
HRW: Counter-terrorism shouldn't come at the cost of human rights in Tunisia

Apr 11 2015
Tunisia Live

Human Rights Watch (HRW) released a report on Wednesday criticizing a new counter-terrorism bill being discussed by Tunisian lawmakers. Counter-terrorism legislation was under review at the time of the attack last month at the Bardo Museum, and the draft in question was produced about a week after the incident.

Abdullah Speaks Out Against Ghani's Approach to Electoral Reform

Apr 11 2015

Chief Executive Abdullah Abdullah has spoken out against President Ashraf Ghani's approach to electoral reform, calling the commission he formed last month a violation of the national unity government agreement.

The Chief Executive's office on Saturday said that the work of the electoral reform commission will not start until the commission is formed according to the political agreement made during the creation of the national unity government.

14 Morsi loyalists, including Brotherhood leaders, sentenced to death

Apr 11 2015
Ahram Online

Fourteen men, including Muslim Brotherhood leaders, were sentenced to death on Saturday, for setting up an "operation room" at the protest camp that supported ousted president Mohamed Morsi in Cairo's Rabaa Al-Adawiya area in the summer of 2013, among other charges.

Brotherhood supreme guide Mohamed Badie, the son of leading member and businessman Hassan Malek, Omar, as well as leading member Saad El-Hoseiny are among those who received the capital punishment.

Former Brotherhood spokesperson Mahmoud Ghozlan and leading member Saad Emara were sentenced to death in absentia.

Parties and government exchange fire over Egypt's parliamentary elections

Apr 11 2015
Ahram Online

A government-appointed committee in charge of amending two laws necessary to pave the way for Egypt's long-delayed parliamentary elections is to meet on Sunday, minister of state for parliamentary affairs and transitional justice IbrahimEl-Heneidy told reporters on Saturday.

 According to El-Heneidy, the meeting will be the first after prime-minister Ibrahim Mahlab held three "national dialogue" hearings with representatives of Egypt's mainstream political parties between 2 and 9 April.

Main opposition CHP starts election campaign with Istanbul rally

Apr 11 2015
Hürriyet Daily News

The main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP) officially launched its campaign for the June 7 general elections on April 11, holding its first rally in Istanbul.

Speaking at the rally, CHP leader Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu said his party is ready to solve all the problems Turkey is facing.

“The people are tired, the people had enough,” Kılıçdaroğlu told thousands of CHP supporters who gathered in the Kartal district on the Anatolian side for the “We applaud as a nation” rally.

Afghan parliamentary polls postponed amid political wrangling

Apr 10 2015
The Express Tribune

ISLAMABAD: Afghanistan’s unity government has postponed parliamentary elections for at least one year as political wrangling continues in the country at a time when the Taliban have stepped up their attacks. Taliban claimed responsibility for a series of attacks in recent days ; the deadliest in Mazar-e-Sharif on the office of the attorney general which killed 10 and injured dozens of people.

New survey reveals Tunisian opinión on terrorism, politicians and future of the country

Apr 10 2015
Tunisia Live

New figures from EMRHOD Consulting shed light on the opinions of Tunisians, including a survey showing that about 70 percent of Tunisians feel that the threat of terrorism is too high.

The data comes out just a few weeks after the attack at Tunis’ Bardo Museum, which yielded one of the worst civilian death tolls of any incident in Tunisia’s modern history. The 69.8 percent of people who believe that the threat of terrorism is “too large” is the highest rate since September 2014, when threats loomed in the days before elections.

Quel avenir pour le mouvement Barakat ?

Apr 10 2015
El Watan

Dès l’annonce, le 22 février 2014, par le Premier ministre, Abdelmalek Sellal, d’une nouvelle candidature de Abdelaziz Bouteflika, un mouvement citoyen, Barakat, s’est imposé sur la scène politique, faisant opposition au 4e mandat du président. «Barakat est un mouvement citoyen qui s’est créé spontanément. Nous avons essayé de faire barrage à ce 4e mandat.

Sudanese opposition leaders Abu Eisa, Madani, and El Agar released

Apr 09 2015
Dabanga Sudan

Faroug Abu Eisa, head of the National Consensus Forces (NCF, a coalition of opposition parties), Dr Amin Mekki Madani, chairman of the Civil Society Initiative, and Farah El Agar, legal consultant of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North (SPLM-N), were released today.

The three opposition leaders were detained in Khartoum on 6 December, after their return from Addis Ababa, where Abu Eisa and Madani had signed the Sudan Appeal, a political communiqué calling fro regime-change, together with the National Umma Party and the Sudan Revolutionary Front rebel alliance.

Egypt PM denies government interference in upcoming election

Apr 09 2015
Ahram Online

Prime Minister Ibrahim Mahlab has rejected claims the state is promoting candidates or groups ahead of the upcoming parliamentary election.

"The government swore an oath not to talk to anyone about the election and hasn't asked anyone to nominate themselves or backed anyone, this is a definitive decision," he said in comments reported by state news agency MENA.

Sudanese opposition step up anti-election campaign

Apr 09 2015
Dabanga Sudan

The mainstream Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM-AW) and the Sudanese congress Party are calling on the Sudanese to “stand up and topple the Khartoum regime”. The displaced and refugees of Blue Nile state have announced their boycott of the election.

In a statement on Wednesday, the leader of the SLM-AW, Abdel Wahid El Nur, appealed to “all Sudanese, of all military, political, and civil sectors, to join the Oust! campaign, and stage an uprising to prevent the re-election of criminal Omar Al Bashir”.

As April 22nd deadline to form coalition approaches, Netanyahu still with no deal

Apr 08 2015
Jerusalem Post
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met with Shas leader Arye Deri Tuesday night and marathon coalition talks will take place next week, in an effort to complete the process of forming a new government by the initial April 22 deadline.

The four-week mandate Netanyahu received from President Reuven Rivlin to form a government passed its halfway point Wednesday night. His associates said he is close to a deal with Shas and United Torah Judaism.

Anti-election campaign scares population of South Kordofan

Apr 08 2015
Dabanga Sudan

The Commissioner of Rashad locality in South Kordofan has accused anti-election campaigners of terrifying the population. The election, scheduled to take place between 13 and 15 April, has been postponed in seven of the war-torn region’s electoral districts for security reasons.

Thousands of newly displaced from El Abbasiya Tagali are living in the open along El Abbasiya road leading to Um Rawaba in the north. The majority of the people who fled fighting in Habila more than a week ago, reportedly returned to their homes.
