
Poll reveals Indonesia opposition set to top elections

Apr 03 2014
Channel New Asia

JAKARTA: Indonesia's main opposition party is set to win a convincing victory at legislative elections next week, boosted by the nomination of the popular Jakarta governor as their presidential candidate, a poll showed.

The Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) will take 37 percent of the vote at Wednesday's election, a survey of 2,000 people by private pollster Roy Morgan Research suggested.

The poll put the corruption-mired Democratic Party of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono in fourth place with 10 percent.

Kyrgyz Parliament requires voicing exact number of majority coalition members

Apr 03 2014
Source: News Agency

The Kyrgyz Parliament requires saying exact number of the majority coalition members, the deputy Altynbek Sulaimanov said today at the session.

According to him, the coalition assures that 67 deputies joined to it. "But according to my data, 10 deputies didn't sign it. So, there are only 57 people in the alliance, that is not enough for the majority. Give us exact information," he added.



Anti-Assad allies rebuff Syrian presidential election plan

Apr 03 2014
The Daily Star Lebanon

International powers who support the Syrian opposition have firmly rebuffed any idea of a presidential election organised by the Syrian government in the midst of a civil war, describing the plans as a "parody of democracy" that would kill peace talks.

The Friends of Syria, an alliance of mainly Western and Gulf Arab countries, issued a statement on Thursday in light of recent developments in Syria, where there appears to be no end in sight after more than three years of conflict sparked by protests against President Bashar al-Assad's rule.

National Opposition Movement to have two chairmen

Apr 03 2014
Source: News Agency

The National Opposition Movement will have two chairmen, its Leader Ravshan Zheenbekov reported to news agency today at the press conference.

According to him, Kamchybek Tashiev was appointed the second leader. Also the National Opposition Movement has presented their program of social and economic development of the country. The program consists of 5 planks.

MOI Assures Peaceful Election

Apr 03 2014
Tolo News

The Ministry of Interior Affairs (MoIA) on Thursday assured voters would arrive at polls on Saturday for the country's presidential and provincial council elections amidst a peaceful environment with fair oversight to ensure they are credible and transparent. 

Minister Mohammad Omar Daudzai spoke at a press conference in Kabul on Thursday and called on Afghans to get out and vote in Saturday's elections in order to send a strong message to militants who want to destabilize the country and keep people from excercising their democratic rights. 

Divisions threaten unity of Darfur peace partner group

Apr 03 2014
Sudan Tribune

Divisions within Darfur’s Liberation and Justice Movement (LJM) threaten its unity as a faction allegedly led by the group’s secretary-general issued a statement accusing its leader of anti democratic practices.

A group called its self "Reform Stream" issued a statement on Wednesday blaming the group chairman Tijani Al-Sissi to excluding the other members from the decision making process.

IEC Preparations Come To An End, Voting Times Announced

Apr 03 2014
Tolo News

With preparations for the presidential and provincial council elections finishing up, the Independent Election Commission (IEC) on Thursday announced that polls around the country will be open on Saturday from 7:00AM to 4:00PM, but that closing time could be pushed back if need be. 
According to IEC officials, Thursday saw the final batch of election materials distributed to Kabul districts under secure escort. With that, all voting centers are believed to have been supplied with the designated 600 ballots and the equipment necessary to conduct the voting process. 

Mondher Hadj Ali: Nidaa Tounes gagne chaque jour du terrain

Apr 03 2014
Radio Mosaique

Le leader au mouvement Nidaa Tounes, Mondher Hadj Ali, a assuré aujourd’hui, 3 avril 2014, dans une déclaration à Mosaïque FM, que son parti est en train de gagner chaque jour du terrain et il a assuré aussi que plusieurs partis veulent adhérer à l’Union pour la Tunisie.

Hadj Ali a indiqué la possibilité d’intégrer les partis destouriens à l’UPT. 


Jokowi remains ‘electoral magnet’ for PDI-P: Survey

Apr 03 2014
The Jakarta Post

A survey commissioned by Jakarta-based pollster the Political Communication (Polcomm) Institute says Joko “Jokowi” Widodo remains an electoral magnet who will boost the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle’s (PDI-P) vote in the upcoming elections.

“The party’s electability stands at 23.1 percent and according to respondents surveyed, this is because it has nominated Jokowi as its presidential candidate,” said Polcomm Institute director Heri Budianto in a press conference in Jakarta on Thursday, as quoted by Antara.

Plainte contre le journal français le monde : Quatre avocats pour IBK

Apr 03 2014

Nommément cité dans un article du Monde, paru le 28 mars, qui évoque ses relations avec l’homme d’affaires corse Michel Tomi, le président malien Ibrahim Boubacar Kéita, alias IBK, a commis Me Mamadou Ismaël Konaté et trois autres avocats afin de préparer une action visant à porter plainte en diffamation contre le quotidien français.

Déclaration de politique générale: : Si Oumar Tatam Ly pouvait prendre l’exemple sur Manuel Valls

Apr 03 2014

Le nouveau gouvernement français formé  le 2 avril dernier, le Premier ministre  Manuel Valls fera  sa déclaration de politique générale le mardi prochain. Soit seulement une semaine après sa nomination à ce poste. Au Mali, après sept mois passés à la primature, le Premier ministre malien, Oumar Tatam Ly tarde toujours à se présenter devant les députés pour sa déclaration de politique générale.


Anti-Assad allies rebuff Syrian presidential election plan

Apr 03 2014
The Daily Star Lebanon

International powers who support the Syrian opposition have firmly rebuffed any idea of a presidential election organised by the Syrian government in the midst of a civil war, describing the plans as a "parody of democracy" that would kill peace talks.

The Friends of Syria, an alliance of mainly Western and Gulf Arab countries, issued a statement on Thursday in light of recent developments in Syria, where there appears to be no end in sight after more than three years of conflict sparked by protests against President Bashar al-Assad's rule.

PKPI confident of passing electoral threshold

Apr 03 2014
The Jakarta Post

The Indonesian Justice and Unity Party (PKPI) says it is confident of meeting the 3.5 percent electoral threshold and of winning a seat in the House of Representatives during the upcoming legislative election.

The PKPI's deputy secretary-general, Rully Soekarta, said on Thursday that despite its optimism, the party would keep a lookout for any attempted fraud to reduce his party's number of votes.

Indonesia opposition to top legislative polls: survey

Apr 03 2014
The Jakarta Post

Indonesia's main opposition party is set to win a convincing victory at legislative elections next week, boosted by the nomination of the popular Jakarta governor as their presidential candidate, a poll showed.

The Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) will take 37 percent of the vote at Wednesday's election, a survey of 2,000 people by private pollster Roy Morgan Research suggested.

The poll put the corruption-mired Democratic Party of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono in fourth place with 10 percent.

Erdogan emboldened for presidential run

Apr 03 2014

After the highly charged and polarized period leading up to the March 30 municipal elections, the people of Turkey remained glued to their TV screens until the early hours of March 31, following nail-biting races in a number of cities, especially the one in Ankara, the capital. One would think that the day after the elections would be a day to rest and recover from the hassle and fatigue. It wasn't to be.
