
Tuzla Gets New Govt After Mass Protests

Mar 27 2014
Bosnia and Herzegovina

After the governments of four of Bosnia's cantons quit in the wake of the mass protests in February, one of them, Tuzla, finally has a new government.

Tuzla Canton is the first in Bosnia and Herzegovina to get a new government since the mass protests that started in February forced four of the Federation entity's ten cantonal governments to resign. 

Members of Tuzla Canton's new government held their first meeting on March 27 after the cantonal assembly confirmed their posts the night before. 

Accord sur les critères des candidats à l’Instance provisoire pour le contrôle de la constitutionnalité des lois

Mar 27 2014
Radio Mosaique

La commission de législation générale a convenue aujourd’hui, 27 mars 2014 lors de sa réunion sur les critères de candidature à l’Instance provisoire pour le contrôle de la constitutionnalité des lois notamment l’intégrité, l’indépendance, la neutralité avec une expérience dans le domaine du droit supérieure à 20 ans. 


Moeldoko wishes KPU asked for help sooner

Mar 27 2014
The Jakarta Post

Indonesian Military (TNI) commander Gen. Moeldoko said he regretted the tardiness of a request for help in organizing the upcoming April 9 legislative election from the General Elections Commission (KPU).

“I offered the KPU my help last year but it barely responded. Now, with the election drawing near, just a week away, it finally requests back up. I will do it anyway but I must draw a firm line first so the TNI won’t be blamed should anything go wrong,” Moeldoko told The Jakarta Post on Thursday.

Khemaies Ksila: Nidaa Tounes ou le néant

Mar 27 2014
Radio Mosaique

Le membre du bureau exécutif de Nidaa Tounes, Khemaies Ksila a déclaré lors de l'émission "A la page" que seul le projet national lancé par le président de son parti, Beji Caid Essebsi est capable de sauver le pays de la crise politique et économique qu'il traverse et résoudre les problèmes des tunisiens. 

Il a ajouté que Nidaa Tounes est prêt à participer aux élections et reste sûr de sa popularité et que contrairement à ce que certains disaient, la présidence de la république n'est pas une obsession pour le président du parti, Beji Caid Essebsi. 

Veterans back Prabowo

Mar 27 2014
The Jakarta Post

Hundreds of retired military servicemen have collectively voiced their support for Gerindra Party presidential hopeful Lt. Gen. (ret) Prabowo Subianto.

Speaking for the veterans, former deputy army chief of staff Lt. Gen. (ret) Johannes Suryo Prabowo said they supported Prabowo solely because of his reliable character.

Suryo denied that the veterans came out together as a stunt to boost Prabowo's popularity. He said the support reflected the true aspirations of the veterans.

Ould Maouloud : « Les contacts insistent sur la nécessité d’une rencontre qui regroupe toutes les parties«

Mar 27 2014
Sahara Media

Le président de l’Union des forces de progrès (UFP), Mohamed Ould Maouloud, a déclaré que le fait que le gouvernement pose des conditions préalables pour entrer dans un dialogue politique avec l’opposition capable d’ouvrir la porte à l’organisation d’élections présidentielles, n’est pas encourageant pour l’entrée dans un vrai dialogue susceptible de mettre un terme à la crise que traverse le pays.


Barakat manifeste, Alger indifférent

Mar 27 2014
El Watan

La petite foule a scandé des slogans appelant au départ du régime : « Bouteflika dégage », « Ni Oujda ni DRS », ou encore « pouvoir assassin » et « Ulac smah Ulac ».

Des dizaines de personnes ont répondu, ce jeudi, à l’appel du mouvement Barakat pour la tenue d’un sit-in de protestation devant la FAC centrale d’Alger. Le rassemblement a commencé à 11 heures sous l’œil vigilant des policiers, dépêchés sur les lieux en surnombre pour cerner  les manifestants et disperser les attroupements des passants.

Political violence increases in Aceh ahead of election

Mar 27 2014
The Jakarta Post

The National Police chief of operational assistance, Insp. Gen. Arif Wachyunadi, has said the incidence of political violence in Aceh was increasing. So far this campaign season the police have recorded 24 cases of political violence, three more than were recorded during the 2009 general election. 

Arif highlighted that heated tension and competition between rival parties was likely the source of the violence.

Darfur rebel groups willing to engage in conditional dialogue: PCP official

Mar 27 2014
Sudan Tribune

Sudan’s opposition Popular Congress Party (PCP) announced that it has embarked on intensive contacts to convince the Darfuri rebel armed group to engage in dialogue with the government in order to achieve a comprehensive solution for all intractable problems facing the country.

The PCP leading figure, Adam Al-Tahir Hamdoun, held a series of meetings in the Kenyan capital, Nairobi with leaders of the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM), Sudan Liberation Movement - Minni Minnawi (SLM-MM), and Sudan Liberation Movement -Abu Al-Gasim Imam (SLM-Imam)

Sarajevo Withdraws Award For Zagreb Mayor

Mar 27 2014
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Sarajevo City Council has cancelled its earlier decision to award honorary citizenship to Milan Bandic, the Mayor of Zagreb, after he said Bosnia should have three entities, not two.

The City Council of Sarajevo has withdrawn its decision, made in February, to make Zagreb Mayor Milan Bandic an honorary citizen of the Bosnian capital owing to his recent statements backing a third, Croatian entity for Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Deputy Sarajevo Mayor Aljosa Campara said he hoped the decision would not harm relations between Sarajevo and Zagreb.

Indonesia’s Political Parties Are Called On to Set Clear and Comprehensive Economic Plans

Mar 27 2014
Jakarta Globe

Jakarta. Political parties were called on by a group of economists to disclose their targets in creating jobs, eradicating poverty, taming inflation and boosting growth — with a comprehensive plan to achieve such goals.

“From what we have watched and studied on their campaigns, no party has a comprehensive strategic policy on the economy,” said Hendri Saparini, an executive director at the Center of Reform on Economics (Core), a non-governmental organization focusing on economic policy, in a discussion in Jakarta on Thursday.

Sudan’s opposition alliance sticks to its conditions for national dialogue

Mar 27 2014
Sudan Tribune

Sudan’s opposition umbrella organisation National Consensus Forces (NCF) has called on the ruling National Congress Party (NCP) to accept conditions set by the opposition for engaging in national dialogue.

The NCP had stipulated setting a timetable to apply opposition conditions, however, the NCF rejected the proposal, maintaining its position that the NCP must agree to its conditions prior to any dialogue taking place.

Democrats and PKS Top List of Unpopular Parties, Survey Says

Mar 27 2014
Jakarta Globe

Jakarta. A new survey released on Wednesday has revealed that the ruling Democratic Party and the scandal-ridden Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) have topped the list of Indonesia’s least popular political parties in Indonesia.

The polling body, Charta Politika, said that when respondents were asked which party they were most averse to, 17.1 percent chose the Democratic Party, while 8.5 percent said the PKS. Coming in at third was the Golkar Party, which garnered 6.6 percent of the vote in the survey.

President declared for South West state of Somalia

Mar 27 2014
Shabelle News

This morning at a conference room of Hotel Bakiin in Baidoa, nominations to elect the president for the 3-region south western state of Somalia as announced it will take place a few days ago.

The conference hall was crowded with around 700 participants that came from Bay, Bakool & the Lower Shabelle regions and it was expected that there would be up to 4 nominations.

Suharto Nostalgia Grows as Indonesia Heads for Elections

Mar 27 2014
Jakarta Globe

Kemasuk, Yogyakarta. Painted on the back of trucks and emblazoned across T-shirts, the smiling face of former Indonesian dictator Suharto has become a common sight across Java 16 years after his downfall.

“How are you bro? Still better in my time, no?!” runs a phrase commonly printed alongside the late army general, toppled following more than three decades in power when the Asian financial crisis tore into Indonesia.

Khayem Turki: Ettakatol contre l'exclusion politique mais pour une pause

Mar 27 2014
Radio Mosaique

Le secrétaire général adjoint du parti Ettakatol, Khayem Turki a précisé dans la journée du jeudi 27 mars 2014 que son parti refuse le principe de  l’exclusion  politique en faisant ainsi référence au projet de loi de l’immunisation politique. 

Il a ajouté que son parti demande juste que les certaines personnalités qui ont joué un rôle important lors du règne de l’ancien régime observent  « une pause »,  il a ajouté être pour l’article 15 du projet de la loi électorale  qui  ne concerne que la période électorale .

