
Violence Will Not Keep People From Voting: Abdullah

Mar 30 2014
Tolo News

Presidential candidate Abdullah Abdullah stood in front of a crowd in Kandahar on Sunday addressing the people that the militant attack on the Independent Elections Commission (IEC) will not stop people from voting.

“The IEC building was attacked yesterday; I am telling Afghanistan’s enemies that Afghans will not change their decision in taking part in elections,” Abdullah said. “Threats and attacks will not change the people’s decision.”

No such thing as a constitutional coup: Jimly

Mar 30 2014
The Jakarta Post

Efforts to decrease the number abstainers in the 2014 general election were important to quash predictions that there would be riots, Election Organizers Ethics Council (DKPP) chairman Jimly Asshiddiqie said on Sunday.

"It is even being said that the Indonesian Military [TNI] will launch a constitutional coup,” he said during a speech at Al-Azhar Grand Mosque in South Jakarta as quoted by

He said that there was no such thing as a constitutional coup and asked the public to prevent such a thing from becoming a reality.

Hamrouche interpelle Bouteflika, Gaid Salah et Mediène

Mar 30 2014
El Watan

Ces trois hommes qu’il a comparé à Boussouf, Bentobbal et Krim Belkacem, « portent la responsabilité de ce qui va se passer. ». 

Mouloud Hamrouche a interpellé, ce dimanche, le président Bouteflika, le chef d’état-major de l’armée, Gaid Salah, et le chef du DRS, Mohamed Mediène sur un « risque d'effondrement » qui menace l’Algérie.

KPU kicks off overseas legislative election

Mar 30 2014
The Jakarta Post

The General Elections Commission (KPU) on Sunday kicked off the 2014 legislative election for Indonesian citizens in five countries

Voting will be carried out at six representative offices, namely in Beijing, Shanghai, Brasilia, Copenhagen, Santiago and Hong Kong.

KPU commissioner Ferry Kurnia Rizkiyansyah said that voting had been scheduled around the local holiday and in consideration of weather conditions to boost voter turnout. In Hong Kong, for instance, voting was held on Sunday, as a storm was predicted to hit the country in early April.

Enjeux et perspectives de transition démocratique dans l'après 17 avril 2014

Mar 30 2014
El Watan

« Elections du 17 avril : voter ou boycotter, quel choix privilégier face aux incertitudes du scrutin? Quelles perspectives de transition démocratique en Algérie dans l'après 17 avril  2014? Des questions et d’autres encore au cœur d’un débat vif et incisif qui s’est tenu vendredi soir à l’initiative du Forum France Algérie à l’IREMMO à Paris.

Paris / De notre correspondante



Indonesian Islamic Parties Head for Poll Drubbing

Mar 30 2014
Jakarta Globe

Jakarta. Nisa Ariyani staunchly supported Indonesia’s Muslim parties her whole life, throughout decades of authoritarian rule and at the three legislative elections after the country became democratic.

But when tens of millions vote in parliamentary polls in the world’s most populous Muslim-majority country on April 9, the 42-year-old teacher is set to join a growing number who will not cast their ballot for an Islamic party.

Karim Tabbou: «Le 17 avril est un scrutin qui défie la société»

Mar 30 2014
El Watan

«Jouer sur les inquiétudes et les traumatismes du passé est la pire des violences, ce qui est moralement inacceptable», lance Karim Tabbou, porte-parole de l’Union démocratique et sociale. Entretien.

-Le scrutin présidentiel du 17 avril s’annonce particulier à bien des égards. Dans quelles conditions politiques se tiendra-t-il ?

Ruling AKP lawmaker announces resignation amid local polls

Mar 30 2014
Hürriyet Daily News

The ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) has been shaken with a fresh resignation on the day of critical local polls.

AKP’s Kayseri MP Ahmet Öksüzkaya announced via Twitter that he was quitting his party only an hour after the voting ended. 

“I am sadly seeing that my personal views on democracy, law and consensus do not correspond with my party’s policies,” Öksüzkaya said in a statement.

“I hope that all my friends with whom I worked with will accept my decision. I will continue to serve my country and my city as an independent,” he said. 

Ankara’s incumbent mayor Melih Gökçek declares his own victory

Mar 30 2014
Hürriyet Daily News

Incumbent Ankara Mayor Melih Gökçek has declared victory in his bid to win the capital's mayoral seat for a fifth consecutive time, dismissing suggestions from his main rival, Mansur Yavaş of the Republican People's Party (CHP), that the main opposition had won the city.

“It is an exact manipulation. Nobody should believe in the Cihan news agency,” Gökçek said, in an apparent reference to the discrepancies in reported counted votes by the state-run Anadolu Agency and the private Cihan news agency.

Difference between results normal, says Supreme Election Committee Head

Mar 30 2014
Hürriyet Daily News

There are natural reasons for the massive differences between the election results declared by political parties and those announced on TV as some channels put more importance in some regions, the head of the Supreme Committee of Elections (YSK) has said, adding that surest results would come from their committee.

President reaches Baidoa after political crisis

Mar 30 2014
Shabelle News

Our correspondent in Baidoa Ahmed Abdi Hassan informs us that today the president of the Federal Republic of Somalia Hassan Sheikh Mohamud reached the city today.

The president was accompanied by some ministers of the Federal Government, one of them Minister of Environment & Livestock Salim Aliyow Ibrow and others.

Dozens of soldiers were spread across Baidoa ahead of the president’s arrival with public transportation halted.

CHP’s Ankara candidate announces victory, warns against ballot security

Mar 30 2014
Hürriyet Daily News

The Republican People’s Party (CHP) candidate for Ankara has declared victory in the polls while calling on voters to watch over the counting process and their votes until they are delivered to the Supreme Election Board.  

“We received almost 50 percent of the votes according to the information we have,” CHPcandidate Mansur Yavaş said at a press conference at 8:30 p.m. local time on March 30.

La présente session parlementaire sera close mardi prochain

Mar 30 2014

La présente session parlementaire sera close mardi 1er avril 2014, a annoncé, dimanche, la présidence mauritanienne.

Le Premier Ministre est chargé de l'application du présent décret, qui sera publié suivant la procédure d'urgence et au Journal officiel de la République Islamique de Mauritanie, selon le décret portant convocation du Parlement en session extraordinaire.


Lazhar Bali : Marzouki et Ben Jaâfar doivent démissionner s’ils veulent participer aux présidentielles

Mar 30 2014
Radio Mosaique

Le président du parti  El Amen, Lazhar Bali a indiqué lors d’une déclaration accordée à Mosaïque FM que les présidents de la république, Moncef Marzouki et de l’Assemblée Nationale Constituante, Mustapha Ben Jaâfar doivent démissionner s’ils espèrent se présenter aux prochaines élections présidentielles et ce pour favoriser l’égalité des chances lors du scrutin. Plus de détails dans cette déclaration. 


R. Ghannouchi : Le referendum est une nouvelle preuve de notre démocratie

Mar 30 2014
Radio Mosaique

Lors de sa visite au bureau régional du Mouvement Ennahdha à Sfax dans la journée du dimanche 30 mars 2014, Rached Ghannouchi a déclaré que le referendum organisé actuellement par le mouvement est une nouvelle preuve de sa démocratie.


