
Constitution : le projet remis aux partis jeudi, le pouvoir redoute le boycott de l’opposition

May 12 2014
Tout sur l'Algérie

Les propositions du pouvoir pour une modification de la Constitution devraient être remises, jeudi 15 mai, aux partis et personnalités politiques. Le pouvoir espère une participation de l’opposition pour donner un cachet consensuel au processus.

Mohamed Abbou : Je ne me présenterai pas aux prochaines élections

May 12 2014
Radio Mosaique

Le secrétaire général du Courant Démocratique et ancien ministre, Mohamed Abbou, a déclaré que le premier meeting populaire de son parti à Tunis se tiendra le 14 juin 2014 au Palais des Congrès pour fêter son premier anniversaire.

De retour sur l'audition des deux ministres à l'Assemblée Constituante, Abbou a déclaré que le sujet était dépassé et que tous les députés et ministres sont contre la normalisation avec l’État sioniste même si aucune loi ne l'impose pour le moment.

PPP yet to achieve consensus on coalition

May 11 2014
Antara News

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - The United Development Party (PPP) has not yet reached a consensus on coalition with other political parties on the first day of its leadership meeting on Saturday.

"We have not yet reached consensus on the political party with which we are going to coalesce. We are not yet thinking of using the voting mechanism to decide it because we give priority to consensus first," PPP Secretary General Romahurmuziy said on Sunday.

Samir Ettaieb : le Front du Salut pourrait devenir un front électoral

May 11 2014
Radio Mosaique

Le porte-parole du parti Al Massar, Samir Ettaieb, a confié à Mosaïque FM que des consultations et négociations sont en cours entre les différentes composantes du Front du Salut en vue de transformer cette alliance en front électoral commun.



Najib: BN has right strategies for upcoming by-elections

May 11 2014
The Star Online

KUALA LUMPUR: Barisan Nasional chairman Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak wants members to give their full commitment and dedication to the upcoming by-elections.

"We will be facing one or two by-elections soon and our deputy chairman and his committee has prepared the right strategies.

"There will be short and long term challenges but if we have enough love and care for the party, as well as commitment and dedication, and InsyaAllah..I think Umno and Barisan will continue to succeed," he said at Umno's 68th Anniversary celebration at Putra World Trade Centre (PWTC) on Sunday.

Ridha Belhaj : Les deux derniers communiqués n'engagent pas la commission constituante

May 11 2014
Radio Mosaique

Le leader au sein de Nidaa Tounes, Ridha Belhaj, a déclaré sur nos ondes que les deux derniers publiés par son mouvement n'engagent pas la commission constituante de Nidaa Tounes car ils n'ont pas été rédigés et signés d'une manière collective.



PKR polls: Elections at nine Selangor branches cancelled

May 11 2014
The Star Online

PETALING JAYA: Elections in at least nine PKR branches in Selangor have been cancelled.

Arfa’eza Abdul Aziz, press secretary to Selangor Mentri Besar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim, said in her tweets that the party's election commission decided to cancel the polls in Subang, Hulu Langat, Sabak Bernam, Kuala Langat, Sepang, Klang, Kuala Selangor, Kota Raja and Selayang.

She said the party's election commission in charge of Kuala Selangor had called for polls in the branch to be cancelled after it was found that representatives of a candidate were voting on behalf of voters.

Penang MCA fully supports decision not to contest Bukit Gelugor by-election

May 11 2014
The Star Online

KUALA LUMPUR: Penang MCA fully supported the MCA presidential council's decision not to contest in the Bukit Gelugor parliamentary by-election this May 25.

Its liaison committee chairman Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun said MCA needed to give full attention to the issue arising from PAS' proposal on the hudud law implementation.

"The Penang MCA liaison committee considers that the implementation of the hudud law by Pas will trigger a constitutional crisis.

Ahmed Salem Ould Bouhoubeyni se retire de la course présidentielle

May 11 2014

On vient d’apprendre d’une source proche du candidat Ahmed Salem Ould Bouhoubeyni qui devait   participer aux élections présidentielles du 21 juin qu’il se serait retiré de la course laissant Mohamed Ould badel Aziz face à BoidielOuld Houmoid, Biram Ould Dah, Sarr Ibrahima et Lalla Myriem Mint Moulaye Idriss. Selon un proche de Ould Bouhoubeyni, le candidat se serait retiré suite aux  sollicitations pressantes du Forum et du FNDU.

May 11 elections: A year after polls, tribunals wade through complaints

May 11 2014
The Express Tribune
ISLAMABAD: Today, a year has passed since the country held historic elections that turned the page on many counts. The country saw first-time voters and its first civilian, democratic transfer of power.

However, the fervour and optimism that drove the elections soon faded away, when rigging allegations made headlines and electoral irregularities marred the country’s democratic transition.

Lawmakers bring forward a motion to oust Interior Minister

May 11 2014
Shabelle News

The Minister of Interior & Federalism Abdullahi Godax Barre was recently summoned by Somali lawmakers to the National Assembly building in Mogadishu to answer a few questions regarding the formation of district and regional administrations for areas liberated from Al-Shabaab in Somalia.

In today’s session, over 65 Members of Parliament (MPs) have brought forward a motion to have a vote of confidence against Abdullahi Godah Barre, the Minister of Interior & Federalism. The second Deputy Speaker was chairing the session with 128 legislators in attendance.

Le Premier ministre reçoit le rapport de la CENI sur les dernières élections législatives et municipales

May 11 2014
AMI (Agence Mauritanienne d'Information)

Le Premier Ministre, Dr. Moulaye Ould Mohamed Laghdaf a reçu en audience, dimanche, à Nouakchott, le rapport final de la Commission Electorale Nationale Indépendante (CENI) sur les dernières élections législatives et municipales.

La remise du rapport a eu lieu au cours d'une audience accordée par le Premier ministre au président de la CENI, Dr. Abdallahi Ould Soueid'Ahmed, en présence d'un certain nombre des membres de la Commission.


Marka district commissioner strands Shalanbod commissioner of his title

May 11 2014
Shabelle News

The district commissioner of Marka in the Lower Shabelle region Mohamed Ali Yarisow, has reported to Shabelle that he has declared a new commissioner for the Shalanbood town after stranding the current one of his title.

Mr. Yarisow has said that Shalanbod town falls under the Marka district and for that reason, he has power to name a new commissioner.

Furthermore, the commissioner of Shalanbod Nur Osman said that the government gave him the title and that only they have the power to replace him.


Autor: Maalik Eng
