Despite the buzz created by his high-pitched voice, Prime MinisterRecep Tayyip Erdoğan took the stage again during a rally in the southeastern province of Diyarbakırfor another electoral address March 27.
A few hours earlier, the Turkish public was surprised to hear him speak as never heard before during campaigning in Van. The punishing nature of his campaign has apparently taken a toll on Erdoğan’s ability to speak, forcing him to deliver his hard-hitting message in an unbefitting, falsetto voice.
Erdoğan has conducted two or three rallies each day since the kick-off of the electoral campaign at the beginning of the month. Close collaborators quickly said the state of Erdoğan’s voice reflected the fatigue on the home stretch ahead of the March 30 polls.
“I apologize because of my voice. But I could have not cancel Van, I could not cancel Diyarbakır. I had to come regardless,” Erdoğan said at the beginning of his speech.
Erdoğan is expected to make one of the last important stops of his campaign inDiyarbakır later on March 27.
During his speech, Erdoğan criticized the Peace and Democracy Party (BDP), which holds the municipality in the city, urging electors to vote for his ruling Justice and development Party (AKP).
“What can you do with 30 lawmakers? What is there in Van done by the BDP?” he said, adding that the AKP has built “hospitals, universities and residential buildings.”
“What is the mindset which sends these young people to the mountains [to fight]? Can it speak about peace? About democracy and brotherhood? We are Turkey’s party,” Erdoğan said.