
Saudi appoints first female deputy minister of labour

Feb 27 2018
Saudi Arabia
Khalej Times

Dr. Tamader bint Youssef Al Rammah has been appointed deputy minister of labour and social development.  Saudi Arabia has replaced some of its top military officers in a shake-up that elevates a younger generation, brings a woman into a senior government job.

In a reshuffle announced late on Monday, the military chief of staff, air defence and land forces heads and senior defence and interior ministry officials were removed. Tamadur bint Youssef Al Ramah became deputy labour minister, a rare high-level job for a woman in the kingdom.

PML-N to announce new party president on Tuesday: Marriyum said

Feb 26 2018
Pakistan Today

Minister of State for Information and Broadcasting Marriyum Aurangzeb has said that Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) will announce its new party president on Tuesday. Talking to the media persons in Islamabad on Monday, she said the Central Executive Committee and Central Working Committee of PML-N will meet on Tuesday to hold discussions on the election of the party president.

She said Punjab Chief Minister Shehbaz Sharif is the most competent and appropriate person for the slot given his political acumen and performance in Punjab province.

Irak: "los desplazados por el conflicto podrán votar en las próximas elecciones"

Feb 26 2018
Europa Press

Los desplazados por el conflicto en Irak podrán participar en las elecciones locales y parlamentarias previstas para el 12 de mayo, según ha confirmado este domingo el secretario general del Consejo de Ministros, Mahdi al Allaq.

"Las familias desplazadas de todas las provincias tendrán derecho a participar en el próximo proceso electoral",ha dicho, agregando que "se ha puesto en marcha una acción para permitir que los desplazados voten", según ha informado el portal local de noticias Alghad Press.

Al Qaeda llama al boicot de las elecciones

Feb 26 2018
El Confidencial

El Frente de Apoyo al Islam y los Musulmanes, la filial de Al Qaeda en el Sahel, ha llamado a los musulmanes en Malí a boicotear las próximas elecciones locales y presidenciales y combatir a las autoridades de Bamako.

Este llamamiento se hizo durante un discurso pronunciado por el "juez mayor" (máxima autoridad judicial) de esa organización Abu Abdeulrahman al Senhayi, difundido por los foros yihadistas en lenguas árabe, tuareg y somalí, y al que Efe tuvo acceso hoy.

Nidaa Tounes soutiendra des listes indépendantes aux municipales

Feb 26 2018

Invité de l'émission "Men Tounes" ("De Tunis") vendredi, le président du bloc parlementaire de Nidaa Tounes Sofien Toubel a affirmé que son parti appuiera des listes indépendantes lors des élections municipales.

En plus des 350 listes Nidaa Tounes, le parti s'engagera auprès de "146 listes indépendantes que nous appuieront. Leurs noms seront reconnaissables et nous les divulgueront à la presse en temps voulu" a précisé Sofien Toubel.

Opposition Bloc Nominates Govedarica for Republika Srpska President

Feb 25 2018
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Balkan Insight

The main Bosnian Serb opposition party, the Serbian Democratic Party, SDS,  nominated party leader Vukota Govedarica as its candidate for president of Bosnia-Herzegovina’s Serbian-dominated entity in elections this autumn.  The 41-year-old leader of the Serbian Democratic Party from the pro-EU Alliance for Changes is positioning himself as the catalyst to end the Alliance of  Independent Social Democrats’ nearly 12-year-long hold on power.

Hezbollah chief warns against voting for pro-US candidates

Feb 24 2018
Press TV

The secretary general of the Hezbollah resistance movement has warned the Lebanese nation against voting for pro-US candidates in the forthcoming parliamentary elections, saying such contenders will simply hand over the Arab country to Americans.

Addressing his supporters via a televised speech from the eastern Lebanese city of Baalbek on Saturday evening, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah called upon people from all walks of life to participate in the elections, which are scheduled to be held on May 6.

Dinka N'Gok Council Welcomes Dr. Faisal Appointment

Feb 24 2018
Sudan News Agency

The Dinka N'Gok Higher Coordination Council has welcomed the appointment of Dr. Faisal Hassan Ibrahim as the Deputy Chairman of the National Congress Party for party Affairs and Assistant of the President of the Republic .
The Council has also, welcomed the appointment of General, Salah Mohammed Abdulla as the Director of National Intelligence and Security Service and General, Jalal Edden Al-Sheikh Al-Tayeb as his Deputy.

Egypt's presidential elections campaigning kicked off Saturday

Feb 24 2018
Ahram Online

Egypt's presidential elections campaigning started Saturday, one day after the National Elections Authority (NEA) approved incumbent President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi and Moussa Mostafa Moussa, head of the Ghad Party, as the final candidates for the March 2018 elections.

Several billboards featuring President El-Sisi were seen in Cairo streets Saturday, the first day of campaigning that is set to continue until 23 March.

PTI-G promises presidential system

Feb 23 2018
Geo tv

MNA Ayesha Gulalai announced on Friday that her new party will support presidential form of democracy in the country. Addressing a press conference here, Gulalai announced the manifesto of her party, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf-Gulalai or PTI-G, would also envision judo karate training for women.

Gulalai, who announced the name of the new party in December, has still not officially resigned from Imran Khan-led PTI. A reference by Imran to kick her out of the party was rejected by the Election Commission of Pakistan.

"I have not been pressured to run for presidency": Moussa says

Feb 23 2018
Egypt Independent

Presidential hopeful Moussa Mostafa Moussa announced that he has neither been asked nor pressured into running in the 2018 Egyptian presidential election, saying his political position is public: that he participated in June 30 and stood supporting the country, in addition to helping bring the Muslim Brotherhood down.

During an interview with state-owned Al-Ahram newspaper, Moussa also denied any claims that he received funding to run for president, saying even if he was offered he would refuse funding, as he does not need charity to run in the presidential race.

CHP submits motion to abolish 10% electoral threshold after AKP-MHP alliance move

Feb 23 2018
Hurriyet Daily News

The main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP) has submitted a draft bill to abolish the 10-percent election threshold as a reaction to ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) and Nationalist Movement Party’s (MHP) joint legislation move for election alliances.

“All discussions on alliances indicate that in order to ensure a right system of representation in parliament the electoral threshold should be abolished immediately,” read the draft bill submitted to the Parliamentary Speaker’s Office on Feb. 23.

Turkish opposition sounds alarm over proposed voting law changes

Feb 22 2018
Reuters UK

Turkey’s opposition said on Thursday new electoral regulations proposed by President Tayyip Erdogan’s ruling party and its nationalist allies could open the door to fraud and jeopardise the fairness of 2019 elections.

Under a draft law submitted to parliament on Wednesday, security force members will be allowed into polling stations when invited by a voter, a measure the government says will stamp out intimidation by the outlawed Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) in the mainly Kurdish southeast.

El grupo de antiguos detenidos retirará a sus miembros del Gobierno

Feb 22 2018
Europa Press

El líder del grupo de antiguos detenidos de Sudán del Sur, Majak D'Agoot, ha afirmado este miércoles que retirarán a los miembros de la coalición de gobierno en caso de que la próxima ronda de conversaciones de paz no den resultados.

Entre los miembros del grupo de antiguos detenidos figuran los ministros de Exteriores y Transportes, Deng Alor Kuol y John Luk Jok,respectivamente, así como el parlamentario Madut Biar Yel.

Listes candidates aux municipales

Feb 22 2018
Huffpost Maghreb

Alors que jeudi à 18H se termine le dépôt des listes candidates aux élections municipales, l'Instance Supérieure Indépendante des Élections (ISIE) a publié mercredi soir le nombre de listes partisanes déposées et donc candidate aux municipales.

Selon l'ISIE, Ennahda et Nidaa tounes arrivent en tête mercredi soir avec 318 listes présentées sur 350 municipalités. Loin derrière arrivent le Front Populaire avec 49 listes candidates, suivi du Courant démocrate avec 40 listes déposées et Machrou' Tounes avec 36 listes.

Cherche candidats désespérément

Feb 22 2018
La Presse de Tunisie

Sans se hasarder à se prononcer sur les chances des différentes listes, les sondages sont interdits depuis le 15 février, on risque d’avoir un bon nombre de conseillers municipaux alliant incurie et incompétence, portés, certes, par les urnes, mais incapables d’assumer leur rôle d’acteurs principaux de la démocratie locale. Des élus sans envie d’agir pour leur commune, parce que dépourvus du sens du devoir et d’une réelle volonté de servir les citoyens. Pourtant, ces élections ne se limitent pas à de simples enjeux locaux comme le ramassage des ordures ou encore la taxe municipale.
