
Security meeting held in Galkacyo

Apr 02 2014
Shabelle News

The president of the Galmudug state Abdi Hassan Awaale Qeybdiid met today with community members and civil society groups in Galkacyo. Mr Qeybdiid mentioned that his administration are intensifying their operations to strengthen the security in Galkacyo and prevent any insecurity acts under any of Galmudug’s towns. The meeting was allegedly held today after recent rumors that Al-Shabaab have a presence in Galmudug.


Autor: Maalik Eng


Les étudiants et les jeunes d’El Esnam appellent à une marche pour ce jeudi contre le 4eme mandat

Apr 02 2014
El Watan

Des jeunes, chômeurs ou étudiants comptent organiser une marche ce jeudi 3avril à la ville d’El Esnam, à 7km à l’est du chef lieu de la wilaya de Bouira. Le collectif de ces jeunes a, dans un communiqué parvenue à notre bureau, lancé un appel à tous les citoyens de cette ville, à la société civile pour se joindre à cette initiative.


Aburizal looks for grip in Kalla's hometown

Apr 02 2014
The Jakarta Post

Golkar Party's presidential candidate Aburizal Bakrie looked confident when he led the party's campaign in Makassar, South Sulawesi on Tuesday amid support for former vice president Jusuf Kalla, who is of South Sulawesi descent, who had also been touted as a potential vice presidential candidate.

The leased Fokker F100 executive jet carrying Aburizal and his 50-person entourage, which included some 20 journalists, arrived at Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport where several Golkar local executives were waiting for the tycoon.

Parliamentary Speaker meets with President in Baidoa

Apr 02 2014
Shabelle News
The Speaker of the Somali Parliament Mohamed Sheikh Osman Jawari hosted a meeting today with the newly elected president of the 3-region south western state.
Also present at the meeting were delegates, intellectuals and other politicians and was held at Hotel Bakin in Baidoa.
Mr Jawari urged on his guests to resolve the political differences in Baidoa and other areas of the Bay region through peaceful dialogue to form their rightful administration.
Autor: Maalik Eng

Dodik Accused of Manipulating Referendum Issue

Apr 02 2014
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian Serb opposition dismiss Republika Srpska leader's claim that he may go for independence if country is not reorganised as a tripartite confederation.

Bosnian Serb leader Milorad Dodik said if a deal on Bosnia as a confederation of three units is not possible, Bosnia's mainly Serbian entity, Republika Srpska, RS, reserved a right to hold a referendum on seeking outright independence. 

Erdogan plays Egypt card in 'ballot box' victory

Apr 02 2014

The first thing to be said about the results of the March 30 local elections in Turkey is that Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan is the clear winner. No one can dispute this. This does not mean, however, that the subject is closed for debate.

For one thing, it is hard to argue that Erdogan’s Justice and Development Party (AKP) won the elections “fair and square.” The existence of a democratic environment in Turkey would have had to be indisputable for that to happen. This, however, was clearly not the case.

No foreign meddling in Saturday’s polls: Kubiš

Apr 02 2014
Pajhwok Afghan News

KABUL (Pajhwok): The United Nations top diplomat in Afghanistan on Wednesday said there would be no international meddling in Saturday’s presidential and provincial elections.

“There is no foreign interference in your elections. These elections are the elections of the Afghan people; Afghan political forces for Afghan candidates,” he said.

UN Secretary-General’s Special Representative Jan Kubiš told reporters in Kabul Afghans should use the opportunity to shape the future of their country through peaceful democratic means.

Somali parliament to form federalism committee

Apr 02 2014

The Somali parliamentary committee on national security, interior and governance will form a sub-committee to oversee the federalism process in the country, Somalia's Goobjoog News reported Wednesday (April 2nd).

Vice chairman of the committee Dahir Amin Jessow criticised the government's handling of federalism to date, saying that the government has failed to plan ahead.

Latest Aceh Shooting Politically Motivated, Police Say

Apr 02 2014
Jakarta Globe

Jakarta. A fatal drive-by shooting on the streets of a Bireun district village on Monday night was the latest instance of politically motivated violence in the turbulent run-up to the April 9 legislative election, the National Police said on Wednesday.

“It’s clear that [the shooting was motivated by] competition between political parties,” National Police Chief Sutarman said. “We ask the people of Aceh to stay away from any provocation of any political power that may lead to violence.”

Le dialogue aura bien lieu après l’assurance du gouvernement qu’il y prendra part

Apr 02 2014

Des dirigeants du Forum national pour la démocratie et l’unité(FNDU) ont déclaré, mardi soir, àSaharamédias, que le Premier ministre, Moulay Ould Mohamed Laghdaf, a assuré l’opposition de la présence du gouvernement aux assises du dialogue prévu entre le pouvoir et les deux pôles de l’opposition mais qu’il ne sera pas présent à la rencontre préparatoire de ces discussions. 

Liberal Democrats’ first victory in Turkey’s local elections

Apr 02 2014
Hürriyet Daily News

A Liberal Democrat Party’s (LDP) candidate has been selected as the mayor of the town Konakkuran in the eastern province of Muş, declaring the first victory ever in the party’s history in Turkey’s local elections. 

Bülent Ateş reportedly won the elections by approximately 480 votes, according to the unofficial results, the LDP leader Cem Toker said, adding that they lost the position of mayor in the Malazgirt district by a narrow margin.

NGOs Accuse SBY of Misusing State Plane During Campaigns

Apr 02 2014
Jakarta Globe

Jakarta. The state palace has maintained its innocence over the accusation that President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has misused the presidential plane to campaign on behalf of his Democratic Party.

Presidential spokesman Julian Aldrin Pasha said the complaints filed to the the Elections Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) by some activists and non-government organizations were irrelevant because they ignored the fact that as Indonesia’s president, Yudhoyono was entitled to use the state’s facilities.

Bocari Téréta, futur Premier ministre ?

Apr 02 2014

Maintes fois annoncé, mais maintes fois reporté pour des raisons que même la raison semble ignorer, le gouvernement post –législatif tarde à pointer le bout du nez. Et pour cause le président de la République, IBK, se trouve devant un choix cornélien : garder Oumar Tatam Ly ou le faire remplacer par Bocari Téréta, actuel ministre du Développement Rural.

Perspectives politiques : Les Fares et Modibo en question

Apr 02 2014

Le 1er congrès des Fares, le parti qui a soutenu l’ancien Premier ministre, Modibo Sidibé, lors de la dernière présidentielles s’est tenu en l’absence de ténors emblématiques qui l’ont porté sur les fonts baptismaux. Ce parti, qui était né sous les meilleurs auspices se trouve atteint par la maladie hautement dégénérative des formations de l’échiquier politique. Les causes ? Outre l’absence d’idéologie politique clairement définie au départ, le choc des ambitions et des divisions en clans.

Indonesian Diaspora Voter Turnout Makes Meager Climb in Hong Kong

Apr 02 2014
Jakarta Globe

Jakarta. As overseas ballots for Indonesia’s April 9 legislative elections came in from Hong Kong — the first place to open its ballot boxes — a General Elections Commission (KPU) official said voter participation was up from 2009, but still quite low.

“Compared to the last election, voter turnout in Hong Kong is far greater,” KPU commissioner Arief Budiman said in Jakarta on Tuesday.

Around 700 people cast votes in 2009, while around 6,600 did this year — some eight times more, he said.

Overseas voting began on March 30 and ends April 6.

Gülen Movement has no power, authority over members: Davutoğlu

Apr 02 2014
Hürriyet Daily News

Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu has downplayed the Fethullah Gülen Movement’s influence on voters and the results of the local elections held March 30.

“Let’s look at the increase in the [main opposition Republican People’s Party] CHP’s votes,” Davutoğlu told accompanying journalists yesterday en route to Brussels. “Does this 1.5-2 percent increase come from the parallel structure?” Davutoğlu asked, referring to the movement of U.S.-based Islamic scholar Gülen and his supporters. 

KPK awaits president`s answer on social aid funds

Apr 02 2014
Antara News

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) said President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono had yet to reply to its letter recommending that the social aid funds be managed by the Ministry of Social Affairs.

"We have yet to receive the presidents reply to our letter, but we are monitoring this matter," KPKs Deputy Chief Busyro Muqqodas told newsmen here on Tuesday in response to a question on the antigraft bodys letter to the head of state. 

Le groupe parlementaire Fare-Sadi

Apr 02 2014

Lors du congrès ordinaire des fares à l’issu duquel Modibo Sidibé a pris la tête du parti, cette formation politique s’est, à l’opposé de la déclaration politique de ses députés à l’AN (qui se sont déclarés dans la majorité), positionnée dans l’opposition. Créant ainsi une confusion au sein du groupe parlementaire Fare-Sadi. D’ailleurs, sur les 6 députés des fares, seul un  était présent au congrès des fares. Cela veut dire théoriquement que les 5 autres députés ne se reconnaissent pas dans les fares qui ont porté Modibo à leur tête.
