of being in opposition. 

A Golkar senior member has confirmed that the party is only inches from forging an alliance with the election winner to endorse the candidacy of Jakarta Governor Joko “Jokowi” Widodo in the upcoming presidential election.

Teluk Intan by-election: Gerakan chief Mah is BN candidate

May 17 2014
The Star Online

IPOH: Barisan Nasional has named Gerakan president Datuk Mah Siew Keong (pix) as the candidate for the Teluk Intan by-election on May 31.

The announcement was made by Barisan deputy chairman Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin on Saturday.

Muhyiddin said Mah, 53, had the experience and track record to serve the people well when given the chance.

He said Mah was a two-term Teluk Intan MP before he lost in the last two general elections.
