
Civil Society Announces Electoral Coalition

Mar 26 2018

Civil society groups and the Sabaa Party on Monday announced an electoral coalition spanning nine districts for the upcoming parliamentary elections.

The coalition, dubbed 'Kollona Watani', is the result of “more than a year and a half of serious work,” the groups said in a statement.

“The lists comprise 66 candidates from all sects across the country... This is the biggest electoral coalition in Lebanon's modern history. Through this move, the civil society is sending a powerful message that the citizen now has a serious alternative to the ruling class,” the groups added.

Les frères de Bouteflika seraient-ils contre un 5e mandat ?

Mar 26 2018
El Watan

Y  a-t-il une opposition à l’option du 5e mandat au sein de la famille du président Bouteflika ?

Cette question que se posent de nombreux observateurs de la scène politique nationale est remise sur la table par le site Algériepatriotique, proche de l’ancien ministre de la Défense nationale, Khaled Nezzar. Dans un article plutôt mesuré, ce site fait état des rumeurs incessantes et persistantes depuis des semaines, sur un éventuel refus des frères de Bouteflika de cautionner un nouveau mandat.

Ruling party ‘ready for election at any time,’ says President Erdoğan

Mar 25 2018
Hurriyet Daily News

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan vowed to receive “the highest vote,” with the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) and Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) alliance, stating that “the AKP is a party that works as if there will be an election at any time.

We are a movement who is always prepared for elections, as if an election will be held at any moment,” Erdoğan said, speaking at the AKP congress in the northern province of Giresun on March 25.

Nisar can’t contest polls on PML-N ticket: Pervaiz Rashid claimed

Mar 24 2018
Dawn News

The ruling Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz has hinted at not giving party ticket to former interior minister Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan for the upcoming general elections after he openly went against the present PML-N narrative and leadership.

Mr Nisar’s recent statement against the party leadership and his stance against the party line on the Panama Paper case verdict against former prime minister Nawaz Sharif and criticism against the judiciary indicate that he has already lost a ‘sacred’ place in the party.

Al-Sadr calls for International Supervision for the elections

Mar 24 2018
National Iraqi News Agency

The Leader of the Sadrist Movement, Moqtada al-Sadr, called for UN intervention to supervise the upcoming elections.

"The legislative elections are on the door," Al-Sadr said in a tweet on his official Twitter website, "We are increasingly concerned about fraud, so we call for independent international supervision to keep the elections transparent and fair and not corrupt."

Four Electoral Lists Compete in Hizbullah Stronghold

Mar 23 2018

In Hizbullah's stronghold of Baalbek-Hermel district, a new electoral list called the National Cedar list was officially registered at the Interior Ministry on Friday to compete against Hizbullah-AMAL alliance in the upcoming elections.

The National News Agency said the list of ten candidates was submitted to the ministry Friday to win ten seats distributed as follows: 6 Shiite seats, 2 Sunni seats, 1 Catholic, 1 Maronite.

Countdown to Egypt's presidential election begins

Mar 23 2018
Ahram Online

Mass participation in the presidential elections sends the message that Egyptians reject extremism, observers tell Gamal Essam El-Din. The 28-day official campaign period for the presidential elections will close on Saturday, allowing 48 hours for reflection before the polls open. Voting will then take place between 9am to 9pm on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday says Lasheen Ibrahim, chair of the National Electoral Commission (NEC).

Youssef Chahed lance le temps des réformes

Mar 23 2018

Le chef du gouvernement Youssef Chahed s’est exprimé vendredi face à l’Assemblée des représentants du peuple dans le cadre d’une séance d’audition provoquée par les députés.

Le chef du gouvernement Youssef Chahed s’est exprimé vendredi face à l’Assemblée des représentants du peuple dans le cadre d’une séance d’audition provoquée par les députés.

Le "Kadimoune" veut déposer plainte contre l'organisation du congrès national

Mar 23 2018

Le courant est clairement opposé à ce que le secrétaire général du parti, Nabil Benabdellah, brigue un troisième mandat.

Il veut se faire entendre. Le courant né au sein du PPS sous le nom de “Kadimoune” (“Nous arrivons”) compte saisir la justice la semaine prochaine. “Nous sommes en train de constituer un dossier pour déposer plainte contre toutes les irrégularités constatées auprès du comité central (CC) lors du congrès extraordinaire qui devait préparer le congrès national”, déclare au HuffPost Maroc le coordinateur du courant, Hassan Benkabli. 

Il y a une volonté de crédibiliser la prochaine élection

Mar 23 2018
El Watan

Un gouvernement affaibli par les grèves successives, un climat pesant, une opposition qui monte au créneau et dénonce la « paralysie ». Et même si la Constitution algérienne a été révisée, les blocages persistent. Une situation qui remet en cause le rôle de la loi et des autres institutions dans le système du pays. La constitutionnaliste Fatiha Benabbou revient sur les principales questions qui chiffonnent l’opinion publique.

Balochi leaders plan to gather under one political umbrella

Mar 22 2018
Pakistan Today

In the coming days, Balochistan will witness intense political maneuvering as important political personalities are reportedly considering uniting under the banner of a new political party, according to a private television channel.

Sources close to the development said that the new party would include the names of important politicians from the province.

A provincial assembly legislator requesting anonymity said, “We would announce the launching of our own political party soon.”

Turkey moves to supervise online content, tightens grip on media

Mar 22 2018
Reuters UK

Turkey’s parliament has approved a bill granting the radio and television watchdog authority to regulate online content, fuelling concerns about further restrictions on the media. The move closes a loophole under which some Turkish broadcasters have sought refuge from censorship and strict regulations by moving to online streaming platforms.

It follows sharp criticism by rights groups and Turkey’s Western allies of restrictions on the media following the 2016 failed coup against President Tayyip Erdogan.

Masum Deliberately Disrupt The Budget

Mar 22 2018
National Iraqi News Agency

MP from the state of law bloc, Zeinab al-Basri said president Fuad Masum is responsible for all the consequences of delaying the budget.
Basri said in a press statement that "the President of the Republic deliberately delay the budget because of the share of the Kurdistan region, which was stipulated in the Constitution, trying to violate the law and the Constitution to return the Kurdistan share of 17%," considering that "Masum is the first and last responsible for all the consequences of delaying the budget.

PSP, LF Register Electoral Lists

Mar 22 2018

The Progressive Socialist Party and the Lebanese Forces on Thursday submitted to the Interior Ministry their electoral lists for the Chouf-Aley and Baabda districts.

PSP chief MP Walid Jumblat's son “Taimur Jumblat visited Thursday morning the headquarters of the Interior Ministry in Sanayeh, where he registered the Reconciliation List of the Chouf-Aley district,” a PSP statement said.

Nasralá pide "mejorar" la ley electoral libanesa

Mar 22 2018
Europa Press

El líder del partido-milicia chií libanés Hezbolá, Hasán Nasralá, ha pedido este miércoles que se "mejore"la ley electoral y ha asegurado que su partido no presenta impedimentos sobre el presidente libanés, Michael Aoun,en relación con las conversaciones sobre la estrategia de defensa después de las elecciones.

"Las próximas elecciones representan una gran oportunidad para que el pueblo libanés vuelva a producir sus autoridades nacionales",ha asegurado Nasralá, según ha recogido el portal de noticias local 'Naharnet'.

Berri Calls for 'Clean, Free' Elections

Mar 21 2018

In light of Lebanon's preparations for its long-awaited parliamentary elections, Speaker Nabih Berri said he is “looking forward for high voter turnout,” urging the Lebanese to “practice their national duty” and cast their votes, al-Joumhouria daily reported on Wednesday.

“We are looking forward for massive election turnout. It is the national duty of each citizen,” Berri told the daily in an interview.

L’opposition doute de Bouteflika

Mar 21 2018
El Watan

Il faut d’abord réunir les conditions d’une compétition politique saine.» C’est la réponse des principaux partis de l’opposition au chef de l’Etat qui a appelé, dans son message à l’occasion du 19 mars, à «une confrontation des programmes dans la course au pouvoir». «(…) la scène politique doit connaître une diversité, une confrontation de programmes et une course au pouvoir», avait écrit le président Bouteflika dans son appel, lu en son nom par le ministre des Moudjahidine, Tayeb Zitouni.
