
SPLM-N announce deal to negotiate framework agreement as Sudan says rebels wasting time

Apr 28 2014
Sudan Tribune

The Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North (SPLM-N) announced that they have agreed to negotiate a framework agreement with the Sudanese government, while the latter described the move negatively as “a return to zero point”.

The two parties resumed peace talks on 22 April aimed at ending the nearly three-year conflict in Blue Nile and South Kordofan states. The African Union (AU) mediation team previously suspended the process after the SPLM-N rejected its draft framework agreement, sticking to a previous one signed on 28 June 2011.

Al-Sisi Urges Large Voter Turnout in Egypt’s Elections While Islamists Call for Boycott

Apr 27 2014

Egyptian presidential candidate and former army chief Abdul Fattah al-Sisi asked Egyptians to vote in "unprecedented numbers for the sake of Egypt" in next month's election, which the ex-general is expected to win, even as Islamists called for a boycott.

Egyptian presidential candidate and former army chief Abdul Fattah al-Sisi on Sunday called for a large turnout in next month’s presidential election even as Islamists called for a boycott.

Al-Sisi asked voters to come to the poll in “unprecedented numbers for the sake of Egypt,” Reuters reports.

Ettahrir pourrait boycotter les prochaines élections

Apr 27 2014
Radio Mosaique

Le parti Ettahrir a indiqué via son porte-parole, Ridha Belhaj lors d’un meeting populaire à Béja qu’il n’exclut pas la possibilité de boycotter les prochaines élections. 

Ridha Belhaj a ajouté que si son parti décide de participer au scrutin, ce sera pour la reddition des comptes et non pour la conquête du pouvoir.



Egypt's PEC announces presidential candidates, election details

Apr 27 2014
Ahram Online Egypt

Hamdeen Sabahi and Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi are Egypt's final contenders for the 2014 presidential race, the Presidential Election Commission's (PEC) spokesman Abdel-Aziz Salman said in a press conference on Sunday.

PEC – the judicial body supervising the polls – has examined the documents of both contenders and concluded that both candidates meet the eligibility requirements set by the commission, Salman said.

Egypt's elections will be held on 26 and 27 May.

Syria bars 'unofficial refugees' from voting in presidential election

Apr 27 2014
The Telegraph

Syrians who fled their war-torn country via unofficial crossings will be barred from voting in next month's presidential elections, the country's electoral commission chief said on Monday.

"Syrians who left Syria illegally do not have the right to vote in host countries," Hisham Shaar was quoted as saying by pro-regime newspaper Al-Watan on Monday.

D'anciens cadres du FFS et du FIS lancent l’ « Alliance Nationale pour le Changement»

Apr 27 2014
El Watan

«... seul un rassemblement de toutes les forces patriotiques, au-delà des clivages idéologiques ou partisans, créera dans notre pays le nouveau rapport de forces qui amènera le changement ».

« Alliance Nationale pour le Changement (ANC)», est le nouveau né de la scène politique algérienne. L’ANC « est un espace de consultation, de concertation et de coordination pour une action commune qui œuvre pour l’édification de l’État de droit », ont annoncé ses fondateurs dans un appel rendu public ce dimanche.

El Oued : Makri appelle le pouvoir à ne pas penser à disperser l’opposition politique

Apr 27 2014
El Watan

Le président du Mouvement de la société pour la paix (MSP), Abderazzak Makri, a déclaré, lors d’une conférence de presse tenue hier, au siège de son parti à El Oued, que l’Algérie passe par une situation difficile qui constitue un véritable danger pour notre pays (aux niveaux politique et économique) de corruption et en matière de liberté de la presse.

Sudan’s NUP SG vows to fight rapprochement with NCP

Apr 27 2014
Sudan Tribune

The secretary-general of the opposition National Umma Party (NUP), Ibrahim al-Amin, has acknowledged the existence of differences among party members, with some supporting engagement in national dialogue with the government, while others are calling for the regime to be overthrown.

Al-Amin, who spoke at a press conference on Sunday, underscored that his party’s first option is to mobilise the street in order to overthrow the regime, saying Sudan has become a “failed state”.

Tizi Ouzou : des milliers de personnes marchent pour « l’autodétermination du peuple kabyle »

Apr 27 2014
Tout sur l'Algérie

Des milliers de personnes ont entamé, ce dimanche 27 avril à 10h50, une marche à Tizi Ouzou pour « l’autodétermination du peuple kabyle » à l’appel du MAK, a-t-on constaté sur place.

Les marcheurs, dont des militants du Mouvement pour l’autodétermination de la Kabylie (MAK), scandent « Kabylie, Kabylie autonome). Sur la seule banderole brandie par les manifestants, il est inscrit : « pour l’autodétermination du peuple kabyle ».

La marche a démarré de l’université et se dirige vers le centre-ville, en l’absence de la police.

Abdelmalek Sellal sera reconduit à la tête du gouvernement

Apr 27 2014
Tout sur l'Algérie

Abdelmalek Sellal reprendra son poste de Premier ministre, après l’avoir laissé temporairement à Youcef Yousfi, a appris TSA d’une source bien informée : « C’est sûr, Abdelmalek Sellal sera reconduit comme Premier ministre », affirme notre source. La reconduction de M. Sellal pourrait intervenir très rapidement.

Rached Ghannouchi refuse la démission de Jebali

Apr 27 2014
Radio Mosaique

Fathi Ayadi, Président du Conseil de la Choura du Mouvement Ennahdha, a assuré sur nos ondes que son mouvement tient toujours à Hamadi Jebali en tant que secrétaire général. Il a aussi précisé que Rached Ghannouchi n'a pas accepté la démission de Jebali.

Ayadi a ajouté que les négociations sont toujours en cours pour désigner le candidat du mouvement Ennahdha aux prochaines élections présidentielles. 


Final Results To Determine Runoff: Abdullah

Apr 27 2014
Tolo News

In a press conference held in Kabul on Sunday, leading candidate Abdullah Abdullah said that he is victorious after the release of preliminary results.  However, Abdullah did not comment about the possibility of a runoff, but stressed that he will make a remark about a second round after the announcement of final results. 

During his press conference he criticized the election commissions and their lack of responsibility that paved the way for coordinated riggings. 

Le FNDU pourrait reprendre le dialogue

Apr 27 2014

Le Forum National pour la Démocratie et  l’Unité (FNDU), un collectif de 17 partis politiques, plusieurs dizaines d’organisations de la société civile,  centrales syndicales et personnalités indépendantes « reste ouvert à un dialogue politique  sérieux  et attend un signal de décrispation en vue de poursuivre la concertation avec le pouvoir » a déclaré son président, Cheikh Sid’Ahmed Ould Babamine,  dimanche  au cours d’une conférence de presse.

Votes From 15 Polling Sites Invalid In Helmand

Apr 27 2014
Tolo News


Officials of Helmand provincial Electoral Complaints Commission (ECC) declared on Sunday that votes from 15 polling sites have been invalidated.

“Votes from 15 polling sites were voided,” Helmand ECC head, Ali Khil said. “Votes for provincial council from 10 of the 15 sites were invalid and votes for presidential candidates from five sites were voided as well.”

Khil said the total number of votes from the 15 polling sites consists of 7,000 votes.

KPU postpones release of overseas vote recapitulation results

Apr 27 2014
The Jakarta Post

The General Elections Commission (KPU) has delayed the legalization of vote recapitulation results from 130 Overseas Election Committees (PPLNs) as D1 forms from 10 PPLNs have yet to arrive in Indonesia, a commissioner has said.

“As many as 130 PPLNs have completed the recapitulation of votes; however, original D1 forms from 10 PPLNs have not yet arrived at KPU headquarters,” KPU commissioner Ferry Kurnia Rizkiyansyah said on the sidelines of an open plenary meeting of a vote recapitulation in Jakarta on Sunday, as quoted by Antara news agency.

Prabowo would be hardest hit by new party coalition: consultant

Apr 27 2014
The Jakarta Post

A political consultant has warned that the Gerindra Party’s presidential hopeful Prabowo Subianto will suffer the most if a group of political parties that managed to gain less than 10 percent of the vote form another coalition.

Yunarto Wijaya of Charta Politika said currently there were three larger parties that were likely to form coalitions with middle-sized parties. They are the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P), Gerindra and the Golkar Party, the top-three parties according to quick-count surveys.
